Chapter 28

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Elisha's POV:

"Ouch!" I yelped, feeling a pillow land on my sleepy head then bounce off onto the ground.

"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTY!" Brielle peeled the hotel curtains open, letting the mild rays of sunlight penetrate through. "YOU CAN BUY ALL THE LUXURIES OF LIFE BUT  YOU CAN'T BUY TIME!"

Throwing herself onto my fragile body, she yanked the bed covers away then proceeded to slide my eyelids open with her fingers. "You have visitors." She whispered with a grin.

"Go back to your room Brielle." I groaned, feeling every kilogram of the female's weight. "Im surviving on 4 hours of sleep so the least you can do is come back later in the afternoon."

It was probably 8 o'clock in the morning and we'd just landed in New York a couple of hours ago. Saying I was tired would be an understatement, my body was fatigued beyond repair.

Blindly scrambling for the bed covers with my eyes sealed tight, I could hear loud chattering and the clickinging of heels against the wooden floor, entering my room and pacing up and down. 

"Brielle, what is going on." I croaked, reluctantly opening my groggy eyes and being stared at by a pair of forest green ones.

Wiping away the sleep to clear my vision, I noticed a slim female with long, golden blonde hair and pale skin. Her lips were painted berry pink and she wore a diamond necklace that blinded eyes.

"Are you going to continue sleeping like a sleepy pig or are you going to wake up and do something with your life." Her thick Russian accent was distinctly audible.


"Who are you?" I asked, half of my brain still on snooze mode as I gripped the bed covers and buried myself underneath.

"I am the madam Guzal Krusheveska," She maliciously pulled the covers off again, my body instantly shivering. "The best designer in the whole of Europe and Northern Asia. I would love to tell you my lifestory but unfortunately, time isn't on our side. I have to make you look decent for the A.W.B.S.S Awards."

She clapped her hands and two of her worker who replicated each other, grabbed my feet then arms and lifted me off the cozy bed and onto my two weary feet.

"You have exactly one hour, forty- five minutes and three seconds to eat breakfast then we'll get started." Taking my hand, she shook her head in disapproval as she inspected my chipped nailpolish." Tsk tsk tsk...we need to fix that, immediately!"

"But the red carpet starts at 6 in the afternoon and the awards start at 8 during the night. What's the hurry." I complained, not seeing the necessity.

"What's the hurry?" She flung her sunglasses off, "My sweety pie, there's plenty to do: braiding your hair, putting on your dress, deciding on jewellery, makeup, shaping your eyebrows, whitening your teeth, nails, scrubbing, washing, much!"

"Waxing!" I exclaimed at the horrifying word, "There won't be any waxing taking place."

"Relax Elisha." Brielle appeared out of nowhere, pushing a rack of dresses. "Miss Guzal is a professional. She's prepared me for many special occasions and has never disappointed. Trust me."

Taking an apple out of a fruit bowl, she pointed her thumbs up and exited the room. Abandoning me with a crew of unfamiliar faces and an overly blunt international designer. Great.

10 Hours later ( 6pm) ...

Someone please help me, I cried internally, feeling Guzal Krusheveska pull the corset even tighter, most definitely fracturing a rib.

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