Chapter 47

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Elisha's POV:

"A FEW MORE PUSHES MA'AM! CONTINUE PUSHING!" The doctor's  voice sounded so faint and airy as I tried following his instructions.

Everything was moving in slow motion but I could feel every pain my body was experiencing. It felt like I was getting ripped to shreds, like my body was on fire.

The hospital walls were hovering and swaying due to the salty, tears of pain that blurred my vision.

There was this pressure, great pressure, on my lower stomach, pulling me down. And I knew, from that moment that the twins were on their way.

The small room was now overcrowded with doctors, Bennet, nurses and an OB tech. No longer was my mom beside me, telling me that everything was going to be okay, reminding me to breath.

"Ohhhh......It hurts!" I cried as I adjusted myself and squeezed Ben's  hand.

I was in immense, throbbing pain. Head pushed back in discomfort, gritted teeth, trembling hands and my back arched as I gave one, last, final push.

"Come on Chubs." Ben tried to console  but my body was tense and defeated, my face wet from all the perspiration. "One more big push. You can do this."

"I can't! I really can't!" I sobbed though I knew it wasn't going to better the situation.

I had to continue pushing. That was the only solution or I was going to be stuck in labour for another 4 hours.

"I can feel her, she's so low!"

"Good!" The doctor encouraged. "Now I'm gonna need you to take one deep breath and give me a really good push, ok?"

I couldn't reply, simply nodded as much as possible, hoping he'd get the message.

The doctor was quick to react. Slightly bending his knees, he took his hand and place it in the space between my bump and opening.  "Ok. On three I need you to give me your best push. Got it?"

"Got it." I swallowed hard, face paled.


Before he got to three, I accepted my fate and gave a hard push. You could hear my screams bounce off the dull, hospital walls and echoe throughout the hallway.

"A few more centimetres!" The doctor announced, "Keep pushing!"

I took another deep breath and let out another deafening  scream.

"There she is."

And right on queue, I felt a slimy body slightly press on my leg, followed by an innocent cry.

"Fudge! That's a real baby." Bennet's eyes enlarged at the sight, colour draining out of his face.

He looked like he was about to pass out from shock.

As soon as possible, the nurse wrapped her in lightweight clothing and wiped her clean, starting with her back.

She was still crying and it took everything in me to not stand up and craddle her in my arms.

All the pain, violent contractions, hours of breathing and ring of fire was worth my beautiful baby.

"Do you want to hold her?" The nurse asked Bennet who was still in a state of shock.

"Can I?" He panicked, unsure of what to do.

All the information he had learnt from the pregnancy classes went down the drain. It was as if he knew nothing about labour and babies.

The kind nurse carefully guided him on what to do and gently placed the baby in his arms. Almost like a natural father instinct, he brought our daughter closer to his chest and cradled her side to side, tears shimmering in his eyes as he admired her.

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