Chapter 6

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Elisha's POV:

"Honey, Im home." My voice echoed throughout the empty house that was as big as a museum.

"Anyone home?" I repeated, this time being greeted by silence and the sound of birds chirping from outside.

"Maybe he's not back yet." I shrugged, referring to my husband.
"No wonder the house is still in one piece." I thought.

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband very much but he really needs to work on his cleaning skills. He has a tendency of leaving his t-shirts on the floor and if not that, it's abandoning a dirty plate on the kitchen counter. Its one issue we constantly bicker about, almost as much as taking out the trash.

Walking into the spacious kitchen, I plunked the grocery bags on the counter and proceeded to head up to my bedroom, dreading the flight of stairs ahead. It was moments like this that I wish we had bought a small house or installed an elevator.

"Are you kidding me?" I moaned as I took the first two steps, already feeling a burn on my legs." This house is an obstacle course. "

After a few moments of deliberation and intensive thinking , I decided to spread my worn out body on the steps and regain some form of energy to carry on this mountain I'll be climbing.

"Let me get these off too." I added and kicked off the platforms which pained my feet.

Today had definitely been a long and exhausting day. Every part of my body ached as I did the slightest of movement. All I wanted to do was take a long, hot bath then crawl into my cozy bed and fall into a deep slumber. But then I remembered that there was a family gathering I had to host. Great.

"Can't they come tomorrow?"

I groaned as I buried my face in my palms; already seeing the large number of people about to fill the house.

My family is one of the most vital things in my life but they can be a lot to handle sometimes, especially when my mother and father in-law are in one room. I remember when we first had a family dinner, Mr Choi gave me a freakishly realistic human baby doll and said it would be great practice for when we have an actual child. That night, Ben and I barely slept because of its deafening and screeching cry.

"Okay Elisha... you can do this." Encouraging myself, I pushed my body up and shuffled up the stairs.

At last, I finally reached my room and tossed myself on the king size bed which had been patiently waiting for me.  My powerless body sank into the hard mattress as my feet dangled at the edge. Fatigued had overpowered me to the point where I couldn't gather the strength to change out of my work clothes.

"Dear Heavenly Father, "I started praying, like I always did when I came back home. "Thank you so much for breathing air into my lungs and for keeping me safe from the dangers of this cruel world. As you know, my ex, Samuel Valentino, is now my boss and colleague and I can sense that he is dealing with a lot of sadness in his life. Ever since childhood, he has always been closed off about his feelings and the struggles he is facing. He never lets anyone in because he is scared of getting hurt. Please Lord God, may you help him in this tough season he's in. I believe that you're the God of all and you can do anything and remove anything if it's in Your will. So please Jesus, may you remove this emotional burden he is carrying by himself. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen."


Someone repeated after me which caused my heart to skip a beat from fright. Grabbing the nearest pillow as a potential weapon, I turned to where the voice came from.

"Bear?" I reluctantly put down the pillow, "H-How long have you been standing there."

"Not very long." He responded, leaning against the door frame with his bag over his shoulders.

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