Chapter 17

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Ben's POV:

It was the first football game of the season. A storm was rolling in and the sun was setting, but for the Philadelphia Eagles ,the day had just begun. They were annihilating us with a 15 point lead, making us look like amateurs who had no clue what they were doing.

A sea of navy and white, and black and turquoise smormed into the locker rooms. The men in white and navy dreading the lecture ahead from coach.

"You guys never seem to amaze me!" Coach chuckled to himself, supressing the anger that was brewing inside of him. " After 6 hours of training everyday, 24/7, you decide to play like the three blind mice !"

I hung my head low as I could feel everyone glaring coldly at me, it was obvious that I was the cause of our losing.

"Bennet what the freak are you doing on that field?" He finally decided to to draw the attention on me, "Should I call a cheerleader to replace you because that's the option I'm leaning to at the moment."

He widened his eyes, expecting an answer for his rhetorical question.

"No sir." I murmured.

"Then get your head in the game and play some real football! Understood?" His voice lacked no aggression as he gawked his relentless eyes at me.

"Yes coach." I could only say.

"Can y'all stop having a princess tea party on the field and actually play." He adjusted his navy cap and wiped the beads of sweat that formed on his forehead.

"Yes sir!" Everyones said together.

"Now strap your boots and go show me what you're made of." Coach encouraged as everyone stood up for a huddle.

"Cowboys on"

"Cowboys!" Hands went up flying and you could feel the mood in the room uplift again.

Everyone's eyes burnt with drive and determination. You could see how desperate they were for this championship.

"Bennet!" Coach pulled me by the shoulder to the side as everyone went out, "You might not see the need to go to the NFC championships but there are plenty of guys on the team who have sacrificed everything to get that title."

"Don't ruin that dream for them." He said in his country accent and left.

At this moment, all I wanted to do was pray and hand everything over to the Almighty. The pressure I was feeling was overwhelming and taking a toll on me for the worst.

Unfortunately though, I couldn't bring myself to go on my knees and pray to the Name above all names when I had done such an unforgettable sin. How was I going to enter His holy and pure presence when I was even dirtier than a swine.

I didn't deserve Elisha's forgiveness and I definitely didn't deserve the Lords. I was a sinner, belonging in complete darkness away from the light.

"Ben can I please talk to you." Gemma appeared out of nowhere, pulling me towards a corner in a rush.

"No Gemma!" I shoved her away, "I have a match to get to."

Picking up my helmet and wearing my gumguard, I walked to the exit door before I felt two hands yanked me back.

"Why are you acting as if I'm the bad guy? Didn't we both do wrong?" The brunnet raised her voice in agitation.

"Yes, we did but you tempted me."

"And you went with the flow." She reasoned, "I never pointed a gun at you and told you to cheat on Elisha."

"Stop saying her name like she's an ordinary girl, she's my wife."

"That wasn't the case when you were with me."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, like bullets penetrating through my body. Gemma was right about everything but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing it. They say the truth hurts and I was experiencing that first-hand.

"Are you done?" I challenged, getting tired of this conversation. "If you have nothing better to say then I guess I'll get going."

"Fine, Im sorry. " Gemma apologised, "If you want to act like it didn't happen then be my guest. I will not tell a single soul."

She zipped her lips and acted like she was throwing away a key.

Funny how she found humour in such a serious scenario.

"Secrets always have a way of revealing themselves." I stated, feeling offended that she would even consider me keeping this thing a secret, "Whether I like it or not, I'm gonna have to tell Elisha about this whole mess. She deserves to know the truth."

"Before you tell her anything, I have something to tell you and you're not going to like it."

A vicious but sly smile formed on Gemma's face as she started opening up the brown envelope in her hands.

"Honestly speaking, I want nothing to do with you so I couldn't care less about the news."

I knew Gemma and this was one of her evil schemes. She was the type of person to go above and beyond to get what she wanted, even if it meant hurting others.

"Even if its concerning Elisha?" She raised a brow.

"What did you do to her." My over protective instincts started to take over at the mention of her name.

"Like it or not she's done something you."

Slowly pulling out the contents in the envelope, her piercing eyes never left mine. You could tell she was enjoying each and every moment.

"As they say a picture is worth a thousand words." She handed over three pictures of a random couple hugging on top the roof of a building.

"What's this." I inquired, perplexed as to what its got to do with me.

"It seems like Samuel is getting a little too comfortable with you outside the picture...if you know what I mean."

No, I didn't know what she meant.

Taking a more detailed look at the picture, my mouth dried up at what I was seeing. Standing on top of the room was Elisha and a random guy, probably Samuel, cuddled up with love emojis flying out their eyes.

"Elisha would never do such a thing?" I gulped, "Elisha is not that type of person."

"You said you would never cheat on her but look at you now. You see, in this word you can never trust people's words. They are just empty and meaningless vessels."

"How do I know that these pictures aren't photoshoped." I contradicted, refusing to believe anything for the sake of my mental well-being. "Technology is getting crazier each and everyday. There are AIs that make it hard to differentiate reality from fiction. So what if you're lying?"

"Check them for yourself then." The brunnet shrugged her shoulder with a grin in amusement, " I don't want to say more because I think you should just talk to her."

Taking the brown envelope from the bench, she pulled down her dress and strutted out the room with her D'Orsay pump heels.

"There are more pictures by the way but I didn't want to cause too much drama." She winked and flipped her hair in triumph.

She knew she had gotten into my head and I let her.

If the news about Elisha are true, I don't think I'll ever be the same again. If she did cheat on me with Samuel, there would be no going back to the old Ben. If she cheated on me... words won't be able to describe the animal I will turn into.


Hello beautiful people ✝️

What is going on? How did things take such a drastic turn from chapter 1 to chapter 17. As the author, I can't help but find myself screaming at Bennet and how manipulated he could be. Like bro...can't he see through Gemma's nonsense.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and even follow me if you're feeling generous.


*Remember Jesus loves you and so do I.❤

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