Chapter 41

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Elisha's POV

"Welcome to my office." Harry leaned back on the couch, intertwining his hands and putting them behind his big head.

"Are we in trouble?" Ben questioned, just as confused as I was.

"No. I am in need of your help."

He continued speaking but whatever gibberish he was saying went in one ear and came out the next. I would pick up some words here and there but all in all, I wasn't listening. I couldn't.

My eyes were blinded by the dim lights. I was cold. I wanted to go back to sleep and it was 3am in the morning.

Wrapping a thin blanket even tighter around my shivering body, I kept glancing at the wall clock, wondering when Harry was going to take his leave.

"What do you want?" I spoke in a groggy voice, cutting his rambling off.

I was sleep deprived and missing the comfort of my bed. Who decides to call people at 3am in the morning either way, and instructs them to come to his room? Harry, that's who.

He wore an annoying smirk that irritated me even more. "Look who woke up on the wrong side of bed." He teased.

"Some people cause happiness wherever they go; others like you, whenever they go. So make it snappy princess."

He pouted but quickly resumed to his unbothered attitude "Rude! But I forgive you."

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculousness.

"Today is the day that I have finally mustered some courage and so, I'll be asking Brielle to be my girlfriend. As in now actually."

"Took you long enough!" Ben cheered, patting his back a little too hard for comfort.

Harry rolled his eyes before continuing, "With that said, I'm going to need some help with decorating and making sure the plan runs smoothly. Are you in?"

His eyes bounced from Ben to I then back to Ben, silently waiting for an approval.

"Why couldn't you ask her earlier on during the day?" I queried.

"That is too plain, basic and boring. Plus, the Moalian stars are a beauty at night or just at the approach of dawn."

"The sun is a beautiful star too. Couldn't you ask her underneath it."

His eyes dramatically widened as if what I said was a complete abomination to his ears.

"No." He shook his head and simply said.

"Now, assuming that you're both going to help me. This is what I need from you."

Shifting into a new, comfortable position, he leaned forward and clasped his hands tightly together. They would only separate once he was elaborating on the plan and using hand gestures, pointing and making sure that everyone was on board.

A solid twenty minutes went by with us just listening and grasping information. The sleep that was once in me was completely drained out as I listened attentively.

"And that is that." Harry concluded, "So does everyone understand the action plan?"

Ben and I nodded.

"Then let's get things started."

And with that, operation 'Help Harry' was a go.

Walking down the hotel lobby with a set of jingling keys in my hand, I headed to the elevators across the room. Abedi had trusted with the set so losing them was definitely not an option.

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