Chapter 35

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Bennet's POV:

Slowly disappearing into the snow, buried by silence, Mrs Bedford and I walked down the white-covered sidewalk with a vaccum of space between us.

Now and then, you could hear the Canada Jay bird chirping, heading to its nest for cover as a snow storm was approaching. But besides that, a tension-filled silence enveloped us.

It was clear she had a tiff with me, it was written all over her face. From the way she fixed her head down to the no longer naked ground and shaking it every now and then to releasing a cold sigh as she stopped on her tracks.

"Let's not beat around the bush, shall we." Her voice was entirely too calm for my liking, "When you asked for Elisha's hand in marriage, there was only one thing I asked from you. Do you remember that simple instruction?" Her hands rested behind her back as she turned to me with an intimidating face.

Two unbearable heartbeats.

I could feel myself shrinking under her cold, hard gaze. Not sure if it was her presence or the icy climate but a shiver run down from the top to the bottom of my spine. Her expression, stoic and infectionless, making me think thrice of my answer.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek. "I remember."

"Then what was it?" She questioned, her warm breath hitting the cold air and producing tiny puffs of smoke.

"To forever love and be faithful to her." I replied, lowering my head in fear of the next question.

Though she seemed tranquil, her interrogations were anything but that. She was throwing grenades left, right and centre, watching me scramble for shelter.

"And did you fulfill my wishes?" Her brows quirked up as she titled her head, drumming her fingers at the sides.

I'd give anything to be able to say no but I couldn't lie, not to her.

"No." My reply was barely audible.

"And why's that?"

I become silent, unable to respond. Mrs Bedford, on the contrary, gawked her eyes out, giving me a we can stay here the whole day stare.

I didn't need a mirror to know that my face was pale and ashy with dry lips begging for treatment.

"I don't know." Was all I managed to say before resuming to my remote state.

"Huh." The middle aged woman scoffed, inserting her hands in her pockets, "I don't know, he says. What do you mean by you don't know?"

Snow flakes flustered from the grey sky and settled on our clothing, "Elisha has a big heart that many take advantage of, including you." She started, her neck remaining rigid as he face became expressionless and unsmiling.

If I wasn't nervous before, I sure was now.

"My daughter gives and gives to the point where she has nothing left for herself. She forgives and forgives to the point where people do her wrong on purpose because they don't value her forgiving spirit. She cares for everyone, good or bad, and this ends up hurting her because she becomes invested in everyone's life. And lastly, she puts everyone before her, even if they would never do the same back."

Standing there in shame like a kid caught stealing sugar, I stared at my own boots, avoiding her eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to look at her, not after what I did to her daughter.

"I entrusted you with her delicate heart!" Her tone raised a little, "and you disappointed me. I thought you were one of the good guys but as always, a wolf cannot forever pretend to be a sheep. It will strike at some point."

Instinctively, I pulled my head up. "I didn't mean to inflict pain upon her." Desperation surged in my tight voice.

"But you did." She replied, "And what's done is done. You cannot reverse your actions. You can only suffer the consequences."


That was something I was ready to take on head first, no matter the day or time.

No matter how hard times were going to be, I was going to stay strong. No matter the backlash or punishment that was heading my way, I was going to be there, rolling with the punches.

It was the least I could do.

"But I'm not here to stand in the way of your happiness," Mrs Bedford continued," that I shall never do. My daughter loves you and will walk through fire and rain for you. What I'm saying is please do the same for her. The same amount of love she shows you, please reciprocate it. "

Her tone and register changed as if she had a different mindest or outlook on things.

"And if you have a change of heart one day and no longer love her, please don't break her heart. Just bring her back to me. She is the most precious thing I have so if you can't handle her with care just return her home to my arms."

"That's not gonna happen ma'am..." I vigorously shook my head

"I know but still...I have to tell you." Fanning her watery eyes, she sniffed the tears away. "Her face is all over social media for mostly good but there is also the bad. Don't allow people to take away her shine. Please protect her from evil. Before you become a great sportsman who's won many trophies and titles be know as a man of God, a great husband and a loving father. Do not abandon those three important badges of honour that most men will do anything for."

"Yes ma'am." I agreed, feeling the wave of tension wash away from my body.

"Now bring it in." She instructed, opening her arms for a hug.

Her embrace was warm and motherly, a characteristic that radiated involuntary from her.

"The next time you do anything stupid," She spoke coolly, "I won't be just bark and no bite. I will not hesitate to take matters into my own hands." Her voice was dark as she disentangled from me.

"Yes ma'am." I swallowed hard, fearing for my life.

Hello beautiful people ✝️

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter❤


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