Chapter 37

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Elisha's POV:

18 hrs and 50 minutes later...

"Wakey wakey." Someone's airy voice spoke into my ear. "It's time to wake up. The car is waiting for us outside."

"10 more minutes please." I begged, my vision still blurry.

"Unfortunately, that's not possible." Ben replied, slowly maneuvering the blanket off my body.

"The audacity that some people have." I thought to myself, groaning as he picked me up, just to make me stand on my two,weak feet.

"That's a bit more like it." He pat my head as I scowled at him, grumply.

Dragging my feet down the hall and occasionally bumping into seats, we headed towards the steps outside.

I opened my eyes and looked around. We were again in a huge, empty private hangar with men in reflective vests, placing cones for the aircraft to park in between. The production crew, busier that ever, was unloading equipment and packing it into a large van.

The icy wind slashed at my face, chasing away all the sleep that was within me.

"It's beautiful." I gasped, looking up ahead as the sky met the serene sea.

I stood there in awe. At it's beauty. At its artistry. At its grace . How great God's creation was.

Spurts of orange and other colours embraced the sky with creativity. The sun hiding but its rays piercing through.

"Welcome to Africa." Ben whispered. It's beautiful, isn't it"

"Beautiful is too basic." I breathed out. "It's like a scene out of a movie."

"But it does not compare to you." He wrapped his arm around me, his minty breath fanning my neck. My face wrinkling at his words as I internally cringed.

"I think it's time you stop watching romantic films" I grimaced in disapproval, making my way down the flight of stairs.

"Was it that bad!?" His footsteps clomped down behind me in high persuit.

"Yes. It really was."

Eventually, we reached the ground and headed to our rental car. Brielle and Zach had left about 5 minutes ago so we'd probably meet them at the hotel.

Some time later, we reach the hotel and it's nothing short of a five-star.

"Hello, my name is Abedi Okari." The male receptionist introduced himself, "How may I help you today?"

He wore a bright smile that dimmed the giant, built-in fireplace behind him.

"Hello Abedi." Ben greeted back, shaking the man's hand. "My name is Ben. We're here to check into our rooms."

And right on cue, Harry and Brielle strolled towards us with their heavy suitcases.

"Here you go." Abedi handed all three key cards to Ben. "I hope you enjoy your time here in Moalia Coast."

"Thank you." We all four said in unison, heading to our assigned rooms.

We received quite a few stares as we pulled our luggage down the lobby, people probably recognizing us but not able to pin-point from where.

"Umm excuse me sir!" Abedi called again, catching our attention. "I know this sounds unprofessional and I'm so sorry for asking but may I please have a picture, with you and your wife. My wife is quite the fan."

Ben and I blinked at each other.

You don't mind right? his chocolate eyes questioned.

I nodded.

No problem, I dropped my suitcase and headed towards the gentleman taking out his phone.

"Let me take the photo." Brielle offered, dropping her bags and taking the man's device.

"Ok, squeeze a little closer," She encouraged before starting the countdown, finding the right angle and lighting "One.....two...three..and say cheese."


Click, the camera went, releasing a swift flashlight.

As if possible, the man's smile grew even wider than before, his posivite aura bouncing out of him and to us.

We all found ourselves beaming as he inspected the picture, zooming in and out, from time to time.

"Thank you again." He said, bowing his head a bit as he shook Ben's hand, his other hand clasped on his forearm.

On the jet, we had read that this was a gesture showing respect and honour to one another, something that was screamed on the rooftops in Moalia Coast.

Abedi then moved to Brielle, Harry and I, showing the same gesture.

"I just have to say," He spoke up, addressing me "I hope God blesses your marriage for many more years to come. You may not know this but your love inspires so many other married couples and singletons. You're both not perfect and make mistakes but you always push through and are on each other's team. Continue doing what you're doing. Its impeccable to see."

"Thank you." I thanked but feeling a weird feeling in my stomach, a burden on my shoulders.

It felt like Ben and I had to make it work. It reminded me again that we were being watched. We were in the public's eye.

A couple minutes go by and eventually we come up the elevators and walked down the wide hallway.

Stopping in front of our rooms, Harry handed Brielle her suitcase and planted a light peck on her cheek.

Instantly, they both turned rosy pink as she blushed.

"Cut it already! " Ben teased and the two pulled away.

"Shut your mouth, you wet sock!" Brielle barked back, shooting Ben a glare.

The childish sibling war with petty insults had started again.

"Goodnight Elisha." The female smiled, pulling her luggage inside and giving Harry the last glance.

"And good night, you old coat." She reffered to Ben who stood shocked at the insult.

And with that she wore a pleased, mischeivous grin and shut the door behind her.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave." Harry stated, following in pursuit and heading into his room.

We stood there, resembling two lost chickens in the rain, until I finally grabbed the key card out of Ben's grip and opened the door.

The room was huge and spacious, overlooking the turquoise ocean. Large paintings of wildlife and beautiful sceneries were hung all over the white walls, bringing some life to them.

"Home sweet home." I sighed and dropped all the bags by the door of the bedroom.

Jumping onto the comfy bed, my body oozed and melted into the vanilla-scented mattress. The bed slumped down a bit as Ben threw himself next to me and the last thing I remember is kicking off my shoes then welcoming sleep in.

Hello beautiful people ✝️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please feel free to comment on what you think. I don't bite.


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