Chapter 29

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Ben's POV:

The longer I stare, the more beautiful she gets.

The moment she stepped into the room, all heads turned to her direction and fell mesmerized. She carried a presence that no one could excuse nor ignore.

She was breathtaking.

Though she was at the other side of the room, I still got lost in her milky brown eyes, unaware that I'd been staring for a while until our eyes connected and her smile dropped, being replaced with pain and discomfort that I was responsible for.

Everyone had abandoned their previous conversations and set their attention on her. On the outside, she appeared confident and kept her head up high but I could tell the whispers were getting to her. She was breaking.

Walking to the bottom of the staircase, she was greeted by a waitress who asked for her name then guided her to her assigned table which was opposite of mine.

"Stop staring." Harry turned to me, speaking. "It's rude. If you want to talk to her, stand up and go. You have nothing to lose."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I shut down the plan. "There are people already gossiping about us, I don't wanna cause a scene. Plus, this isn't the right place or time."

The man studied me for a seconds, like he had something to say but then pushed it aside. "If that's how you feel then there's nothing I can do." He sighed, taking his seat on the table with NFL players and Coach Toby.

Shortly after everyone settled in, the event started rolling with Brielle stepping onto the stage with a microphone and glass in her hand.

The room fell silent and listened to her speak.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the sixth Annual Winter Ball Super Sport Awards!" She excitedly announced, the audience clapping in response. "I am Brielle Williams, the 2023 host of this very prestigious event and social gathering. Please take this time to not only celebrate inspirational sportsmen and women but to network and create strong bonds of friendship or even better...romantic love." All the single men and women cheered, other's nudging the people beside them and laughing.

"I hope you all have a great time and a night to always remember." She wrapped up the introduction by smiling and stepping off stage.

"That was the best speech I've ever heard." Harry cheered on his feet, wiping a fake tear as he clapped for the hostess heading out of sight.

It was funny in the beginning but after everyone took their seats and he was the only one still standing, it brought some unwanted attention.

"Man, sit your behind down." I pulled him down, feeling embarrassed on his behalf.

One thing about Harry was that he had little to no interest in what people thought of him. So if he did something embarrasing in public, you would feel the shame instead of him.

"Fine...I'm a changed man." He cleared his throat, whipping his attention back to the stage.

"Good." I nodded, stealing one last glance at Elisha to check if she was fine which she was not.

Her legs kept bouncing up and down underneath the table as she clasped and unclapsed her hands, something she always did when overwhelmed or anxious.

"Harry!" I called in a hush tone. "Can you please go to Elisha and keep her company. She knows no one at her table and looks very overwhelmed."

"Where is she?" He questioned, searching for her with his eyes.

"There." I pointed out, trying to not make it obvious.

"Sure thing man." He stood up with his chair and headed to her table.

It hurt to not be able to go comfort her myself but I knew I made the right decision. There were so many eyes on us that I didn't want to add fuel to the fire but most importantly, I was protecting her.

I didn't want her to wakeup the next morning and see her face on the front cover of a scandalous newspaper headline. She didn't deserve that. I'd already put her through enough.

Reviewing my eyes back on stage, the NFL commissioner stood with a massive trophy in his hands, getting ready to announce tonights first award.

"Hello everyone," He greeted, formality clear in his voice. "Tonight I've been given the privilege to announce this years most decorated sportstar. Not only has this individual shown incredible athleticism but they're humility and determination personified, giving us all inspiration."

A slide show followed, showing all the nominees which included myself and Harry.

"And the winner is..." The commissioner opened up the envelope, squinting his eyes as he read the name out loud. "The Dallas Cowboys' star quarterback... Bennet Choi!"

The clapping of others around me shook me out of my shocked state. I knew there was a high probability that I would win but it still felt surreal.

"Are you going to go on stage or should I go for you." Coach Toby taunted in his Southern accent, nudging me to go get the award.

"I think I'll managed." I winked, getting up.

As I approached the stairs the only thought that consumed my mind was 'do not fall, do not trip' until I reached the high platform.

"Thank you." I shook the man's hand, taking the metalic merit and facing the camera for a picture.

The crowd continued to cheer as I strided off the stage, returing to my seat.

Looking at the sea of dresses and suits, a sudden wave of jealousy washed over me as I caught sight of Elisha and Harry.

He had leaned over her shoulder and whispered something in her ear, making her laugh. She was so entertained by him that she didn't think to look in my direction or even yet clap.

I felt nothing short of bitterness.

"What was she laughing at?" I wondered. "Did Harry tell her a joke? Were they talking about me? What if..."

With my mind completely consumed with questions, I could feel anger pulsing through me. I was so bugged with their interaction that my mood became sour throughout the award ceremony.

My teammates would constantly ask if I was fine and I would respond with a simple nod, not wanting to speak and have an emotional outburst.

I wanted to be the cause of her smile and laughter. I wanted to make her happy. I hated loving her from afar and hoping that she'll be alright. I hated not being able to comfort her.

"You good Choi?" Coach questioned again with concern, watching me blankly stare at the tablecloth. "I can hear you overthinking from here. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah...I'll be fine." I shrugged, glancing back at the jubilant Elisha.

At least she felt better.

Hello beautiful people ✝️

Today I decided to surprise you with two chapters. Hope you enjoyed and are keen on seeing the drama unfold.


Let God Be The Author: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now