Chapter 10

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Elisha's POV:

Glass was littered all over the hardwood floor. The liquid from the beverage bottle was spilt all over Gemma's expensive dress. The chairs which were once pushed in orderly were now laying on their sides, rocking backwards and forwards.

Zach was pulling Brielle by the waist, constricting her and preventing the ankle-strap heel in her hand from landing on Gemma who was attempting to throw a punch. The once peaceful household had turned into a war zone, with both ladies turning to violence to show the resentment they had for one another.

"Everyone just stop!" I screamed, eyeing the two ladies who were like cat and mouse.

Before I could get a word in, Gemma took the stage and turned her attention back to the the female standing a few metres from her.

"Brielle what exactly is your problem?" She took a step forward and closed the gap between them.

They were now face-to-face, breathing in each other's air.

An annoyed chuckle left Brielles mouth then she gawked her eyes back to the female. "I don't see a problem. I think the only person with a problem is you."

Brielle shoved her index finger in Gemma's left shoulder, leaving a red mark. The girls were now way too close for comfort and worry was starting to creep in.

"Ever since I walked through those doors you've been giving me dirty looks ever since. So yes, maybe there is a problem and the problem is you."

"Guys please just drop it." I walked to Brielle and pulled her away before she did something she would later regret. "What you are doing is unnecessary and immature. We are adults and this is not the way to solve issues."

When I finally thought I had knocked some senses into them, Brielle pushed me away and marched back to where Gemma was standing.

"Actually I do have an issue," Her strident voice was even more louder and unpleasant, "what is the purpose of you being here? You're not a friend and you obviously not a family member so what is it?

"I came to apologize to Elisha." The brunette replied.

"And have you done that?"

"No because there were people around." She explained with a duh expression on her face.

"Excuses! Excuses! Excuses! The whole night you've had your eye on Bennet. The man couldn't even talk to his wife because you were always breathing on his neck."

A guilty look flushed on Ben's face as he heard what Brie said. Truth be told, Ben was a very good man but he's been struggling with saying no lately. And I know it wasn't his intention to ruin today's dinner but he kind of did.

"Instead of being so bothered about me, why don't you focus on getting a ring." Gemma eventually snapped, revealing the side of her I knew very well. "No wonder Zach loved Elisha instead of you. Do you really think he's actually going to propose."

She chuckled slyly, looking at Brielle as if she pitied her. Yep, this was the true Gemma I knew. The one who never cared about what she said to people and would do whatever it takes to get her way and the final win.

"And no wonder Ben decided to marry Elisha instead of you." Brielle refused to back down. "Don't try to make yourself seem better, we're on the same boat. Actually we're not because my future has a sense of direction."

"Look at you then look at Elisha, can you see the difference. That's the problem with women like you. They..."

"Rephrase that sentence before I whip your butt."Brielle threatened with her eyes half closed, yanking off the diamond earrings she had on.

I didn't know she had reached her boiling point until she escaped Zach's grip and, like a bullet train, lunged in on her prey, Gemma.

Before she got the chance to hit her, Ben intervened and pulled her away and into the hallway. "What do you mean by women like me!" She shouted, losing all her sanity.

Louder and more confident, Gemma repeated what she said and made sure that Brielle soaked in each and every word and sound.

"Zach!" I called the startled man, who had blood dripping down his arm from the cut caused by his girlfriend,"Please take Brie Brie home. I don't think her and Gemma in the same room will be good. Someone somehow is going to end up in the hospital."

The man simply nodded, grabbed his car keys and left the room, shooting Gemma a glare on his way out.

Awkwardness fell onto the room as it was just my husband's ex and I. "What. Just. Happened?" I asked, still confused by what took place.

"Im so sorry for causing all this..."

"You should be apologizing to Brielle and not me." I cut her off.

I was more disappointed then angry at her. Who did she think she was to speak about Brielle like that. She knew absolutely nothing about her whatsoever so who was she to talk about her life, let alone her relationship. And the fact that she dragged my name into their feud, got on my nerves even more.

"I didn't mean to say all those things to her. Everytime I'm around her I'm constantly on the defense."

"Gemma why did you come here?" I crossed my arms."No offense but if you never came there wouldn't have been this much drama."

Her eyes twitched as she tried to hold my gaze, her breath running shallow as she struggled to keep her face impassive.

"Elisha I'm sorry." She apologized in an undertone, "In varsity I wasn't the nicest person and I almost ruined your relationship with Ben, and for that, I sincerely apologize. The truth is I loved Bennet... a lot...more than I can imagine. And yes, I might have done some questionable things but I cared for him."

Her voice was weak, vulnerable and windless. For a split second, I felt for her and all she had gone through.

"I understand that but...."

"No you don't! Do you know how it feels to constantly be compared to you." Her chest heaved up and down, drawing oxygen at an abnormal rate."Everyone did that when you announced your relationship to the whole world. And yes, I felt bitter and jealous because I felt like you were living my life."

Confused. That's how I felt at the moment. How was I living her life when I stayed true to who I am and never once competited against her.

"Im not understanding?" I squinted.

"Im saying that I was hurt and no one cared!" She confessed. "The only thing on people's mind was the girl that Bennet was falling head over heels in love with."

A long pause followed until she spoke up again. "But im fine now and I wish you two nothing but the best. Hopefully, you can also forgive me and we can hatch this rivalry. "

Taking a deep breath, I took some time to pick my words carefully. There was so much to say and so much I was feeling but I had to restrain myself from some things.

"First and foremost, I would like to say thank you for the apology," I acknowledged, "it takes a lot of courage to own up to your mistake but I wish you could have done it at a different setting and time. Secondly, there was no rivalry between us...well not on my part. And lastly, I forgive you and I'm sorry that people made you feel that way because of me."

I could see a feint smile start to spread on her red painted lips. "Can I have a hug?" She spread her arms open.

"Sure thing." I replied and warmly embraced her.

At this moment, I thought that everything was going to be drama free and life was going to be smooth sailing again. If anyone told me that this was just the beginning of the end, I would have chuckled and told them they're crazy. It's funny how life can be good one moment and then a complete nightmare the next.


Tsk tsk tsk. What have we got here. What could Gemma be up to this time! I wonder if she's actually being sincere or is this the first part of her masterpiece plan? 🤔

The only way to find out is to read the next chapter!!!!



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