Chapter 7

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Elisha's POV:

"I think they're here!" I squeaked, almost tripping over the coffee table as I ran to the panoramic window.

Seeing the car headlights pierce through the carnation curtain, I peeked through the window and caught glimpse of a grey haired man wearing a sapphire shirt and a woman beside him with a bouncy afro, stepping out of the vehicle together. They were soon joined by a brunnet beauty whom I recognized immediately.

"They've arrived!" I turned to Ben who walked towards me with his hands in his pocket, "Let me go open for them."

Trotting to the door and flinging it open with excitement, I screamed as my eyes met with the person I had been longing to see for many years.

"Harmony!" The escatic me grabbed the brunnet holding a colorful bouquet of flowers and pulled her in a tight hug.

Stamping her feet on the concrete ground out of excitement, she threw the bouquet to Bennet and embraced me tighter.

"Elisha!" She replied with more enthusiasm, her strong Australian accent distinctly audible from all the years she had spent there.

Harmony was Bennet's cousin and an extremely close family friend. She owned multiple businesses all over the world and became a millionaire at the age of 24. Even though she was 34, her youthful face and healthy body said otherwise.

"You look so amazing!" I complimented, pulling away and staring at the jaw-dropping dress in awe.

The classy, champagne dress brought attention to her dilated, monolid eyes and sculptured her slim body. It's mid-high open slit showed a bit of her tanned, long legs that revealed a tiny butterfly tattoo on her ankle. Although her outfit was simple, the jewelry around her neck and on her ears added the needed pizzazz.

"It comes with being single and succeeding." She dramatically flicked her shoulder-length hair. " Something that many can't relate to."

Although her remark sounded rude, I was not offended. Harmony was the type who was very charismatic and sarcastic but meant no harm. It was one of the reasons I loved her and couldn't wait to introduce her to Brielle.

"Says the person who was so fixed on marrying Ben!" I barked back, seeing her plaster a fake offended expression and gasp.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Her eyes narrowed, "And I was young back then so it doesn't matter."

Bennet stood besides me awkwardly as he heard the news. Harmony and I turned to him in unison then burst into laughter as we gave each other a glance.

Everyone looked at us confused as our laughter refused to die out. "Are we ghosts or something?" The grey haired man, who was my father in-law, spoke up.

My eyes widened as I had completely forgotten that he was there. All my focus had been concentrated on Harmony that I was oblivious to his presence.

Mr Choi!" I lunged in for a hug which he gladly accepted with a beaming smile.

"How many times should I tell you this..." He planted a kiss on my cheeks and pulled away, " me father. "

At the corner of my eye, I could see Bennet leaning at the doorway and smiling at the interaction. Mr Choi and I have had a rollercoaster of a relationship to say the least but we wouldn't have been this close if all the chaos never happened.

"I'm so glad your here dad." I confessed and landed my eyes on the woman standing besides him, impatiently waiting for my attention.

"Mama!" My body gravitated towards her with open arms.

By now you can probably tell that I'm a very big hugger instead of a handshaker.

"You dont know how much I've missed you." She expressed, stroking my curly hair that was let loose.

"That's impossible because I've missed you more. " I replied.

Soon after everyone had greeted one another and entered the house, Brielle and Zach and Grandma and Grandpa shortly arrived too and it was now time to start the dinner. As usual, the conversation was flowing effortlessly as laugh and chatter filled the room. Grandpa and Grandma were telling their love story, which I've heard a thousand times but never seemed to amaze me enough.

Even though everyone was enjoying themselves, I could sense Bennet anxious and awfully quiet. Whenever a joke was made, he would simply give a half smile then look down at his untouched plate.

Placing my hand on his thigh I looked at him until he lookded back."You good Bear?" I questioned, worry clear on my face.

It wasn't a usual sight to see him this introverted in front of a group of people, especially family.

"I'm good Chubs." He simply nodded and intertwined my hand with his. "Dont worry about me."

Rubbing his thumb as a form of comfort, I nodded my head and went back to the conversation although I couldn't shake this weird feeling in my gut. Something was on Bennet's mind and it was eating him up. It hurt even more that he didn't want to tell me as his wife.

Hello beautiful people ✝️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please feel free to comment on what you think and would like to see next.


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