Chapter 20

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Bennet's POV:

It was almost a tradition for me to go to Gemma's room everyday and spend the night with her. At first, it was because of revenge but now I use it as a coping mechanism. When I've had a bad day, I go to her. When I miss Elisha, I go to her. When I feel guilty for disobeying God, I go to her.

It was like she had a strong hold on me. An attachment that I couldn't detach. A lure that even the strongest men couldn't flee from.

And every night I spent with her, the more I fled away from God and strained our relationship. My bible was like a fairytale that I couldn't believe in anymore. I would read a verse or two then shut it close and do something else. Jesus used to be my pillar but now, I treated him like...nothing.

I used to scream on the rooftops that Jesus is Lord but now, I found that even hard to whisper. I had drifted so far away that I couldn't bring myself to return to where I was and so, I continued living in my sexual sin and feeling euphoria for a short amount of time.

"I need to go use the bathroom." Gemma whispered in my ear, unbuckling her safety belt and planting a gentle kiss on my cheek before leaving.

Mumbles and murmurs could be heard throughout the plane about our relationship that no one approved of. It seemed to be the hot topic that no one could not speak about, including the press. Thousands of articles have been released questioning my relationship with Gemma and what exactly happened with Elisha.

To say I was unhappy about this would be a lie. I wanted Elisha to experience the same heartache she put me through. I wanted her to feel how it feels to be replaced.

"YES. If thats the answer you want then yes."

The memory seemed to be tattooed in my head, repeating like an endless cycle.

The way she boasted about her infidelity made my blood boil. The way she raised her head up high and wore cheating as a badge of honour aggrevated me even more. I know I cheated but it was a mistake and I felt regret. She cheated and she felt nothing but satisfaction.

"Stop it!" Gemma's voice pulled me back to reality. "I can hear you overthinking from here. Quit it!"

A light smile appeared on her face as she studied my distressed appearance. Her black blouse emphasizing her striking green eyes that were hard to go unnoticed.

"Thinking about Elisha?" She asked, taking a seat, "Am I correct or am I correct?"

"She isn't the only thing that consumes my mind all day." I lied, trying to keep up with my unbothered facade.

In all honesty, she was the only thing I could think of. A day never went by without me wondering if she was safe, if she had eaten or if she had locked the door before heading to bed.

It was her rhythmic laugh that was better than any choir, ringing in my head all day, that made me even more angry. I wanted to her to feel the same hurt that I felt but for what gain, I didn't know.

"If you want, you can come live with me for a while." The brunnet insisted, intertwining her hand in mine. "Maybe it will help you be at a better headspace for the NFC finals."

The corner of my mouth curved into a smile. I could already picture myself holding the NFC trophy and the crowd chanting my name in hysteria. The big screen will be written Dallas Cowboys with confetti littered all over the field. It was a dream that I could already feel in my hands.

"I wonder what's going on in that little head of yours?" Gemma grinned, resting her head on my shoulder and letting out a heavy sigh.

I could feel everyone judging us but I didn't care.

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