Chapter 19

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Elisha's POV:

Wandering through the endless rose garden, I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time: peace and contentment.

All was quiet as the sun started to rise from the east, over the yellowwood trees which created a forest. The birds chirped melodious, in search of their morning breakfast.

I threw myself on the soft ground covered in petals, letting the sweet smell of the red flowers envelope my care-free body. My toes curled at the sensation of a butterfly creeping down my legs and making it's way to my toes. On any day, I would have flipped out and ran for dear life because of fear but because of the soothing and therapeutic atmosphere, I saw no danger.

"Elisha!" I heard someone call my name. "Elisha can you hear me."

I looked around, wondering if my ears were playing tricks on me, maybe old age was getting the better of me.

"Elisha!" I heard the voice again. "Can you hear me. Wake up."

Picking myself up, I dusted the dirt off my champagne dress and went in search of this mysterious person. They continued calling my name but failed to reveal themselves.

"Where are you?" I yelled so they could hear me. "Reveal yourself!"

The weather was beginning to change and the once sunny sky was darkening by the minute. The icy wind slashed at my face and the rain danced about on my head as I looked for shelter.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw a fountain, its presence grabbing my attention.

Walking up to get a closer look at it, my eyes stayed set on my reflection in the water, when suddenly, two icy hands gripped onto my arm and pulled me down into the freezing cold liquid, taking me out of my paradise.

"Elisha can you hear me." I heard the same voice speak up again, "Michael step on the accelerater, the casualty is in a very critical condition!"

Slightly opening my eyes, I studied the unfamiliar environment around me. I was on an uncomfortable bed with an oxygen mask attach to my sweaty face. A water drip stood above me with a pipe that was attached to my arm, pumping whatever it was pumping into my body.

I felt lightheaded, fatigued and  nauseous. It was like I had been run over by a train or dragged by an SUV on gravel road for an hour. My body ached as I did the slightest of movement.

"Is she going to be fine?" I saw Brielle leaning forward, accidentally pressing her body onto my chest which made me flinch.

"Yes ma'am." Said a blonde female, shining a flashlight into my eyes, "She is going to be fine but it's a different story for the baby."

Using all my might to open my mouth, I managed to breath out two words, "My baby."  I whispered, feeling my chest tightened up.

Jumping off her seat out of relieve, Brielle pounced onto the rails of what seemed to be a gurney.

"Elisha, How are you?" She pushed my hair out of my face, "Where does it hurt?"

Her eyes were swollen and red, serving as evidence that she had been crying.

"Is my baby fine?" I asked again in a hush tone, panic starting to take control as I noticed the large amount of blood I had lost.

"Hi ma'am, my name is paramedic Casey and I'm here to help you." The female paramedic with frizzy blond hair and silver eyes introduced herself, keeping close attention to the heart monitor machine.

"Ma'am can you please tell me where it hurts." She questioned, having a concerned look on her face for the first time.

"Everywhere. I feel weak."

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