Chapter 13

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Bennet's POV:

Looking out at the darkening sky and the street lights lighting up, I gathered my possessions, getting ready to leave in the next thirty minutes. Although my senses were telling me to leave right away, my heart told me to live in the moment and catch up with Gemma.

Currently, we were at her luxurious condo, hysterically laughing at my near death experience from earlier on with the team.

It all started when we decided to go to an exclusive restaurant as a collective to improve our unity and bond. Everything was smooth-sailing until a tingling sensation started to occur in my throat. Me being myself, didn't think much of it and continued to stuff my face in the buffet of food in front of us.

After minutes go pass, I start to feel my heart-rate decreasing as if there was something clogging my arteries and veins. A hard lump started to form in my throat as well, which made it hard to breath and enjoy the meal.

Looking out the window at my reflection, my non-existent asthma started to arise at the sight in front of me. My ears looked like satellite dishes made of flesh and bones with red spots littered all over. My once button-nose was now an elephant's trunk and my eyes were as small as a mice. Panic and shock, that's all I felt.

Luckily, Gemma was kind enough to rush me to a pharmacy and get medication for allergic reactions that would stop the swelling. She then took me to her condo, since her home was much closer than mine, to get some rest.

"Remember when you wanted to beat up the guy who called me fat at the mall?" The brunnet's infectious laugh pierced through my ears as she reminisced about the memory.

"I was ready to sleep in jail that day.I was ready to risk it all! " I exclaimed, reliving the moment "As a guy, you should never let someone call your girl fat."

Chuckles and giggles filled the dim room as we remembered the olden days.

"And remember our first date at McDonald's." A snort escped from Gemma, her laugh adding more humour.

Even though we had a pretty rough history to say the least, it still felt good to be able to put everything aside and become civilized friends.

"That was the golden age." Her voice trailed off, "How I wish we could go back."

"You want to go back to eating McDonalds like its a luxury. " I joked, wanting to avoid any deep or sentimental conversation about our past romantic relationship.

Me, already being in the same room alone with my ex was a big gamble. I didn't want to add fuel to the fire which could escalate the situation and result in regret.

"No, not like that." She slapped her forhead in disagreement, "I just want the relationship that we used to have. Where it was just me and you against the whole world."

All I could do was sit down quietly and let out a heavy sigh. Of course, I hadn't forgotten about the dreams we planned together, but the difference was that I wanted to accomplish them with Elisha, not her.

As everyone knew, Gemma was my first love but Elisha was my true love. Yes, we were going through a rough patch at the moment but that doesn't mean that my love for her isn't the same as the day I first laid eyes on her.

"Actually...Do you mind if I show you something?" The female finally changed the excruciatingly sentimental topic.

"Sure." I shrugged, glad that we've moved on to something else.

"I'll be back just now." She jumped off the couch and sprinted out the room, making loud thud noises at her exit.

"There is a huge mirror at the end of the hallway if you want to see whether you're swelling's gone down!" Her voice echoed down the hallway and into the distance.

"Sure thing." I replied, making my way to the mirror.

A satisfied smile flashed on my face at the effectiveness of the medication. My swelling had gotten down by a lot and my elephant ears had gone back to their normal size.

"I wonder why you're looking more awful than earlier on?" I questioned my eyes, which made me look like I hadn't gotten sleep since I came out the womb.

"Hopefully you'll be fine by tom-"

"Im back!" Gemma appeared out of nowhere with something I never thought I'd see again.

"Hope you didn't break anything in my absence." She spoke with a big smile, noticing my attention set on the teddy bear wearing a varsity jacket in her hand.

"No way." I exclaimed flabbergasted, "I can't believe you still have Chuck the Chipmunk. After so many years, I thought you would have thrown him away."

"Why would I throw our child away. He's too cute to belong in the bin."

The brunnet handed the fluffy teddy over, her smile not daring to leave her face.

This wasn't any normal toy, it had a special meaning behind it. Years after I lost my mom, Gemma lost her father and this took a big toll on her. We were still in a relationship by then so I decided to give her Chuck the Chipmunk to help her grieve since he helped me too with my mother's passing. Once Gemma had healed from the tragedy, we decided to make Chuck our practise baby for when we have an actual one. But as they say, life changes and the dreams you have for yourself might not align with God's plan.

"I don't know how I would have dealt with my father's death if you hadn't  given him to me." She said, catching me off guard by hooking her arm around mine and resting her head on my shoulder.

For a split second, I wondered how life could have been if I married her. Would I have known God and been happy? Would we already have the five kids we planned to have? If the baby she had with Carl would have been mine, where would we have been.

"Stop it." I mentally scolded myself for thinking such thoughts.

"I'm glad he helped you too." I smile awkwardly feeling the tension as her eyes met mine.

A weird feeling started to burn in my heart as her hands traveled from around my arms to my jawline. Her fingers tracing over my sharp chin as her eyes drew to my lips like a magnet, I could feel a burning sensation coming out of me.

"Look far away Ben. Look far away."

As I kept repeating those word, the harder it was to live by them. What did I get myself into was all that I was thinking. How did everything lead up to this?

"I t-think I s-should get going.My wife must be worried. " I broke the intense eye contact and grabbed my car keys.

"Do you want me to walk you out." Gemma tailed behind me as I headed for the nearest exit.

"No." I grabbed the door handle and faced her, "I shouldn't have come here."


"Because my spirit isn't strong enough to resist temptation. I HAVE A WIFE GEMMA! I AM A MARRIED MAN."


Sweat trickled down my neck and dampened my t-shirt as my natural desires grew. As I prayed to God to remove me from this situation, so did Gemma's advances on me become bold.

I mentally scolded myself for deciding to attend the team dinner. If I just decided to head home I wouldn't have been in this situation.

"I do not love you in that way. If I did love you then I would have..."

Before completing my sentence, Gemma closed the distance between us, lifted herself by her toes and pressed her lips onto mine. A spiritual warfare took place in my mind as one side told me to push her away and leave whilst the other encouraged my flesh desires.

How I wish I had listened to that tiny voice telling me to leave.

If I could go back in time and change anything, I would change this whole day. My heart pained as I imagined Elisha finding out that her husband has been unfaithful.


Hello beautiful people ✝️

Jumpscare 👁👁. Thats all I can say about this chapter.


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