Chapter 43

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Ben's POV:

After five memorable days in Moalia Coast, we were finally back home, breathing the American oxygen and stepping onto the American soil.

These past few days have been nothing short of an amazing experience with unforgettable memories. The laughs, the cries, the tears shed and the smiles, had brought us all closer together and made every moment worth living.

But the happiness was short lived after we stepped foot, back home.

Leaning on the doorway of the living room, facing the kitchen with various medication spread on the cabinet, I listened attentively to the woman on the other side of the landline, speaking. Currently, I was booking a doctor's appointment for a very sick Elisha who needed urgent medical help.

Ever since we finished our interviews that Monday morning in Moalia Coast, she'd been feeling under the weather for most of the trip. But it wasn't until yesterday, where I noticed a drastic decline in her health that I knew something serious was going on.

Fatigue, joint pains, stiffness, swelling, nausea and a head-splitting headache are some of the symptoms she had been experiencing. Every cell in her body seemed to cause her pain.

It was so bad that she couldn't visit the kids at Ikamva Elikhanyayo for the very last time. Though it was a gutting choice, it was the best decision .We didn't want the kids to catch the ongoing flu that was flying around. Thought I knew this simply wasn't an ordinary flu.

"Does tommorow sound good Chubs?" I turned to Elisha, who was sprawled on the couch with an ice pack on her head and a blanket pulled up to her chin.

She gave an approving nod then resumed to her previous aposition.

"Yes, tommorow will be fine." I confirmed with the receptionist.

"And you said 8:30 right?" I asked again, making sure I hadn't misheard any important details.

She agreed.

"Ok. Thank you very much ." I hung up and immediately glanced at the Elisha who jumped for the green bucket below her on the floor.

Tightly gripping onto the sides, she ducked her head inside and emptied her stomach, spewing today's breakfast, lunch and dinner for the third time.

"Aaarrgghhh!" She groaned, clutching her abdomen as she placed the bucket back to the ground.

Sitting hunched over and in a daze, she stared at the floor exhausted, "Water please." She begged, right to left, her hand moving to wipe her mouth.

She wasn't getting any better.

Running to the kitchen, I grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim with sparkling water. I had seen on the internet that it helped with stomach issues.

Next, I collected any and every medication that I could find and thought would help. From vitamin supplements, flu tablets, painkillers to immunosuppressive drugs for her Lupus.

"Hey Chubs." I gently said, entering the living room to find her in the exact same position I had left her in.

She slowly sat up and willingly downed the pills and foul tasting liquid but before that, rinsing her mouth. Later on, taking a sip of the sparkling water.

The fact that she easily gave in and followed my orders without a fight, proved that what she had, wasn't child's play. On any given day, it would have taken multiple tries to get her to even hold the pills in her hand, let alone actually take them.

"You good?" Worry started to rapidly creep in.

She nodded, muttering a 'yes ' as she took another tiny sip.

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