Chapter 34

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Elisha's POV:

God has a way of teaching you lessons, showing you that waiting can hurt like a knife but feel so sweet at the end. Like how a seed waits for rain in summer, I learnt to keep my head up for a little while until I received a drop of life.

It's been three days. Three days since Ben and I decided to work things out and save our marriage. It wasn't smooth sailing in the beginning, letting go of old grudges and starting from scratch but honestly, it was worth it.

He worked for me, for us.

From showering me with a hundered roses and love letters, to sending good night texts before I headed to bed. He was fighting and it delighted me. It proved that he loved me, that I wasn't fighting alone. He wasn't just standing at the sidelines but rather in the ring, taking all the punches.

"Can I come in." I heard a knock on the door, my mother's figure standing in the doorway but already making it's way inside.

She wore a serious and stern look that was accompanied by glasses. Gone was the witty remarks and banter and in was the strict parent that had something lingering in their head.

"Come in mama." My approval meant nothing as she was already inside, settling on an empty space beside my suitcase tossed on my unmade bed.

The day had finally arrived. I was moving back to Texas with Ben.

Shoving, pushing and punching my clothes, I could feel her strong gaze attached to my face. Clearly there was something on her mind that she wanted to address.

"Hello my baby." Her eyes crinkled as her mouth curved into a tight smile. Just like fine wine getting better with age, her greying hair becoming more apparent than the last time I had checked.

"Hi mama." I greeted, stepping away from my busy packing.

My bedroom was a hive of activity as I threw anything that belonged to me in the suitcase. At times wondering where I had bought certain items that looked foreign.

"Ready to leave, I see." Mother tilted her head to the side, casting an eye on the unzipped luggage bag sprawled on the bed.

"Why you asking? Already miss me?" I taunted, plopping myself on her lap and burying my head in her chest like a little infant.

Warmth radiated from her body as she lovingly rubbed soothing circles around my back, the other hand securing me as I clung onto her for a little craddle/cuddle.

Reaching out for a braid that separated itself from the rest, she tenderly flung it out of my face and grinned at the tiny act of service.

"Look at you acting like a child." Her arms wrapped around my head as she planted a light kiss on my temple. Although her voice sounded annoyed by my childish ways, I knew she was enjoying the mother and daughter bonding.

"Mama..." I said softly, my eyes shutting close as I pulled into her chest like a koala does to a tree. "Is there something you want to tell me? Something that's been consuming your mind maybe."

I could feel her body coil up for a split second then return to it's normal position. She opened her mouth as if about to speak but after contemplating for a while, she bit her tongue and sealed her mouth close.

"Speak or forever hold you peace." I tossed a disapproving look over to the secretive woman. "I know there's something you want to tell me and we're not going to leave this room until you spill the beans."

She heaved out a heavy sigh, an indication of her giving in.

"Fine." Her eyes rolled backwards as she sat me up straight. "I'm just worried about you. I saw the person you became when you were heart broken and I don't want to witness that again. But at the same time, I know you love Ben and I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness."

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