Chapter 1 Back To The Clear Lake Tribe

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***** Quick Note: This book is a sequel to Reborn Into The Beast World, an original and written by me back in January 2021. NOT to be confused with other similar recent titles (2022)******

Since my family grew, our den has been under a faster reconstruction than the second time done by my first males: Radu, my heart, Leo, my loveable goofball, Adan, my attentive insecure and serious male, and last Wyatt, the cuddly bear beastmen who I would never forget and mourn when no one is looking.

Feeling my eyes blurring at the memory of my male pushing me away to safety, I began to blink rapidly while munching on the delicious meat sprinkled with Sheila's latest herb mix. Trying to absorb myself into the taste of the tangy taste, my eyebrows spring up by Leo's sudden yell.

Looking up to where I last saw him, Leo is holding onto his left foot while his leopard tail is seriously looking like a witches broom. Beside him is my long braided white hair male with even paler skin than Radu, apologizing continuously to the still angered Leo. Behind them suspiciously and slowly walking away from them is Radu carrying his own pieces of logs to the den.

Pffff. Letting out this small laugh, Radu looks back at me and lifts his lips into a naughty grin.

My heart, he knows how to distract though at a cost to others misfortune... kinda like my Papa Crow and the diablitos. Oh jeez I had to think of my brothers, I wonder how those two are doing. I wonder how my friend and his female Natasha are doing. It shouldn't have had to happen but it did. Feeling my teeth sharpen, I tore savagely at the last piece of meat while fantasizing that I was sinking my teeth into that ape $#@ neck. Bahaha how I would love to personally tear him apart.

Suddenly a dark brown hand descends on my back. Stopping my increasing growls is Badrick who apparently might have woken up from the nasty loud munching made by me. Or by my growls. Yeah, might've been the latter and definitely not the former.

"Suki, do you want to talk about it?" ask the three mark male who nuzzles his face into my neck, zeroing in at the place where he left his mark at.

Eeeeekkkkk. Erasing all thoughts of killing, my skin suddenly flushes with desire. My eyes dilate with a slight glow to the now alluring laughing evil bat beastmen, who by the way is now tentatively licking at his spot.

"You know Suki... it's been a while hmmm," instead of stopping him from teasing my neck I unconsciously move my neck to the side to give him further room to please me. About to moan and give way to his, I mean, our desire, a furry butt sits on my once sexy male.

"Adan...," rapidly blushing with a guilty conscience, I take a peek at the dark toffee blonde wolf beastmen who is happily wagging his tail while giving me a reprimanding look filled with the obvious no-uh.  Underneath him, Badrick deeply growls, "Adan, while I love the warmth your fur provides, I could also happily tear it off."

With the three mark, almost going on four marks, male's warning, Adan quickly gets off him and transforms back to his two legged self.  Abiding by my family rules, Adan places a cloth around his waist and gets on his knees to where I'm still sitting with the still dampening hot desire pulsing through my body witha tinge of guilt. Hmm, an image in my head came up of two smooshing teens being caught by her parents. Could that have been me in the past life?

Back to the present, with his one steel blue eye, Adan stares daggers at the now grouchy Badrick and then turns to pout at me. Ohh no, I know that look. Sighing, my round ears lay low knowing what's coming my way. 

"Suki, you know that he shouldn't be drinking from you right now.. I mean, for your first pregnancy being a female cub you need to be absolutely healthy," nags the worried nanny, cough, I mean my loyal male. 

As he continues, my mind rheels back to how this happened. How could I ever forget that day! 

The male who I had a triple roll with and became the winner to my womb came from the Yellow Meadow Tribe. A tribe filled with horse and raptor beastmens. No, not the dino raptors but the slightly nicer normal looking ones that can be tagged back in my first life known as the human modern world. Anyway, thankfully the trip back, though filled with bits of nausea, we arrived in time before the cold season could start.

So here we are, Adan getting onto me about following Healer Liam's advice, Badrick going back to one of his many presumably lazy daylight naps, three of my males working on our den, one flying overhead bringing back other supplies, and finally my head male cooking up some more tasty meat while giving Adan an appreciated nod.

Yeap, that's my life now. A half-female bear beastmen with a family of 7 males and a soon to be added female cub. All of us are getting ready for another winter, but this time I hope the birthing cramps won't literally and painfully wake me up from my deep slumber. Hmm, speaking of birthing, I will unfortunately be stuck in my two legged form so that would definitely make me grumpier than usual. I can see it now, Adan with his furry self surrounding my big belly pregnant self 24/7 to make sure I'm warm enough.

Now, as to why I can't morph, Healer Liam and his fidgety disciple informed my astounded family that ALL pregnant females CANNOT, SHOULD NOT, morph into their beast form unless they desire to abort or are in a situation where morphing could higher their chances of survival from say an enemy attack. This chance of attack is something my tribe and the tribes where my new males came from are highly aware of... some, though, are actually looking forward to war (pss Baturri Tribe).

Feeling a certain gas wanting to come out, my thoughts bring me back to the culprit, yes, back to the little being in me. Dang, I just realized that I know nothing about taking care of a female cub except for my own growing experience. Sounds like I'll have to visit mama tomorrow. Rubbing my tiny cub bump I sigh out loud at this new experience. Well, welcome to motherhood in the beast world.

Written in w a tt p a d     updated on July 26, 2023

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