Ch. 26 Plan B and Suki's Anger

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"How much longer?" asks in annoyance a female with a sultry voice.


"Ey, Vick."


"Yo, meathead," whines the female as she tugs at the beast's fur found right behind his neck.

In exchange said beasts had his ears leaned back while he grumbled in annoyance at the sticky female on his back. No matter what he did or said, be it pushing her toward another male or growling with his full teeth shown, this female wouldn't stop being near him. What bothers him even more is that for some reason he sensed that despite the flirtations sent to him, they were more like jest than actual interest in taking him as a mate. If those flirts were true, it would have made it easier for him to kick her away from him, figuratively of course.

Sighing, he begins to reminisce about Suki. When she was younger and after him it was frustrating but it was also amusing. She was the first female of his tribe, besides his mother, who dared to speak to him despite his scars and short temper. Maybe with his return, she'd be interested in him again.

Now.. as for this one spread out lazily on his back. Well, if you take away her flirty vibes, she'd be left with a very dark aura filled with an intense killing intent. Thankfully, the males who saw her berserk laughter knew to stay away from her, and the battle that happened seems to have lessened her more chaotic side.

However, then there's what seems to bring her joy.

"Vicky dear, can you let out one of your oh so many growls. They give me a nice massage," smiles the green haired female as she draws a figure on his back.


Sitting back up normally, she sighs once more. "I'm so bored! Ahhh I know!" Humming she looks around to see, smiling widely she spots a white feline beast trailing a little behind them yet in the middle of their strongest beasts.

"Casper, where's that cub at!" she yells in a fake concerned voice.

The leopard replies with a low growl being careful not to wake the sturdy male being carried on his back.

"Oh I see, he wants to play hide and seek," gleefully smiles the female, ignoring the leopard exasperated sigh, as her golden eyes sharpen to look around her once more.

"Hummm those two cubs, though cougars, belong to that sad looking female." Breathing in, she yells, "Oi Olivia lightened up, they're dead!" Laughing at her own joke, she keeps looking and starts in a sing-song voice, "ohhh little Coco, whe."

"My name is not Coco!" screeches a rather scrawny and muddy eight year old looking cub as he angrily walks out behind the leopard.

"But you never gave your name and your head is bigger than your body, mmm about the size of a coconut. Soooo Coco!" hollers in glee the same female who also hasn't given her name.

"Then.. then you.. You Squak!" The cub then widens his own sunken eyes and grins, "you're now called Squak because like those chickens you never stop talking!"

Instead of what he was hoping for, the female instead laughs deeply. "That's the best you can come out with? My mother's great great grandmother came up with better names than that!"

Suddenly their yelling back and forth got interrupted by Vick's and a few other low menacing growls. Everyone hushed including the mermaid who now has her golden glowing eyes looking displeased at the direction Vick had his teeth bared at.

- - - Elsewhere - - -

It was a moonless night when howls of warning began. Soon after growls of battle rang around the tribe.

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