Ch. 12 A Lesson About Croc Beasts

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"Mama, ish Vish here?" asks Sanvi as she waits near the fireplace. Beside her is Tikvah covering the cub and himself with loads of fur while trying to distract her with a croc figure wooden toy.

Since my cub and Vick have met three days ago, she has been asking for him every morning. Thankfully today is a colder day than usual after the winter season, which gives me an excuse of...

"Not today Sanvi, it's too cold to travel outside." With this I try to reign in my grin and instead give her a sad smile.

"Bush papash outside?" the cub says as she tilts her head. Drat, you know the feeling where you hope that because of age there will be understanding to a certain level? Well, my cub might be more perceptive than I thought. So, plan two, distraction along with what I hope sounds believable for a toddler...

Getting on my knees and leveling my head to her level, I picked up one of the wooden toys and make-believe it was running around her. Sanvi, not being able to keep up with trying to swat her hand on it, giggled at last when I placed it near her face and made a horse neigh sound.

"Papas are hunting for food and they can come inside, but Vick is not a papa, he can't come inside. And since it's too cold we can't go outside or we'll get sick."


"Sick, mmmm feeling bad because hurt," I try to explain as I follow up with a frown and shudder as if cold.

"Shick bad," frowns Sanvi as she appears to be understanding. "Mama, papash stay here like papa croch." She then looks at him worriedly and tries to whisper, "he cold and goesh brrr" while pretending to be shaking in a ball.

Said 'papa croch' was flush red in the face while gloomily and dispiritedly playing alone with the croc toy figure.

Oh boy, for the first time Sanvi has indirectly hurt one of her papas feelings. This almost spring season, Tikvah's sore spot has been the inability to go out and hunt for our food. Though I'm surprised that Sanvi has noticed so early how her papa completely rejects the cold. Mmm then again, he's mostly been the one with the most amount of fur covers, so much so that if seen far away he could've been mistaken for an overall round furry beast.

"Um, Sanvi dear," my hands went to the top of her head brushing away the small strands of hair around her face, "have you seen Papa Croc's beast?"

She shakes her head in no.

"Well, then why don't we ask Papa Croc if he could show us?"

Sanvi, who has seen her other papa's beast forms, smiles widely and looks at Tikvah with expectations, "papash, papash! I wansh to shee your beach!"

Trying not to laugh at Tikvah's widened eyes and still blushing face I corrected my cub, "Sanvi you need to ask and then say please at the end. It makes the other beastmen feel better when things are asked. They are also free to say no and you should honor that, yes?"

"Bush...," Sanvi looks at me pleadingly, "I wansh shee hish beach."

Dang it! She's so adorable and I know we each have our bratty moments, but right now I do not want my cub and future cubs to grow up thinking like one! Besides that, her mispronunciation of the word beast is kind of making me want to laugh at them.

Clearing my throat from a near laughing fit, I looked around and spotted how my males were about to speak. Tikvah and Leo, who was nearby, were about to say that she can ask for anything but I gave both of them a hard stare and glanced back at my cub with a small smile, "I know my dear cub and you eventually will, but saying please makes others feel happy and welcomed. Look!"

I then looked at Leo, who was facing us, and while still on my knees I raised my hand at him and asked, "Leo would you please help me up?"

Dumb struck, my male first stared at me in worry then snapped out of it when he rapidly went over and carried me bridal style. "Are you okay Suki? Are your legs hurting?" He then proceeds to try to massage my legs with his free hand.

Embarrassed, I try to go back on the last time I said please to them..Though honestly I can't remember. Now it was my turn to be dumb struck... realizing that maybe it is I who became a bratt!

"Ish mama hursh?"

My thoughts snap out as I glance towards my cub who is now being held in Tikvah's arms.

"Nn.." about to yell, my throat clears as I smile again, "Papa Leo has happily helped mama up because I said please, right Leo?"

"Uh," feeling a jab to his chest Leo knew better than to say no, "yes! papa was really happy to help mama!"

Now seeming to understand, Sanvi looks up at her papa with an unusually shy face. Tugging at one of his braids she then asks in a tiny voice, "Shanvi wansh to shee Papa Croch Bish, pleash." Then immediately hides her slightly blushing face to his chest.

Tikvah's chest immediately swells up and cradling her nearer to him, he makes his own purring sound and whispers to her, "yes."

While they were having their cub and papa moment, Suki whispers to Leo to let her down while assuring him that she won't fall because of her legs. After having to literally show her male how she can do squats, the family began to walk upstairs to where the biggest room was made. There, Badrick who seems to be working on his own little project greets his female with a prolong kiss and welcomes the little one with tickles to her tummy. Having listened to their conversation with his sensitive ears, Badrick then proceeds to carry Sanvi from Tikvah as Tikvah turns around and morphs into his beast.

"Wash Dat?" Sanvi immediately squeals in glee as she witnesses the longest snouted beast she had ever seen. Well the longest is almost everything except for its rather strange short legs.

Taking Sanvi closer to the croc beast, Badrick helps her to reach her hand out to his face where clear blue eyes can be seen staring at them. He then proceeds to teach her after the cub commented that the fur felt hard.

"Your papa Tikvah is a crocodile beastmen, their body is protected by scales instead of fur, that is why they feel hard. Croc beasts are also extremely fast in water, which makes them great for hunting in that area and they have one of the strongest bites of all beasts," exclaims Badrick as he pretends to bite Sanvi.

Giggling, Sanvi shouts, "I wanna shee, eh, pleash."

Before Tikvah obliged, his clear blue eyes quickly glanced at me to make sure I was comfortable with letting our cub near his mouth. After my subtle nod, he slowly opens his mouth to its full size. Here, the cub appears astonished by how wide his mouth was with all the huge teeth lined inside. "Sharp Teeth!"

"Yes, yes, but mine is the sharpest," pointedly smiles Badrick as he then carries Sanvi to the rest of Tikvah's scaly body. "Now, listen well little one, the crock beast loves the water and loves the warmer season. This.." he points to the scales, "are not made for cold weather, that's why he can't hunt but once it's warm he'll be able to not only hunt but teach you how to swim."

After the cub had enough of looking at Tikvah's beast, both they and Leo returned downstairs while Suki and Badrick stayed upstairs in the wide room.

"That was nice of you to help Tikvah out," purrs Suki as she happily leans her head to Badrick's chest. And best of all her smart cub has learned to say please.

Covering her with his own arms the male couldn't help but smirk as he replies with glowing golden eyes while tilting his female's neck for a kiss, "yes, she now knows a croc beast's strength and weakness." 

Uploaded originally on W at tpa d on December 16, 2022  19:42

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