Ch. 22 Warnings and Now This

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Tonight, while Sanvi was deeply sleeping in Tikvah's arms, Radu and Leo shared the exciting news of our victory. Then the fantastic news was bummed out when they warned our family about the new threat.

Suki, who sat down when she heard about the ferals, suddenly got back up again and began pacing the room. "What I'm understanding," pauses Suki as she brushes her hair back from her forehead. "Is that these ferals," she growls, "have been waiting for the opportunity that our tribe is either low in warriors or low in healthy higher mark warriors."

Nodding gravely, Leo points out in what he hopes will calm their female's nerves, "I believe that our Leaders may send out lower mark males to help our warriors."

Instead of the calming effect he hoped for, Suki groaned into her hands while the snakling and the hawk cub looked up at her in confusion. It was obvious to the other males present that these cubs also thought that it would've made Suki happy to know that she and the village would still be protected by stronger males.

"That won't work, they'll be cannon fodders," mutters Suki under her breath as she begins scratching her head in frustration and at the coming headache. Her papa, brother and everyone else who went to battle may perish if only lower mark warriors would be sent to them. Biting down on her nails, Suki looked up at her males. Two are in their four marks but are a pair in their fighting and defense form, one is in his third mark getting close to his fourth and is brutal in his fights, two others are in their third mark but no where near the fourth, one is in his second mark, and lastly is Radu who's in his first mark hopefully getting close to his second mark.

She could either send in her head male Tawa and his pair Keokuk or send in the most chill yet bloodthirsty of her males, Badrick. Huffing, Suki glances at Tawa who was crafting bows, then at Keokuk who stood silently against the wall with his honey colored eyes following her every move. If she sends in these two four marked males there will definitely be a higher chance of the warriors coming back safe. Yet that'll leave her family vulnerable to any attacks. If it was just her males and she, maybe there'll be a chance for her to slip away and hide from the ferals, but raising her head back to listen for her cub's heart beat, there's Sanvi. Tawa being her birth father would not feel comfortable being far from her and with obvious reason.

Suki looks away from them and glances at Badrick who with his claws is carving a design on a bone. Wait? That bone... did we hunt any deer lately? Shaking her head away from not so pretty suspicious thoughts of that bone's origin, Suki went back to sitting down and leaned back comfortably against the furry Adan. As she starts to caress Adan's wolf ears, her thoughts run back to imagining Badrick in battle. If she were to send him to help out, there is no denying that he'll massacre the ferals. However, there might be the slight chance that he'll forget to protect.

Sighing loudly, Suki mentally prepares her words before speaking to her family. "Our warriors would be too tired to be able to fully protect themselves. For that, I plan on sending one or two of you to protect them," says Suki as she directly looks into Tawa's, Keokuk's, and lastly Badrick's eyes.

Keokuk finally stops his staring and glances back at the thoughtful looking Badrick and a solemn Tawa.

It appears that her raptor male would follow what his pair would do, Suki thought correctly as she continues to explain her plan. "One option is to send both you and Keokuk to protect our tired and injured warriors," says Suki as she watches how Keokuk's feathers placed around his shaggy hair automatically become ruffled while her head male locks his hands tightly into fists.

"Or the second option would be to send Badrick with hopes that he'll also be able to get near or achieve his fourth mark." This time, it was the wolf beast behind her who shuddered at the idea while Badrick showed his signature smirk.

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