Ch. 47 Watching My Cub Grow

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I can't believe it that not so long ago I taught my 'teen' cub what blood coming from your ahum area meant so that the day she'll go into her first heat it wouldn't be such a dramatically cringy experience like mine. Of course, my cub back then did blush and tried to hide her face with a blanket made of cotton (thanks to the trading set up with Boomie's papa back in the Sakura Tribe and one day making his own across a few tribes). Anyway, though my cub quietly asked a few questions in rare meekness, it didn't take long for her to shamelessly take it further with the bird and the bees talk. There I gave up and signaled her to a few of her much closer in age friends who have already mated to have that type of girly talk... but with utmost warning in waiting till she came of age.

Utmost Warning! Or her papas would be having some free punching bags. 

Really, I don't remember being that shameless. Well... remembering a certain Healer Liam's class, ehhh that was just an educational discussion.

Anyway, now, my dear Sanvi is looking extremely proud tonight in her black top and bottom cloth while wearing a beautiful pink and red flower head wreath. Though I did ask her if she wanted to wear silk, but grinning mischievously she admitted that she didn't want that precious clothing to be discarded so quickly.

Correct but... Shameless.

"Thanks dear, do you want some too?" A female asks the other female seated beside her.

Said female glances at her bitten nails and admits, "I don't know if I can eat anything, I feel so anxious."

The first female laughs while another comments near them, "I'm so proud of my boys. They're so good at looking so terrifying."

Lucy snorts thinking that they are terrifying since they were born from her womb. Suki, on the other hand, simply nods her head amazed at the many males that have lined up in front of her own grow cub's bonfire. And Sheila, well, she looks like she wants to cheer for her grown cubs who are teaming up in fighting the other males who are seeking to have Sanvi as their female.

As the three females chat, their males split into a few giving them massages, giving them food to snack on, to stepping a little further away to talk between themselves.

"Hummm, I haven't seen that move before," says a wolf beastman as he stares in interest of how one of the twins had grabbed onto another male, raising him in the air as if he weighed nothing, then slamming him backwards onto the ground.

"Me neither," comments Vick as he stares in wonder at the secret techniques The Unique One's cubs must've learned.

"Oh no, I know that look," sighs Tawa while he and the rest of the males immediately look at the young female's sparkly eyes.

Jack, Lucy's male, laughs at Sanvi's papas, while Dash, Lucy's head, male grins at watching Suki's males grimace at knowing their grown independent cub will no longer be on their watch to stop any of her bizarre antics.

Feeling somewhat sorry for them, another of Sheila's males adds quietly, "don't worry, they'll be gentle in teaching her those moves."

"It's, it's... not that what we're afraid of.. It's.." starts Keokuk.

"She's gonna use it on some poor females," ends Badrick with a grin as he quickly glances at a certain Peacock female turning pale despite being near her own bonfire.

Jack couldn't keep it in and starts to guffaw out loud while Dash bends over laughing.

"Well, think of this way," interrupts Brent, Lucy's fox male, "it's now up to them to stop her," he finishes as he signals at the steely eye hawk beastman who clearly is trying to hold in his frustration and the two face soft looking pink hair rattlesnake beastman who are both standing on each side of the full on grinning Sanvi who was looking like a tyrannical queen sitting on her throne.

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