Ch. 23 River Outing and Memories

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A soaking Sanvi was sitting in a flower covered area with another female cub a few winters older than her. As she and the other female got to know each other by Sanvi trying to eat a purple flower and the other immediately trying to replace it with a white honey scent flower, their mothers and females conversed.

"She's adorable Talley," coos Natasha as she brushes Suki's hair.

Talley, a raptor female and one of the newer females that arrived from Suki's adventures in other tribes, puffs up at the compliment.

Another female comments, "her papa must have some gorgeous hair, because I've never seen such bright purple color."

Trying not to grin, the cub's mother nods her head and giggles, "peacock beastman are quite gorgeous but also slightly vain."

Natasha fully grins as she begins to braid Suki's hair, "you mean completely vain, but I admit they are pretty."

The rest of the females nod their head in agreement, for they have never seen a more vain beast than a peacock... though they've heard tales that female mermaids could beat them in that area. Thankfully, they all internally sigh, no mermaid has reached their village in many many winters.

Elena, who was napping near them began to stir, yawn, and stretch. As her golden eyes became clear to her surroundings, she sniffed the air, "the males have become bold."

Sheila, who is wearing two odd looking skin tight cloths and is getting her hair brushed by Suki, quizzically asks, "what do you mean?"

Fully aware of how Sheila is so odd about her privacy, Elena wrinkles her nose and thought of a way to tell her without startling her, "um, because of the last surprise done to us at this place, the males are closer to the river."

"Surprise?" asks Talley.

"Huh?" says Sheila, tilting her head as to why would the males be closer at this sacred place known as the bathing site for females?

Wait.. blinking her eyes at first in wonder then as if a bulb has been lightened up, she glances with her eyes at all of the naked bodies around her. Quickly, as if feeling it was her duty to make sure these females were being respected, she began to physically look for signs of said males.

Pfff laughs Natasha getting up then slapping a hand on Sheila's back. "If you're looking for them, the males won't show themselves. If they do then they are either crossing our boundary" says Natasha with an ominous air and glowing hazel eyes.

"Or they're defending us," adds Elena with a soft smile as she checks to see if her cloths are dry.

Blushing a bit at seeing Natasha standing boldly and laughing merrily at her, Sheila couldn't help but ask in a whisper, "you're not bothered?"

Instead of Natasha responding, Suki butt in with a mischievous smile, "those around us are males mated to one of us, though I hope their eyes won't accidentally wander to another female."

"Never!" hollers a familiar boisterous voice followed by an oomph.

"That's mine," gleefully smiles Elena already dressed in her cloths as she waves the other females bye.

Someone coughs in their circle.

Tilting their heads, everyone looks at the fidgety looking raptor female. "What was the surprise?"

Dark laughter can be heard coming from someone still washing in the river, "that my dear is when a foolish kitty decided we would be attacked at this place."

Suki, noticing that her mother is still pissed at that memory, decided to retell the story to the newcomers so that they'll also be on guard for the next few days. The more eyes on their surroundings, the better it'll be, internally shrugs Suki as she watches her mother paddling furiously in the river.

Finishing the tale, Suki notices that the older female cub has made a purple, white, and yellow flower wreath and has placed it on her chubby cub's head. Though clearly happy, Sanvi can be seen trying to get up with the older cub's help and waddling carefully toward them.

"Mama! Look!" points Sanvi to the flower wreath on her head.

Getting up, Suki smiles widely, "it's gorgeous! Who made it?"

Mimicking her mother's smile, Sanvi happily points at her new friend who is now at her mother's side, "Talise made it and she says this will make me even more beautiful!"

Nodding her head, Suki smiled at the memory of when she first met Elena and Natasha. "It does my little one, did you thank her?"

Gasping, Sanvi blushes and immediately searches for the young peacock female cub. Looking up, she then notices that a clothed Talise has been picked up by her equally clothed mother."Thank you Talise!"

The other cub blushes furiously and yells back while her mother keeps walking toward the direction of the village, "I didn't make it just for you! As my new friend, we are gonna be the most beautiful females!"

Suki and the rest of the older females giggle at the cuteness when Sanvi yells back okay and Talise's mother's ears can be seen going red at her cub's outburst while laughing awkwardly back.

Suddenly Sanvi's began grumbling that it was hot. "I see," frowns Suki as she touches her cub's forehead and notices it to be warmer than hers. A few days have passed since Sanvi mentioned her uncontrollable hunger. Just yesterday Sanvi stopped eating as much and today it appears like the worst of the symptoms has shown itself.

"Time for us to leave," says Suki as she begins to dress her cub then herself while her mother keeps a watchful worried eyes on Sanvi.

Before they left, Lucy whispered to Suki and gave her a bag that was placed around her neck. Thanking her mother, Suki internally sighs at the coming hurdle of making sure her cub will make it. Unfortunately cold medicine doesn't exist in this world, but the expensive blue orbs handed to her will definitely help in keeping the fever down.

As mother and daughter leave the area, Sanvi sleepily tells her mama that she wants to wear the gift her friend made and show it everywhere. Laughing softly at her innocence, Suki goes into teacher mode, "if you want my dear cub, you can wear the flower wreaths but only when I and your papas are there with you."

Blinking sleepily, Sanvi asks, "but you'll always be with me mama."

Smiling sadly Suki remembers again about the competition coming up. Patting her cub's back softly, Suki thinks about how to explain her future absence without worrying her too much. "Remember that your friend said that you both will become the most beautiful females?"

Humming Sanvi says she remembers. "Well every five winters a competition is held showing off each tribe's most beautiful female."

"Really?" asks Sanvi, surprised and trying to stay awake.

Humming Suki responds, "yes, and this winter because I had you, my beautiful female cub, I'll be going."

"That's amazing mama," yawns Sanvi happily as she buries her face into her mother's shoulder.

"Yes, it is..." says Suki, noticing that her cub feels heavier and hotter. Feeling her eyes water, Suki stops and takes out one of the blue orbs.

"Let me carry her Suki," asks a soft voice near her shoulder as he cleans a teardrop from his shaking female's cheek.

Leaning her own head on Adan's broad shoulders, Suki breathes in his pine scent and gives her precious gift to her concerned male. As he holds the profoundly sleeping little one gently in his arms, Suki takes the blue orb and places it softly on her cub's warm mouth. Immediately her cub starts to suck on the orb and as the orb diminishes her cub stops sweating as much. Thankfully because of the orb her cub is now calmly remaining asleep.

Purring in relief, Adan with his free arm brings in a hopeful looking Suki in for a much needed hug. 

Posted only on waa t t pa d  on March 31,2023  12:41

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