Ch. 24 Worry, Energy Outburst, & Reason For Shopping

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When her fever began, it was the day that we all fretted. So much so that Tawa had to order the more energetic of our family to relieve his stress by fighting with the single males of our tribe. That night Leo and surprisingly my timid Tikvah came back with some bruises on their faces yet were grinning and boasting about their wins. As for the blue cores that my mother gave me, our stash of green orbs and recently bought blue orbs helped with keeping Sanvi's temperature at a somewhat comfortable level. However, we were later berated by gramps that same night to not give her too many blue orbs for it was her fever that was helping her transition. How? Not really sure about that. Gramps also berated Leo and Tikvah about coming out too hard towards their tribe's single few marked males and instead to their horror recommended for them to fight with the stress mated males.

Yesterday my little one was still asleep, waking every now and then mumbling of pain and wanting to drink water. In her foggy awake state my cub hasn't noticed how fast she's been growing. Watching in disbelief at her growth, felt like I have been giving her Miracle Growth. Such a quick process, no wonder my cub is in pain. And because of such a quick growth spurt, we've kept Sanvi without cloths but completely covered in what Sheila has thankfully named as a fur blanket. Though I'm aware that my males wouldn't ever see her like another single female, I still felt my past life's values of making sure that my cub was always covered whenever they entered the room.. Including my Head Male who simply nodded to my decision.

This morning Leo and Tikvah attempted to volunteer to stay home by either bringing in clean cloths or sowing new cloths for Sanvi, but Radu gently smiled and reminded them of the honor of peacefully fighting and gaining strength with this tribe's strong mated males (who by the way were mostly tanks). And so, while they were outside gaining experience, the rest of my males were either preparing food or preparing for Sanvi's new outfits. As for me, I took this time to quickly head to the village to prepare my sweet cub her first First Phase present that will be made by the gifted hands of Tawa and Keokuk.

"I'll trade with you this aromatic mixture of herbs for those seashells, shiny rocks and string," says Adan as he widely smiles at the vendor who sniffed curiously at the wooden jar.

"And what is this?" asks the beastman as he is now looking into the jar.

Winking with his one eye, Adan lowers his voice and answers, "this is a secret recipe made by our village's one and only Unique One... said to make the meat taste finer." Then adds with a pitching sale as he lifts the jar to the vendor, "this recipe is salvigated and appreciated by many females, including my own." Signaling to me who kept my expression calm though I did give the vendor a slight head nod to approve the so-called 'secret' recipe.

The single male vendor glanced back at me for confirmation but thankfully did not stop to sight see since my other male Keokuk stood beside me giving him a cold look.

"Done," says the vendor with a smile as they traded the items.

While they finished their business, we went ahead and walked toward other stalls selling short to long soft furs and oddly what appeared to be either lizard or colossal skin. Remembering Sheila's bikini and how I won't be at this village because of my upcoming trip, I immediately went to the stall selling the reptile looking skin.

The vendor behind the stall was an odd looking beastman not known throughout these parts... What beast could he be? His stature was shorter than the usual males, had cute small round ears that made me think he might be a sort of mouse beastman, but then his tail didn't match the image. His tail is thick and furry like a dogs. In his two legged beastman form I couldn't find any other clues as to what he could be and so out of curiosity and thinking of my cub's needs I spoke up.

"Can you show me your most flexible and stretchable cloth."

Perplexed at my order, the black hair vendor scratched his head and suddenly went behind his stall to bring forth another reptile looking skin. Lifting the emerald colored skin to me, he fully grinned while explaining the origins and how stretchable it could be. As he opened his mouth to speak, my eyes immediately went to the two upper supremely long sharp teeth. A bat beast?

Not only me but glancing by my other side even Adan was trying to sniff the air filled with this beastman's scent with a confused look.

"For this gorgeous one of a kind skin, I'll trade with you for that secret recipe you gave to Pete and some meat," finishes the vendor while licking his lips in anticipation. "Or two red orbs would do," adds the vendor as an afterthought.

"We'll trade with a red orb and the Unique One's secret recipe," intervenes Keokuk as he places his hand on the green colored skin.

Hmmm, hums the vendor, "I see... deal."

As Adan stays behind to finish this trade, Keokuk takes us to a place away from the vendors and explains, "Suki, that last vendor is known as tasmanian devil beastman. They're fierce, easy to anger, annoyingly unbeatable in perseverance, have a nasty bite, and live for vengeance."

Blinking in wonder that this type of beast exists in this world, I then again tilted my head at how he knew so much about them? Has he fought them before?

Noticing my scowl, Keokuk laughs heartily, "no sane beastmen would knowingly taunt them, especially when reason can't be reached in their mad state."

Giving a kiss to my forehead, he then added, "Tawa and I traveled everywhere with the vendors, that is where we came across many types of beasts, both males and females." He then laughs loudly as he remembers something, "in fact, it was at a village filled with tasmanian devil females that we had to tiptoe around them.. Thankfully their females preferred furry males, much to the distraught of the single leopard and lion vendors who went with us."

Giggling, I imagine my own brother passing through a similar village. Sigh, I'm hoping he and papa are safe. About to ask what my mates have heard of our warriors, my voice got cut off by a pain filled cubish howl.

"What was that for?" yells a familiar voice coming from the direction of the last vendor we visited.

As we both look back, we notice Adan slowly stepping away from the stall and entering the crowd as many watch a much noticeable black cherry hair cub rubbing what appears to be a smacked forehead while scowling at the slightly closed eye full grinning vendor.

"Return when you're older and able to trade for my wares."

To which Atlas yelled back while pointing at himself, "I may look young but I can bring you much better meat!"

We then heard no more, for Keokuk had morphed into his beast and Adan had picked me up to fly away before the cub could spot us. Elena's cub is persistent, could it be that Bronco had a tasmanian devil beastmen down his family line? Shaking my head, I think back to my poor cub waiting for us. Soon, hopefully soon tomorrow will be the last day of her turmoil. 

Author's Note:

Hola. Sorry for this rather short and late chapter. I've been having writer's block (though I know where my story is heading, what to add, but how to add is another story), and lack of energy/motivation to get back at it. Maybe it's the weather lol.

On another note, I've been wanting to add a fourth fur baby to our family but reason kicks in making me remember what makes the world go round. Hint.. $$ and tadaa the dreaded word, Bills. Which would deflate anyone into a melting slob though I am thankful for what I have and can pay for.

Btw hope you like Suki's little shopping spree*

Anyway, the next chapter will be of Sanvi's reaction toward her First Phase. 

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