Chapter 2. Being Mama's Guest

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In front of a den stands outside a half-female bear beast with a horse beastman and a raptor beastman standing quite a distance behind her. In front of this female and particularly inside a well lit den stands a shorter yet more voluptuous female with long straight black hair and mischievous dark blue eyes. Behind her are four silky black hair, of different lengths, male cubs of approximately 15 of age who are excitedly looking at the visitor. Opposite the look of the younger males excitement, standing on the outside of the entrance of the den is an older broad shoulder dirty blonde hair bear beastman whose light brown eyes are zeroing in on the two proud yet respectful males who are similarly watching him and the other males surrounding their female's mother's den.

"Suki dear, you know you are welcome to stay here while your den gets finished but...," says mama as she smiles pleasantly while attempting to tug me to her den.

"Mama, I'm aware." Jeez, like most males of this world, they're not comfortable with other males stepping on their territory, despite these males already being taken. I continue, "most of my males would spend the night at our den but two of them request to stay outside your den while I stay here." Bowing my head at my mother, then at my crossed arms papa bear who is standing near me, I ask while patting my cub bump, "would you please allow them?"

Mother smiles gently and without looking back at my papas' she orders, "Dash, would you kindly let Suki's males know where they can stay?" Hearing his snort, papa Bear starts walking toward my now curious males. Oh boy, remembering papas training toward my brothers, I wonder what he'll try while both mama and I aren't looking.

Watching her head male walk toward the two unfortunate males, Lucy then adds, "Jake, Josh, Johnny, and Jamie, would you please prepare some of our meat for your sister." Hollering in delight, the four crowlings quickly and delicately hug me on their way out as they start a small campfire. Smiling broadly at her perplexedly timid daughter she comments, "now that's taken care of, come inside Suki!" Then proceeds to gush, "oh my, how big your tummy is getting and a female cub no less, how wonderful!"

As mama gently holds onto my arm while splendidly dragging me to the middle room, she then helps me to sit down at one of the most comfortable furs and sits beside me while caressing her own cub bump. Mother probably went into estrus while I was away. Thinking about who would be the proud papa, I'm soon brought back to the moment when mama decides to clap her hands. Mama excitedly exclaimes, "How could I forget!" Squeaking giddily, mama adds, "after this winter it'll be The Most Beautiful Contest!"

Oh... DANG! It's been five winters already?!?! I don't wanna go. But what's the chance of one of our own tribe females having a female cub as well? Let me tell you, ZERO! ZERO!!! I don't wannaaaaa!!

Noticing my smile slipping, mama pat's my hand, "though, if you don't want to, it's okay my dear Suki."

I nod my head to let her know that I don't wanna go.

With sad looking eyes, mama adds, "you've been through a lot these seasons, helping grandly in the forthcoming battle with the Ape Clan."

Another head nod to that!

"You've traveled long distances and blessedly added many strong males to your family, no one would fault you if you would prefer to stay in your home tribe for a while." 

More fervent head nods. Yes! Mama understands me!

"You could always let our Leaders know you don't want to go. In fact, I could go with you for support."

Yes mama, thank you!

"So, when your cub is ready, would you do me the favor of showing her around our village?"

Yes mama, nodding my head till I realize... what?

Now looking up with perplexed eyes, my mother gives me a bright smile, "remember your first time to the village? It was absolutely wonderful, everyone kept blessing and praising us." Then adding as in thought, "that trip also helped to secure your first male? Mmm Rabu was it?"

"Radu," I interrupt.

"Ahh yes, Radu, and he has become a splendid male to your family has he not?"

Now with my inner self depleting, I smile back responding, "yes mama, he has, he definitely has," but I don't want my own cub to experience the baby lion king moment like I did.

As we kept on talking into the night, eating, and then sleeping I began to remember how my mother loves to stir up attention. It's gotta be the fox beastmens special traits, though papa Brent (a fox beastman) never really tried to hug up all the attention.. Hmmm.

--- change of scenery ---

Stepping out of the den the following cold morning, my nose picked up on the scents of two of my males. Looking toward the sky, some distance away, I notice Keokuk's beast form hovering along a large crow beast and four other smaller crow beasts. With a call from papa Jack, the four smaller bird beasts quickly flew away as my male kept hovering. However, in five short seconds he flaps his large wings to go higher and suddenly mercifully dives toward one of my brothers. Knocking two of them, the victims try to get their momentum back to normal. Yet because one of them couldn't straighten his wings back to flight, papa Jack's beast form can be seen diving down to grab onto his cub before hitting the ground. Eeeouch! Must be one of their training sessions.

Feeling another shiver going to my arms, I calmly pat my belly, glad that at least my first cub would be a female. Like, really glad.

My nose then twitches to the smell of prey. Glancing at the woods walks my head male Tawa carrying a delicious looking boar, hmm not bad. Then walks nearby papa bear and papa tiger carrying each a full grown buck. What's with the bucks? Now I know they probably either came across a herd, or they're suspiciously taking it out at my male's species. Lifting an eyebrow I give my male a welcoming smile while giving my papas a knowing smile. Males and their ego.

Tutting I walked over to papa fox and papa leopard who were getting the campfire ready.

"Suki, I hope you had a good sleep at our den," exclaims papa Chris as he purrs and gives me a hug. Papa Brent who was beside him, immediately goes to my hair and tries to help detangle it, "now Suki, since your males are busy with the construction of your den, I can happily help with making a nice pretty braid on your hair. What do you think?"

Smiling, I move my head to a no. "Thank you papa Brent but my head male loves to braid my hair." Yet watching my pretty papa's smile go into a pout, I couldn't help but add, "but maybe since Tawa came from the horse clan, he could teach you new braiding styles. Yes! That way mama would look even lovelier and show it off to our tribe's females!"

Papa Brent's light blue eyes sparkle. "That's a good idea Suki, let's get your male to braid your hair right away, but first at least let me detangle your hair."

And thus now I know why papa Brent hadn't tried to 'hug the attention' could I forget that as a fox beastmen, they love pretty things and one of them is definitely making their female be and feel the most gorgeous of all.

Updated on July 26, 2023  posted only on wwa tpad

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