Ch. 36 The Family Males Decision

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"Did you see how strong Papa Bat was today Sanvi?"

Asks Badrick while laying on his side comfortably.  This would've looked like a nice warm papa and cub conversation except my dear mate was holding in his free hand a teeth marked wooden bat toy 'diving down' and hitting a similar looking croc toy lying 'dead' on the ground.

Like a good pupil, our cub Sanvi admirably gazes at how the bat toy went for the croc's head. "Yes papa! We saw you going immediately for the eyes!"

"Elias! Marte! You missed the once in a lifetime chance to watch papa Bat in action!" whisper shouts Sanvi to the other two cubs who were looking ashamed.

Ignoring the pet beasts who were supposed to always be by Sanvi's side, Badrick laughs boisterously and gently passes the bat toy to Sanvi who was sitting nearby. "And where else did I attack?"

"Well, here and then here, and then we saw you feed.. But." Wrinkling her nose, she adds in a curious tone, "I think you fed on him more than you do to the rest of the papas."

Grinning wickedly, Badricks takes the toy from Sanvi and lifts her to his lap and honestly replies. "When I feed from your papas, it's usually done as a last resort since what my beast craves is blood, not meat." He then lays his arms around our cub and hugs her protectively, "you and Suki are precious to your papas, and what that croc could have done to you both would have been unforgivable." Closing his eyes, he then opens them up to a bright red color while staring at my head male with a promising gaze, "leaving him weak is his punishment."

Tawa and Keokuk sensing the defiance to Tawa's position became stiff. Not wanting to let our cub become aware of what's about to happen, standing up I reached to take Sanvi into my arms and with Tikvah behind us we went to finally rest. Well at least Sanvi will rest, I just hope that my males would come to an agreed conclusion.

With the exception of Adan who stayed inside, the rest of Suki's males ran toward the forest. Under the moon stood a horse beastman in his half form overshadowing the raptor beastman standing beside with an unblinking stare at the other side where a half form Badrick waited with glowing red eyes. A little further away from the three beastmen stood a calm looking Radu and a nervous looking Leo.

"You want my position?" Demands Tawa as he stomps the ground in agitation.

The other male scoffs, "if nothing changes, I may have to."

Narrowing his eyes Tawa orders, "be more direct."

"You sent with Suki and Sanvi, Leo a two stripes male and Adan a 3 mark male. Usually I wouldn't have to butt in, but that decision could have harmed them today."

Hearing his name and number of marks he has, Leo looked down in embarrassment.

Not waiting for a reply, Badrick continues, "we may be at peace now, but until our weakest males obtain another mark, Suki and Sanvi should each be accompanied by either myself, Keokuk, or you. Also, that female that ordered that beast to show up on the shore is rather unhinged." Warns Badrick, remembering how when he shrieked at her direction, that female's golden eyes were gleaming with coldness, slight madness, and trickery.

Frowning in sternness, Tawa nodded his head in agreement. Turning to Leo and Radu, he commented, "both of you have been with Suki longer and this tribe has thankfully not had many attacks like others, but now Keokuk and Badrick would take turns in helping both of you to raise your marks."

Leo and Radu immediately kneeled, nodding they said they would follow. Though under the moonlight Radu white skin turns pale when Badrick jokingly adds in a warning, "try not to bleed too much."

Turning back to Badrick, the horse beastman lifted his eyebrow. "This female that you mentioned is an elder?"

To the males present it was inconceivable how an elder could wish harm to another female, and even less to a cub. Badrick would've thought the same before, until earlier today when he saw her smirking at the bear beastman standing near them.

"Could it be that she has claimed the male who is wanting to court our female?" Reasoning, asks Keokuk.

"Not much is known about mermaids except tales about their beauty and vainess," comments Leo with his tail wrapped around his hand. A behavior usually done when he's unsure of something.  

Shaking his head in no, Radu corrects, "this isn't about her beast. I believe it's more about where she came from." "And," looking up at the head male, "what she went through to make her take such peculiar decisions."

The males pause in silence for they've heard bits of what occurred in the Ape Clan's territory, yet little information was heard of the mermaid's place. 

Finally the head male orders, "Suki and Sanvi in no way should be alone with that mermaid. Instead of one of us, it should be two when it's obvious that she'll be there."

"Eh, what about bathing?" comments quietly Leo, remembering how Suki loves to visit the river where only females bathe.

All the males immediately scowled for that was the one place no males were allowed to step their foot in.

- - - -

The next morning Suki was pleasantly surprised at the fine amount of dessert (basically loads of honey) and the massages given to her by her males.

Purring in a relaxed manner, she was led to the outside where she suddenly felt a round slender long object placed in her hand.

Further opening her eyes, she stares at the long stick that she hasn't seen since the attack placed on them. Slowly she looks back up at Tawa, lifting a questioning eyebrow at him.

Smiling brightly, her head male turns to her side and gives a much smaller version of the stick to little Sanvi. Who became obviously overjoyed. 

"Your mama knows how to use this weapon, but she hasn't mastered it yet. So us papas thought that it's a good season for both of you to learn together." Comments Tawa as he shows Sanvi how to hold her weapon.

Narrowing her eyes, she was about to speak about how she knew enough of this deadly face hitting weapon (usually done to herself) but Radu breaks in and comments with a gentle smile, "this would be a memorable mother and daughter bonding time."

Suki almost let her stick fall, aware that those same words were used when her own mama taught her how to use the special cotton undies for her first heat. Holding the stick fiercer to herself, she relented in realizing that maybe her own cub's memory would be either more loving or amusing compared to her own embarrassed one.

Breathing out, Suki stood to the side and said, "Sanvi, watch how mama holds the stick in both hands. The one holding the stick should be facing down, the other would be placed on top of that hand facing up. Now, as you twirl the stick up, don't catch with your upper hand the first time around, but the second time. Like this."

Suki then showed a bright-eyed Sanvi how to twirl the stick around flawlessly. "Then once you get used to not hitting your own fingers, you can confidently make it go faster.. Like this."

Smiling, Suki began twirling the stick slowly, then picked up the pace. She was about to smile confidently but stopped showing her teeth when she felt a loss of control of said flying stick that was about to hit her face. Fortunately dodged it, unfortunately it ended up hitting Adan's blind side who conveniently was standing near her talking with a depressed looking Leo.

"Em," clearing her throat, "as Papa Horse said this will be our mother and daughter bonding time, both of us learning how to master this particularly tricky weapon.. Are you up to it?"

Sanvi immediately shouted yes!

As mother and daughter learned, the males breathed in reliefs except for Adan who now kept a wary eye on those flying weapons.

Posted on 10/04/23 only on waat pad. Time 16:35

A/N: hope this little comedy chapter brought some smiles or smirks.

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