Ch. 17 Introductions and Welcomes

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The once serene calm beautiful morning has turned into an unmanageable dark cloudy night filled with lightning, thunder, and strong winds. Up on a hill, highlighted by the latest flash, lies a tall three story den made with a mixture of stone and wood by its current inhabitants. Usually those that reside here wouldn't care for the stormy weather except that tonight is a special night. For this night more has been added to this den.

"Thankfully she's exhausted from today's play," sofly says Adan who was carrying a sleeping Sanvi as he, Leo, and a guilty looking Suki walk to the largest bedroom to finally rest for the day. Behind them stands the rest of Suki's males who aren't scowling, but nor are they smiling, except for Radu who still has a smile on his face despite the extra beast present.

Another flash of lightning highlights the backs of the five male beastmens as they look down at the two stiff figures.

"Listen up cubs, you two have been chosen by Sanvi to become her pet beasts," roughly states Tawa as he walks around them. "You, hawk cub," signaling to the nervous yet blissfully smiling black hair cub, "and you snake cub," pointing to the ever alert hot pink hair cub, "will be sleeping on the third floor until you reach your Third Phase."

The male cubs nodded their heads.

"Until then, there will be no bloody fights between you two seen by either Sanvi or Suki, understood?" adds Keokuk remembering that Suki hated seeing flesh wounds on them.

About to nod their heads they suddenly stopped at the order that they couldn't make the other bleed. Eying one another they both ponder if they'll be able keep to that deal.

Keokuk, noticing the unfavorable skepticism they have against each other, knew that sometimes the best thing for males would be to fight each other in order to live in harmony. Letting out a sigh, he added, "if you wish to fight, do it elsewhere where they can't see. Also, don't ever show up bleeding to either of them."

Now comprehending that they can still figure each other out, they nodded in acceptance until.

"Or else, I might love to taste you myself," smirks Badrick with emphasis on the word love as his golden eyes glow at watching how the cubs froze in alert.. Listening to their heartbeats, he knew he scared them. It has always pleased him in using threats however...

Elias' happy smile vanishes and he quickly nods his head. Snake cub on the other hand, blatantly stares at the bat beast to see if he was joking.

To this provocation, Badrick simply had to morph his face to show his true hunger.

Almost fainting, Elias immediately kneels in submission while his whole body shakes. The snake feral besides him finally understood the reality of the threat and for his own sake also decided to kneel.

A ghastly image of horror and a recent memory of the bat beasts hunting their prey, Radu decidedly kept his eyes on the cubs while Tikvah slightly nodded his head in approval. Still feeling the hair on his scalp, tail, and limbs standing up, Radu attempts to divert to a happier conversation, "So Elias, I've heard that you came from the Falling Petals Tribe."

"Ye, yeh, yes," finally says the trembling cub as he keeps his eyesight down.

"Please look at me, little hawk cub, for you and I have many things to discuss," comments Radu with a gentle smile.

Listening to the gentle tone so very opposite of the other recent encounter with the three mark beastman, Elias looks up at the skunk beastman with gratitude in his red colored eyes, "of course."

Nodding his head, Radu asks permission from the head male to take him up to the second floor to discuss his old tribe. Nodding his consent, both beasts walk upwards and leave behind the others with the last cub.

"Feral, let's start with your name and beast type." Commands Tawa who by the way was no longer walking around them but instead standing in one place.

"I am a pink snake and I call myself Marte."

Tawa and Keokuk stayed silent, aware that sometimes the most colorfully adorned snake beasts are usually poisonous. Not wanting to try their luck and suffer for a few minutes, the head male looks at the beast that can combat most bites to his skin.

Tikvah walks closer to the feral and asks in a kind tone, "specifically what kind of pink snake beast are you?" After his question the sound of thunder vibrated throughout the den.

Staring back at the vertical light blue glowing eyes of this unknown reptile beast, Marte unconsciously sticks out his snake tongue to taste the air and replies in confirmation, "you already know what I am."

Tikvah slowly lifts his lips to a smile, and as he does white pale scales begin to cover his skin. Marte, aware that this reptile beast might attack him adds in what he hopes to be a calm voice, "as a rattle snake feral I never dream to be any female's anything, but I promise that from this day forward I'll protect Sanvi to the best of my abilities."

Smiling widely with sharp teeth lining his mouth, Tikvah happily comments, "good," and gives Marte a rough pat on his head, making said cub open his eyes in astonishment.

Turning his back on the cub to return to a more comfortable sitting position, Tawa begins to instruct the snake pet beast all about the rules of the den, such as not biting with venom at anyone, the rules of the tribesmen, such as not hurting (accidently or not) any female and or biting any other male with venom unless it was for Suki and Sanvi's safety, etc etc.

But if he did have to practice his venom, he could try it on the prey he himself will eat only. No sharing of poisoned prey to them. And most importantly, if he believes his feral side may come out they'll gladly help him cool it off by, you know, pounding eh fighting it out.

Thankfully, Keokuk thinks as he watches the snakling climb the stairs to the third floor, that the snake, though feral, is still a cub. Which means that the emotional side of him can still be taught and adapted to living in a tribe. On the other hand, If the snake was an adult vying for their cub, he would've immediately been eliminated.

Listening to both cubs now choosing their place to sleep in, Badrick motions to the croc beast with his chin while stretching his arms wide to the air. "Ey Tikvah, did his scent seem familiar?"

Tikvah, happily smiling at being called by him nods his head, "the Misty Eye Tribe are usually fighting the snake ferals for territory and protection." Now seemingly smiling at the past, "his pinkish hair reminds me of the few ferals we've killed but," now scratching behind his ears, "they're usually located further south from us?"

Now aware that this little feral cub came from far away, Tawa gives Badrick a warning, "don't kill them yet, we need to know how many more may be on the way."

"Then let me knock out the farthest one away," replies Badrick as he waves goodbye and goes up to the third floor where he has the perfect place to spread his wings.

The following morning Suki gives each of her males kisses for accepting the two cubs and smiles in pity at how both of these cubs seem to have lacked sleep. When asked if they needed furs, both rapidly shook their heads in no and immediately left to hunt for their things after giving Suki and sleepy face Sanvi a good morning greetings.

Leo and Adan knew why both those male cubs couldn't sleep. All they had to do was look at the content snoring Badrick and at a peculiar looking tree that still has some scent of beast blood around it. Thankfully the tree was far from their den and from the place Suki usually walks around at, but can be perfectly viewed from the third floor. 

A/N: Did you imagine that both got in? Wonder how? Till next time ;)

Posted on www atpad on February 10, 2023  12:51

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