Ch. 10 A Certain Rare Smile

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The tip of the tall trees glitter as if a heavenly light was brought upon them by the rising sun. Slowly the golden light appears to gently touch the landscape as it further spreads its warmth leaving in its wake the song of the awakened birds.

Puffing out air into the cold outside, smiling profusely and again taking a huge gulp of the fresh freezing air, I lift my cub closer to my face as we watch half of my males coming back with prey while the other half (with the exception of Badrick) prepare the campfire.

Fresh air at last!! Humorously, both cub and I take in again another gulp of air.

"Mama," points a curious eye Sanvi to the white covered ground, "wha da?"

That's right. Today is the first day that we females are finally able to come out of the den. Which means no more strong wind and hail of the continuous falling of profound snow. As I internally cheer for not having to be confined in the den anymore, I crouch and hold Sanvi to where her feet can touch the ground. Of course she's not bare feet but instead is wearing cute tan shoes with an obvious bear head figure on top of them.

"This white stuff," I say as I pick up some snow and place it near her, "is called snow." Holding onto her to make sure that she won't fall on her bump, Sanvi touches the white particles with her little fingers. Astounded, my little cub's dark brown eyes widen and she screams in glee, "itsh col mama!" Laughing with her, I then had to hold onto my cub's fingers when I noticed the glimmer in her eyes of what she was about to do. "No Sanvi, you can't eat snow.. It's too cold and it'll hurt your head."

Pouting my little one understood the word hurt and quickly flung her arms to me. "No hurd, Sanvi wansh mama."

Bringing her back toward my chest, I covered us both with the furs while thinking back on how Sanvi accidentally burned her tongue while drinking soup a few days ago. Needless to say my males on that day were frantic about her safety and vowed to make sure that her food would never be too hot for her again.. Exaggeration much humm, but that is how our world functions where female beasts are valued higher than any other thing besides maybe food. Lack of nutrition combined with lack of rules can make anyone do the unthinkable. Thankfully, our tribe and the closest tribes near to us do not have that type of mindset and or situation.

Now that the fire on the logs is burning brighter, I made my way to one of the logs placed with fur on top for us to sit on. Sniffing at the sweet aroma that the tender meat is giving out, a pull on my cloth distracts my hunger to where Sanvi is looking at me with expectant eyes.

"Mama, can wesh shee Vish?"

Vick? Ever since she heard of the story of how he protected me from the huge fish, she's been adamant in wanting to meet him much to my head male's sulking face.

Humming, "he's most probably awake right now, but let's wait a few days to meet him because you know when we bear beasts wake up from our slumber, we're Hunnggrrryy!" I growl with a toothy smile as I tickle my cub leaving her screaming in delight.

Unbeknown to these two females a tall wide chested male with shaggy black hair and scars clearly shown around his throat and back is looking at them with a small smile. As he attempts to memorize Suki's little cub, he gently lets his claws elongate to mark the tree nearby.

He pauses however when a voice from up on one of the trees speaks, "that is not needed bear." Not bothering to look up at the four mark beastmen, for only a male higher than his level can go undetected, the male sighs. "True, it is not but it helps me to know that they are and will keep being safe."

Not giving up, the bird beast responds, "yet you mark not only for that."

Lowering his eyes, Vick responds, "you are aware of my story." Hearing no response, he continues, "I still desire to be part of Suki's family while respecting her wishes of giving her space.. But today... I heard my name."

Smiling gently once more for a second time, a rare thing for someone with such a stoic face, he continues, "the cub mentioned she wants to see me."

For a few minutes only the sound of far away laughter could be heard. Thinking that he would be refused, Vick was about to turn and head back when the voice spoke once more, "then it will be granted bear beast, but always be aware that it's not for you, instead for our family's first cub." Then a flap of wings could be heard as the raptor beast flew out of the shelter of the trees and made his ritual of searching for any other intruder.

Satisfied with the beastmen's benevolence, Vick morphed into his beast and walked toward an area where he could hunt freely for his food since it is true what Suki said about their Clan, especially if said bear beast hasn't been able to freshly devour their prey for a while.

—--- three days later —---

"Come on Savi, we'll be going to a place near our den to meet Vick."

Applauding, the cub hurriedly tried walking towards me but ended up tilting backwards to which Leo, who was on standby, gently held her up so that she could continue.

My little Sanvi, though now in the second month since born, appears like a 8 month old human child who is barely able to walk, with help of course. By the end of the third month she'll be able to walk and appear more like a toddler. Ideally, at that age she'll be able to come with me to the village to have her noted on our tribes list of females.

"Yay, that was really good my little one!" Smiling, I gave her a big smooch on her smooth cheeks while my head male bent down as well to lift our cub up to him.

"Remember Sanvi, if there's anything you don't like it's okay to cry," says Tawa as he points his fingers at our cub's nose giving her a tiny boop on it. Instead of receiving a serious reply, Sanvi giddily laughs and closes her little fingers around his, "yesh papa!"

Holding onto his smile, Tawa nodded his head at Keokuk to fly ahead. As he, the females, and the rest of the family calmly followed on foot, they soon came across a forest that hides away a den made into the rocks.

"This brings back old memories, no Radu?" Whispers Leo as he zooms in and glances at the far away entrance to where the rest of the single males reside.

Trying not to prune his tail in agitation, the skunk beast nods, "yes, it does..."

"Oh, the memories of you two hiding away you mean?" adds Adan in humor as he toothly smile in wait to see how they'll react.

"It's called surviving," whisper hisses Leo as Radu silently nods his head.

Wanting to know more as well Suki interrupts, "I've never heard exactly what Vick's training included."

As if it wasn't a big deal, Radu smiled and explained that the training was sometimes done where the colossal roamed. Leo also ended up adding that their hiding was a way to test out and improve their camouflage in that terrain.

However, Adan quickly placed a buffer in that half excuse when he muttered, "but both of you hid before Vick would wake up".

Now grabbing the attention of Tikvah, Keokuk, and certainly Tawa, Leo and Radu internally wanted to choke Adan for speaking of that in front of their family head male.

Before the pretending to be oblivious wolf beastmen could continue informing the family of their training adventures, the certain beast who made the leopard's and skunk's beast single life hell, finally walked out of the den. 

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--- Author's Note --- 

Forgot to add that I made an instagram. Check it out if you want ;)

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