Ch. 6 Pain, Can't Get Enough

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In the room dubbed as the poopoo or toxic waste room, which was newly made and named by their female, she is currently squating and yelling in undeniable boats of disturbing pain mixed with the consciousness of embarrassment at her situation. By her side are Radu and Adan keeping her lifted while she hoarsely screams as to how she got food poisoning (Author's Note: I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant? Anyone?). When they first heard the words 'food' and 'poison' placed together, the males in that specific den undeniably went ballistic in sniffing around their female's sweating body, at the bowls of the meals she had, at the fur she sat on, and finally one brave male made eye contact with the head male. At this particular moment one of these males quickly covered her eyes with a wet cloth while the other sniffed at that undeniably sensitive spot.

Sucking in a breath at the discovery, Tawa rose back to a standing position, bringing with him the scent of what he uncovered. Eyes dilated, nose expanding, long tail swinging back and forth, hinting at his stress at knowing that Suki is in the process of giving birth. The rest of the males who took notice of the head male's behavior, sniffed at the new odor, and immediately knew that this place was not adequate, not at all, especially for the miracle of a female cub.

Adan and Radu stopped helping Suki in her squatting position and lifted her up to be carried by the head male. After passing her to him, Radu whispers to Leo to help him get the cloths ready. As Radu left to heat water, Leo to find the shred of clean cloths plus the more fluffier ones for the new cub, Tikvah rapidly went to Suki's room to get her bedding ready for birth, while Badrick prepared the healing herbs and Keokuk stayed with finishing cooking the meal, a meal that for certain their female would need to regain her energy. As for Adan, as a wolf beast made for the snow, he was tasked with getting Healer Liam's apprentice, the ever nervous Charles. Though Charles has much to improve in his fears, they have all agreed to Suki's suggestion that if the weather was bad at the day that she'd given birth, they would call for the young healer to be.

While being passed to her head male, Suki went from what are they up to, to becoming aware when placed in her room that this stomach ache is actually the famous birthing cramps! And that her water didn't break? Was it supposed to break? I mean, Elena's definitely did that day. Thinks Suki while strongly grabbing onto her head male's hand who thankfully being a four mark didn't feel the bear female's strength. Now, on the contrary, if that were Leo's hand, that would've been a totally different reaction.

Back to the half-female grunting in pain while on what appears to be comfortable brown furs. This young female went through various different scenarios about this awaited day. One of which included how the current clean furs would be burdened with over dramatic bodily fluids. So it was not a given that she quickly pointed at Leo who was bringing in the clean cloths to also get ready the black furs to lay in after she gave birth.

"Suki, try to control your breath," says her head male as he uses his free hand to clean the sweat on her forehead.

With bulging dark brown eyes, Suki glances at Tawa and notices how calm he appears. Attempting to copy him, Suki closes her eyes grimacing at another contraction and begins slowing down her rapid breathing, for going into hysterics would not help when the pushing starts. As she breathes, her nose twitches to a refreshing smell brought before her. Opening her eyes, she watches as Badrick is kneeled at her other side and leans toward her with a finger smeared in a purple substance. He rubs it behind her ears and a little on her chest. Purring softly, Suki gives her thanks as she goes back to closing her eyes and focusing on the smell of lavender and a new herb introduced by Sheila called clary sage.

As Badrick kneels behind her and massages her shoulders with the scent of those herbs on his hands, Leo and Radu enter with the boiled water and clean cloths ready for Suki to give birth. It should be noted that none of these males actually witnessed their mothers giving birth (Author's note: Me neither but I do remember watching a documentary with that explicit scene in either health class or from the one my mother bought so I could learn how babies developed)... for they were either not in the tribe, out hunting, not living in the den with their initial family anymore, or simply expelled by their fathers from the special room.

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