Ch. 30 Their Arrival

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Yawning loudly for the sixth time, she lazily stretches while laying on the exquisite fur.

"Psss I think they're done," whispers the nervous cub towards the bored looking mermaid.

Flipping her long green hair behind her shoulders, she scoffs, "finally." Laying face down with her arms cradling her head, she lifts an eyebrow to the abnormally silent Vick. Usually he would admonish her about her behavior but curiously he's been staring at where the rest of his tribe await them. Wanting a closer look, she slowly gets up and walks silently to his side. His black eyes that usually show a stern unapproving look have turn into worry?

Glancing around her, she spots some of the females already forming their own cliques. Most of the rescued mermaids have decided to stick with their own kind, the rest can be seen sitting together whispering in hush voices of what's to come to them. Back to her kind, she knew that they were calculating if they should stay at a tribe that has a nice sized lake and rivers or if they should wait to get closer to the ocean. However, knowing her kind, and more than anything females, all of them were checking out the males of this tribe. Shrugging her shoulders, she picks out a strand of her green hair and twirls around her fingers. Smirking, she can't really fault these females' fervent search for mates since it's true that for them to survive they'll need males. What's different is that this time they'll have the choice to choose their mates without someone of higher power ordering them to.

Scoffing, she rethinks the option of choosing. Back in that disgusting tribe, that option was considered as a special gift to keep her happy. Or more likely, to keep her healthy. Seething, her hand clenched as her mind whirls back to what happened to her special gifts.

A soft voice breaks her out of her melancholic thoughts.

"What was it?" She lazily asks the clingy cub.

The cub nervously looks down, clenching and unclenching his own small hands, and asks shyly, "Do you think a female would allow me to live with her family?"

Aware of where he's going, the corner of her luscious lip lifts up and she asks in a bewildered voice, "as a mate?"

The cub immediately looks up in shock and hollers, "No!"

Laughing merrily at the cub showing his usual side, she gleefully informs him, "Coco, whatever happens don't show any female how nervous or scared you are. Instead show them what you've been showing me." She smirks as a long sharp nail points to herself.

With a deadpan look, the cub responds, "you want me to insult them?"

Holding onto her smile, the mermaid unconsciously sharpens her teeth, "no, you maggot. What I meant is to show your confidence and your annoy, eh, caring nature."

With a bristled tail, the cub stands up straighter, "I'm not a prey's food!"

Wanting to slap her own forehead, she instead reminisced about her past tribe's elder mother. This cub's response curiously reminds her of her own back then.

Sighing, she instead squats to his level and lifts his chin to her. His cheeks are still sunken and there's a bit of swollenness around his hazel eyes, yet his eyes are confident. She tenderly whispers, "there's a strong light in you that I hope no one will smother. So, keep being you and become a stronger Berry."

The cub's eyes widened then began to water. About to take her fingers off his chin, the cub tenderly grasp onto them. "What about you? Will you take me in?"

Internally she wanted to bite onto her lips, instead she smirked wickedly at the hopeful cub, "you won't be safe with me cub since I don't plan to stay here for long."

Getting up, she ignored his quiet sniffs and went back to the statue like bear beast.

"Ey Vick, it's time to move," smiling sultry, the mermaid easily gets on his back while remembering to wink at the croc beast who stayed faithfully at her side since she skinned the feral beast.

Slowly, the rest of the party arrived closer to the awaiting tribesmen who yelled/howled/growled in happiness. Then as if in sync, many of the once beasts morphed back into their two legged selves. In effect, the Clear Lake Tribe swarmed toward some of them, hugging, crying, and boasting of what's been happening since they've left.

When that occurred, Vick layed down and signaled for her to get off. Just as she got off, he morphed, giving a glimpse of his round bare butt, but her attention was taken away when another male bulldozed towards him. Wincing at the impact, she silently gazes at the cub frankly trying to figure out who to go first.

At the far end, nearer the injured golden haired male, Suki watches in happiness as her mother and siblings flock around papa Dash. When her turn came, she couldn't help but give her papa a hug for he was in a state she had never seen him before.

Pale and trying not to breathe too harshly, Dash smiles toothly at his family. Lucy, though smiling, is also nagging at her head male about his injuries and for not using all of the healing orbs that were sent his way through Suki's male. Gulping at being found out, the clever female took her daughter's place, gently placed her hands on his cheeks, and began ordering her tiger male to push the green orbs into the hard headed bear beastman's mouth.

Suki, laughing at her father's reddening cheeks couldn't tell if he was either bashful/thankful of her mother's sole attention to him or mad for being fed like a cub by one of his biggest friendly rivals in the family. Papa fox and papa Crow on the other hand snickered at him while papa Leopard patted his back and his grown cub's back proudly. As for her mothers other males, they were observing the others that arrived from the battle, just like Suki's males who were eyeing any possible danger.

Speaking of, when Suki decided to distance herself from her mama and papas, at that moment something or someone yanked her gently into the air. Squealing at the sudden pull, she stops when noticing the peculiar scent of her male. "I love a good scream," purrs Badrick with a cloth over his eyes as he takes them down gently, "but even more when it's just you and me.." Unable to speak anymore, Suki bashfully kissed him to make him stop spewing nonsense in front of Sanvi who was jogging towards them.

"Papa!" yells Sanvi. Surprising everyone and to their horror, the cub runs faster and jumps to the air with an empty ground.

"Oh @#$^," gasps Suki while being carried by a stern lipped looking Badrick who immediately carried his female on one hand and with a strong flip of his wings flew towards an awaiting Sanvi. Now holding onto both females, he remarks in bitter laughter, "wow little one, I think you really flew there for a little while don't you think?"

Sanvi giving him a strong hug to his neck looks back down and shrugs her shoulders, "it's just a little cliff and besides I knew you were gonna catch me."

Not knowing whether to laugh or to stay stern, he thankfully didn't have to say anything as Suki began her own nagging to her naughty cub who still loves the feeling of an adrenaline rush. 

Posted on 06/30/23 only on waa t pad. May have to go back reedit

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