Ch. 44 1st Day of Competition

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The first to grace us with her talents was the female from the Peacock Clan who began to sing in a surprisingly clear soprano tone. She started out soft and as she began singing faster the higher her vocal tone became until at the end, instead of being an interestingly tribal song filled with chills, her voice got to a part where my ears flatten to minimize the screech. No wonder she said it was named The Birthing.

Happy with the outcome the peacock female gave a direct smirk to the fox female, held her head high and walked back to her section.

Next to show off her talent was the female from the Tiger Clan who for her demonstration stood at first calmly then began to take off what I thought were wooden sticks decorating her hair. To my surprise they weren't completely wood but a large part had some sort of metal close to the color of mahogany and the ends weren't round but sharp like a knife. As she twirls them on each hand, doing a fancy show of them, a male from her warrior group walks behind her a couple feet away with two fruits held in his hands. Slowing down her twirls of the weapons, the male suddenly stood to the side, placed a fruit on his head and held the other with his teeth.


My males ears twitched to my hushed voice yet didn't take their eyes off of the tigress. Any other day I might have gotten a tad bit jealous but in this case they were taking more of a precaution stance than interest, for as I foresaw, one of the daggers flew behind her at an unimaginable speed hitting the fruit placed on top of the male's head.

Note to self, she's a $^*# ninja!

Noticing the male's shuddering tail, the tigress smiles clearly enjoying his display. She then turns to us, the spectators, and slowly twirls her last dagger to the beat of a drum. Wait a drum? Glancing back at where her males sat, one is obviously beating on a drum. When did that appear? Like the beat of the peacock female before them, the beat began slow and as it got quicker so did the dagger till at a pause, only the sound of the dagger parting the wind could be heard till finally a splat.

A couple of females, including me, gasp at seeing that not only had the dagger caught the fruit but so did the warrior stop the dagger from going forward toward the judges. Impressed, we all clapped, with the exception of the fox female and the leopard female who one was clearly trying not to show her fear and the other was trying to stump down the annoyance shown on her face.

After the tigress, stood the female from the Panda Clan performing a delicate acrobatic dance with her fans. Her moves were beautiful and spectacular. They were also flawlessly performed, though I did catch a few steps that could've ended in agonizing pain.Honestly if I could vote for the winner in talents, so far she would have had mine.

The female after her was the leopard and she also chose to dance; however, it was partnered with two of her males who led her to various spins, leaps, and seductive movements. Dancing with a partner is hard enough but somehow she and her two males made it look flawless without any awkward moments. Trying not to be noticeable, my eyes wander over to her warriors.. By chance would they also know how to dance and should I be greedy and seduce one of them to my family?

Sigh, unfortunately, our newest family member is too new and suddenly adding another would likely bring turmoil to our slightly rocky structure. To my sides sit Tawa (as honor of being the head male) and on my other sits Vick, instead of Leo, whose turn was supposed to be today.

Anyway, it appears that all of the Unique Ones that have graced the beast world have left their mark one way or another. I also wonder if they were motivated or bored enough to teach the tribes any other simple yet valid em needs such as a traveling theater would be nice. Huh, maybe I should propose that to Sheila in a not so obvious way. I'm sure Sanvi would love to watch a 'fake' drama unfold. Though more than likely she'd would've preferred to come here and watch the wonders of these females talents. Mmm she might even bother the tigress about the daggers... eh, nevermind. Sighing out loud, my thoughts go to what Sanvi would be up to today. I miss her.

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