Ch. 41 Chilling Smirks

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With his hands held together, the red fox beastman bows his head at her and smiles without a sense of guilt, "I thought you would like to see an instrument made from this very tree, you see each guest tree is cared for by certain families. The one chosen for you and your family has been taken care of for generations by mine."

My eyes narrow at him and at said instrument. "And you chose to show me a weapon?"

The fox appears to beam at her words, "yes! You are an unusual sight to see in the sense that you're a warrior. Not sure if you're aware, but not many tribes would dare let females fight their enemies. And so." Tilting his head a bit, he slowly blinks his amber eyes at me in a puppy-like manner giving me chills questioning why this fox is trying to lower my defense, "I thought this dagger would be intriguing to you."

Keokuk, feeling my shudder, squeezed me closer to him. Meanwhile Badrick, fully aware of how this fox is cleverly trying to influence his female, bares his fangs at him getting a wince from said fox.

"I see," he comments as glances at my face, his ears fall back, and his hands tremble. But then his ears slowly pop up as he gently smiles at us. "I've made a mistake."

Tawa, having had enough of hearing this male's talk, speaks to Badrick. "Take this male back to his Clan Leader and request for another guide."

Keokuk immediately takes us away from the only entrance while my males who stood close to the happy bat beastman moved away.

"Gladly," chillingly smirks Badrick as he morphes face. Like a pause in a horror movie, the once smiling fox slowly changes to fear then in nano second becomes a blur when the bat beast carries him within his claws while flying out of the tree.

Watching Badrick's rollercoaster-like flight and listening to the fox's squeals I couldn't help but let out a sigh at our first encounter.

"I didn't sense him.. Why is that?" still baffled at this.

Standing within Keokuk's strong arms, he rubs his cheeks against mine as the rest of my males do another sweep of the tree. "It's because he didn't show any killing intent."

"If so, then why is a part of me still bothered by him?" Making me question if I personally didn't like him or if my beast was alerting me to something.

"As a warrior, we constantly meet with many enemies, even with the somewhat friendly foes within our own tribe. Sometimes it's clear that the other beast wants to harm us either through their own body language or killing instinct. In others, like the fox, they're more silent or calculative in their desire."

He then gently kisses my lips as he pulls a strand of hair away from my face, "now let's go wash up?"

We've all already taken a bath at the lake this very early morning but I know why he's suggesting it. "Their comments annoyed you as well?"

Simply smiling back, Keokuk with Tawa leads me to one of the rooms while Radu scurries around one of the bags for my wear tonight.

While I bathed once more, in another den a fox female hisses, "useless."

- - - Later - - -

"Greetings, my name is Luke, brother of Brent," smiles in delight another red fox male but with light blue eyes.

"Brent, as in one of Lucy's mates Brent?" I skeptically ask.

He nods his head, "Yes, I scent you're kin with her. Also, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I was held back by another matter." Ehh emmm, he clears his throat while the tip of his ears flushes, "so this time our Clan Leader chose me, a mated male and family of one of your papas."

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