Ch. 38 Don't Be Cute with Me

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Don't cry Suki, just smile and wave. Smile and wave.

Thinks Suki to herself as she waves goodbye to her cub Sanvi who was freely crying and comically smiling widely while being held by Lucy who with her free hand keeps touching her own nose with a piece of cloth. Beside Lucy is Dash and the rest of her papas who kept roaring their wishes and strength to her and her mates.

Ahhhh I so wanna cry, laments Suki remembering how it was her mother some winters ago who left for the same competition. However, the difference this time is that Suki has another accompanying female to her group of mates and guards. A not so..

"Ey, if we want to get there on time, let's move it," boredly comments the mermaid riding the back of a brown bear beast as she prunes her green hair into a braid.

Turning her face away from the village, Suki rolls her eyes at the mermaid behind. Her mate, whom she was riding, growled out his disapproval at the mermaid's suggestion. This should have been their Suki's special moment yet somehow the mermaid being an 'elder' was allowed to ride with them.

Suddenly a peculiar voice brought a smile to Suki's lips. This familiar tone is filled with obvious fake pleasantry, "oh elder! Suki is respectfully going slow so that your joints won't be hurting through this long and tiring bumpy ride." Yes, to the not so surprise to Suki and her mates, this little male came along for the ride.

Laughing back at his remark, the mermaid taunts seductively, "this ole bones are strong enough to pressure you to submit pup."

Twitching her ears, Suki almost snorted a giggle when the fiery red wolf pup howled in an over dramatized fear, "oh elder, please not me! I've already been promised to Suki!"

Glancing back with curiosity, the apparent 15 year old looking cub has shyly crossed his hands in front of his chest while pretentiously trembling his lips to give more effect to appearing like a quivering maiden victim to the astounded female's apparent desire.

Sputtering at the clear unneeded and unwanted rejection to a miscommunicated warning, the mermaid squinted her golden eyes at the cub and spat out, "I'm not interested in a twig-like furball!"

This time, Atlas dropped his acting and roars, "you dare make fun of my handsomeness, I'll have you know that unlike you, I'll have a ton of muscle and well become hella stronger than you!"

To which the mermaid scoffs, "and who says I want to bulge up?" Then turning her nose away from him begins to pet the bear underneath her, "now this beast on the other hand, I can play with."

Wrinkling his nose, the cub raises his hands in defeat and morphs into his dark cherry red colored wolf beast to run beside Adan as a warrior pupil.

And so the group began to move faster. All of the males including Suki's own mates were traveling in their beast form (with the exception of Badrick who slept comfortably on Radu's furry back and Tawa who kept to his half form for he held the weapons that he and Suki could use in case of an attack). And of course Vick was one of those who volunteered and was placed at the front of the group along with other tank-like warriors. Suki ended up riding Leo for being one of the fastest of her mates, and around them they were surrounded by her other mates except for Keokuk who scouted for enemies. Behind Suki's group was the mermaid, her new mate, her now fully healed croc mate, and a few other warriors to keep guard of the back.

The first and second day were thankfully peaceful, despite the few and in quote misunderstandings between Atlas and the mermaid. Yet tonight, the green-haired female walked and sat in Suki's campfire.

At first Suki's males wanted to warn her off, but Suki instead raised her hand to leave them be, for this was a female's fight. And this was the female she still wanted to give a smack down for potentially hurting her cub.

And so, the mermaid didn't talk at first, so neither did Suki, but instead of completely ignoring this female, Suki kept a hard stare at her. Since no one moved, her wary brown eyes ended up scrutinizing the other's body, searching to see if besides her claws the other had any other special defense or ways of attacking.

Aware that the bear female was sizing her up, Veronica smiled sweetly without forgetting to show her own elongated shark-like teeth. "You're looking for ways to beat me," she says as she places a hand on her cheek, "I'm flattered how your eyes wander through my luscious body, but be warned young female, at this moment you're too weak compared to me."

The female then subtly releases her pressure, making Suki immediately sweat trying to not bow to her. Displeased with the mermaid's action, Tawa was going to release his own pressure on the female when the mermaid suddenly stopped and reprimanded, "like I said, you're too weak and haven't experienced what I went through to get this power." Now, smiling innocently, she gets up, glances down at the growling Suki and declares, "as the esteemed and beautiful elder accompanying you on this delightful trip to a tribe filled with harmfully playful sardonic females, I'll be educating and training you on how to bypass their taunts."

"Hmm," mumbles the mermaid, "how was that sign supposed to be again? Ahh yes!" yells gleefully the once serious mermaid to a refreshingly happy smile. With a hand in the air closed in a fist and springing out two fingers, the mermaid playfully winks at Suki while saying, "peace, as my great grandmother used to say."

Dumbfounded Suki had a whiplash of how fast that female's personality took a turn.

Smiling a little forcefully, the mermaid double winks and says once more, "I said peace young female."

Huffing, Suki got up and finally bursted out, "peace?!" With her hands waving upwards, she sarcastically responds, "you want me to agree to a peace just because you said so?"

Ahummm, the mermaid shrugs her shoulders.

Gritting her teeth, Suki mutters lowly, "you may have been the all powerful female in your last tribe, but here to get to a certain agreement, the other has to be reasoned as to why they should agree. Not go with a forceful sickeningly cute peace sign pose"

Instead of getting mad, the interested mermaid tilts her head and wonders, "how peculiar, the other guppies follow my words accordingly.. Humm, maybe it's because you're a different beast than I." She reasons, then nods her head, "fine, then, what do you need for us to have peace?"

Wanting to rub the place between her eyebrows from the obvious tension, Suki stares into the other's golden eyes. Sensing that she's serious, Suki straightens her back and explains what she wants, "for starters, I want an apology from you for almost severely hurting my cub and myself. Then I want you to swear that you'll never do us harm again."

"That is all?"

Aware of her mates and Vick's eyes on her, Suki knew that she had no right to place her other more personal demands and thus nodded her head.

Cracking her hand a bit, Veronica gives a predatory smile, "since gone from said tribe, no one else can nor will dictate what I can and cannot do. But of what happened on that day you can receive my sincere apologies for my nature taking over. As for the other point, dear young mother, I cannot promise for the future may change and my beast may take over once more, however I will promise to have restraint."

Flipping her braid back and walking closer, she softly asks, "now, are we at peace?"

Knowing that the other's words are true and nothing will make her acknowledge that her behavior may not always have an excuse, Suki stiffly nods.

Smiling gently, Veronica turns her back and while walking toward her own campfire mentions out loud her personal thoughts, "by the way, they are nothing like the sweet persona your mother has shown you. Believe me, fox females, like us mermaids, can be toxic and deadly to things we desire."

With the threat gone, Tawa immediately checked on Suki, but she however was angry with how true the female's words are. She is weak. Glancing at her mates worried eyes, she berates herself that it's not enough to have strong mates. Though not liking it, she indeed will

need that mermaid's help with whatever may occur at her mother's native tribe. Also, maybe, just maybe, she'll obtain the secret as to how this annoying mermaid was able to obtain an aura that don't only males have. 

Posted ony on wa t tpa d on Oct 27, 2023 at 16:27

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