Ch. 42 In The Buzz

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Ever felt that ominous feeling after sighting an incoming deeply dark gray large cloud, or in another example, witnessing a group or low flying birds with what feels as if all of their eyes have you as their target?

Well, instead of a possible funnel cloud or in a suspenseful movie like The Birds that I remember slight scenes from my last life, it's more towards the incoming wave of a vampire apocalypse. Unfortunately the concept of vampire hunters doesn't exist here, yet there are a bunch of hunters in beastmen, and they, like my males (with the exception of a certain one who's clearly yawning at the display) are already in formation to protect their females.

Anyway back to the bat beasts. As they got closer, the louder their chirping could be heard,until one aggressive hiss made them all become quiet with only the beats of their wings becoming the only odd noise. The sight above us forced my body to unconsciously begin to tremble along with my instincts screaming for me to run. It didn't help that though three of the females already left for cover, the tigress and the panda female stayed with hintings of their own body getting ready to defend themselves. As 'the Suki' of the most recent war, I knew that if I left it would depriment not only myself but my tribe as well. Bahhh this pride!

Out of the silent pause, a sultry female laugh sounded as a figure slowly flew down toward us. That figure was one of the bats carrying an onyx colored skin female, thin yet muscular, of course more fully round than I in her feminine touch, hip length black curly hair, full luscious lips with her fangs showing as she smiled seductively at us females, and golden eyes much like a certain someone I know. Or maybe those glowing golden eyes are a Baturri Tribe trait.

When her feet touched the ground, the bat beast beside her morphed completely into his two legged form. As for the others, they silently morphed halfway  landing behind the two. It was hard not to miss that mostly all of the youngest of her interage walked in the middle with glowing red eyes and in the outside walked the older males.

"Greetings Sakura Tribe, I am Bianca from the Baturri Tribe, and I volunteered to come to our first Most Beautiful Competition."

Silent murmurs began with her statement of being a volunteer. Did they initially not want to come?

Grinning at the spectacle that she made, the female explained, "in our tribe females are the true leaders. As daughter to the current Clan Leader, I have the most control of my males. However," Sighing as if conflicted whether to go on, she exclaims, "I have brought most of my grown unmated cubs so that they may gain experience to the world that surrounds us, yet be warned."

Her eyes wander to the warriors surrounding them who still have not relaxed their stance including my own head male who stood in front of me. 

"Since cubs our beasts thirsts for blood. If you see red eyes, do not get too close unless as a female you desire to gain a strong ally, but the question is... would you be able to take on such a male?" She laughs provocatively gleaming her eyes at the once calculative eyes of a few fox females.

As foreseen, her ending statement has ruffled up the furs of the surrounding females for nothing can increase their competitive nature by saying that the path of gaining such males is highly difficult.  As for me, thankfully my instinct didn't rise up but instead I unconsciously raised my head higher for I have one of those males and though he wasn't exactly difficult, he did have a certain wicked personality.

Speaking of personality, to my amazement the mermaid that was sitting as an honored guest with the elders of the Sakura Tribe did not jump at the chance to claim that she could win. Instead her face appears pale. And I guess I would be too if some of the red eye males looked at me quizzically and then tried to hold in their saliva.

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