Ch. 35 Blood Lust

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Leo's POV:

After taking Suki to a safer area I wanted to attack the croc beast who didn't care for her nor our cub's welfare. They could've been severely injured or even died because no females would be able to directly defend themselves from a male who has morphed into his beast. Yet, all thoughts of wanting to inflict pain on him froze when a familiar beast roar brought my hackles further up. Should I stay and defend both Suki and Sanvi alone with them, or should I take them to a place safe from the destruction that this beast will do to this idiotic lizard.

About to move, my enlarged gray eyes immediately met with black stern eyes belonging to the male standing across from us. The male who used to torture us back in training didn't pause in uncertainty and slid hurriedly underneath the croc beast. Seeing him standing so close to Suki had my instincts wanting to morph quickly to defend her yet another part of me hanged on for he held our precious family cub. Handing Sanvi over to Suki's own astounded eyes, this taller and broad shoulder male finally turned his dark eyes to me and growled for me to shift. Maybe it's because of our past or maybe it was the situation but my beast followed.

Feeling them placed firmly on my back, I began running towards the village. Adan, who wasn't far from us, was running in his wolf form then while morphing in mid air landed roughly behind Suki while I kept the pace of our flee. Our family's rule is that Suki is never to travel with at least two of us males. Same thing goes for Sanvi though she's usually not aware of us, her pet beasts on the other hand... If our head male doesn't confront them I will.

A yelp reminds me that to our side a familiar wolf beast ran with an equally astounded Sheila and behind her rode one of her own males who I haven't cared to introduce myself to. I used to love to meet other beastmen just to playfully fight with them, but lately my whole focus has been to make sure our family's little cub was well, happy, and healthy. Oh and to teach her the many ways of the hunt, including surprising our unexpected victims who I made sure were the most lenient of males.

An uncanny shriek above us distorts my thoughts, forcing my instincts to run for actual cover, however a yowl bursts from my mouth followed by Adan yelling for me to stop and listen. Looking around us with panting breaths, my nose twitches to Badrick's scent. He's above us. Raising my hackles once more at knowingly how petrifying his blood lust can be, I felt someone jumping off my back and soon they were firmly holding my head to their eye level. To any other beastmen this would be a direct threat, however it was Adan. Family. My nose twitches once more but this time it was toward the halt at noticing the pieces of my fur stuck to his claws.

I'm bald...

"His gaze isn't aimed at us."

You made me.. what?

With his one good eye, the male growls, "Badrick's target isn't us."

Shuddering, my beast utters a groan at Adan who wouldn't let go. Does he not remember how that bat's whole face morphed into that horrifying beast? Does he not remember the amount of blood drunked into his mouth like one of those pesky blood sucking bugs leaving a petrifying carcass? Trying to shove him with my nose, his own blue eye glowed at my reluctance and emitted his own beast pressure. Being a mark higher than me, I groaned again in complaint but at the end laid down so that our female could regretfully get off.

As I stabilized my instinct to flee again, the floral scent from Suki helped along with her brushing on the side of my face. Feeling her nuzzling her face to my side did it. Morphing back, I held them close to me, breathing in their scents. They're here, not injured, and they're far from that monstrosity. Now calm and my arms still around Suki who later gave Sanvi to Adan, we watched along with the others.

Vick's POV:

How long do I have to maintain being her guardian I think to myself as I watch in forlorn my female getting farther from me.

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