Ch. 45 2nd Day of Competition

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Last Night, our den was full of passion and cherishing smiles as My males assured me once more who was the apple of Their eyes. Remembering, my beast internally purred and didn't pay attention to any of the other females today, for I felt secure, beautiful and confident. Unlike yesterday, who after some thought I unconsciously began to compare my body to the vixens...

"Suki, is it?"

Blinking my eyes away from dark thoughts, my eyes land on emerald colored eyes looking at me with passion?

Not knowing how to respond to her eerie stare, I slowly nod my head.

Smiling widely with her sharp teeth showing, the tigress responds happily, "I, Kira, want to spar with you after today's competition."

Not waiting for my response, she then abruptly turns to where the panda female is coquettishly laughing at a Tiger warrior's attempt of wooing her with the flexing of his body.

"Great," she whispers excitedly then runs toward the panda female and declares the same to much of the other female's irritated smile.

While the tigress was busy, my head whipped to the brainiest of my males. "Radu, form a plan on how I can get out of it."

He and the rest of my males seriously nod, for they knew that despite the type of beast that I am, I'm not a lover of pain and the tigress will give me exactly that.

As we sat at our place, my eyes wandered again over to the leopard warriors. Sucking on my lower lip I once more began to wonder if I should take the risk to bring one of them to my family just for them to teach me how to dance like their tribe chosen female did yesterday. Leo, who was sitting on my side today, notices my stare on them and puts two and two together.

"My mother and father came from that tribe, I could learn from them."

Caught off guard that my desire was so obvious, my smile turned warm. Excitedly, I gave him a kiss, "yes!"

Straightening his back, Leo gives me a playful smile and now fully motivated begins to rub his cheek against mine in happiness. Oh my, now feeling guilty, I wonder if I haven't been giving some of my males the attention they needed. To my other side Tawa appears satisfied and is giving us a loving smile. Turning back while hugging Leo to my side, I glance to see Radu getting some fruit ready for me to snack on, Keokuk is brushing a sleeping Badrick's hair, Adan is giving us a wistful smile and wags his tail when he notices that I'm looking at him, Vick and Keokuk are both acting as guards on each side of the group in case a drama unfolds but both give me a confident smile.

Though my hair has already been brushed and made to look gorgeous by Keokuk, I called Adan to massage my shoulders now that I'm aware of how much he wanted to be close. While Adan carefully massages my shoulder and back, Leo lying on my lap as I brush his hair, Radu shows in front of us, kneels and passes the bowl of fruits to Tawa but before he gets up I lift one of my hands up to his cheek.

With astonished eyes, he freezes and notices his eyes begin to wonder what I need. Laughing softly I whisper, "we did it Radu." Confused, he tilts his head. Remembering my snarky intelligent worried amorous first male, I pull him closer and with the soft tender slow kiss I'm able to fully show him how much he means to me. Blushing, Radu grabs onto his fluffy tail and begins to clear his throat, "I love you too." He rapidly whispers before heading back to sitting near Tikvah who looks at him curiously.

Giggling at what Radu said and how he reacted, Tawa also laughs but most probably for a different reason. As for Leo, he's happily purring with close eyes and Adan, well I can hear him snickering. I'm guessing my mischievous male will now think of a way to make me fluster like he reacted in such a public setting.

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