Ch. 40 Do My Eyes Deceive Me?

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I saw but did not see. Instead of being alert to anything and everything, my eyesight turned into tunnel vision when the gates opened to my mother's native tribe.


My ears twitch towards the back at the annoying yet helpful voice.

Refocusing my eyes, I zoomed in to see a young fairy-like female with big teary eyes looking at our group in awe. Remembering our strategy I gave her a small smile to which this female let out a small gasp alerting what looks to be either her older brothers or papas to cover her sight and body from my view.


Now curious about how an older female may react, my glowing brown eyes landed on a dark hair beauty appearing to look haughtily down at us from one of the trees. Instead of giving her what I hoped was a gentle smile to the other female cub, this time I smirked. The only reaction given was a glow to her dark green eyes.

I wonder if this means that the females in this tribe are more discreet in their fights?

Before arriving near the end of our walk, my nose twitched to an unknown yet familiar scent. Locking my eyes to where the scent came from appears an older female whose hair shows strands of gray yet her own classic beauty is strong. Her eyes remind me of mama, yet the emotions in them felt like a frozen river. Maintaining my face calm, I neither stopped glowing my eyes nor gave her a smile. I've always asked myself if my mother's native tribe felt any blood related affectionate bonds. From what I've seen so far, mother and grown female cub bonds may not exist.

Having arrived in front of the two Clan Leaders, finished with showing off my fancy trick, and having listened to the mermaids' introduction, my tribe and I were finally officially welcomed to stay at their tribe. Two males from each Clan were called to guide us toward the tress where they were always kept open for guests. As the flushing young black hair male with amber eyes led the teasing mermaid to her den. My mates and I were led to a wider den while our warriors were led by a cub to the tribes single males area. As for our guide, let's just say that I did a double take and couldn't help but give what I hoped were discreet peeks at his very fluffy soft looking red tail.

And of course, he's really good at climbing the enormous Sakura tree. Craning my neck back I sighed out loud when realizing that this tribe hasn't thought of adding stairs to their dens. Then again, stairs would make it easier for an enemy to get to their most vulnerable members faster.

Not wanting to be jumbled around, I glanced at my blindfolded male who licked his fangs at our escort's direction... Yeah, best not to motivate my male's sadistic tendencies. Taking my scrutinizing eyes off him, my gaze landed on my ever attentive Keokuk who humbly kissed my forehead before launching us to the sky. As we flew, the vertigo got a hold of me but before my eyes closed I couldn't help but let out a giggle when Badrick took a hold of a petrified Radu and a red faced Adan into his arms while launching right behind us.

"And here we are," smoothly announces the fox as he opens the door to the den while Keokuk gently sets me down at the entrance. A second after my feet touched the interestingly wide balcony-like structure, two loud bumps sounded behind us.

A disgruntled growl sounded from my embarrassed wolf mate, while the other quietly joined us nearer the door. Oh yes, how could I forget, since young my dear Radu has always felt quite quizzy with anything that has to do with heights. A flap of wings brought me back to the present letting me know that Badrick went back down to pick up Tikvah, who is most probably like Radu when it comes to heights, and to pick up my head male Tawa who is used to riding in the skies but never actually climbing a tree. The only one of my land males not needing help is Leo, who, my ears twitching to the sound of someone climbing, is most likely enjoying conquering this tree.

"If you would please follow me Suki from the Clear Lake Tribe," gently reminds the fox male as he gracefully lifts his arms inside the den toward the first grand room.

Nodding my head, Keokuk goes in first to make sure there aren't any possible traps or sinking grounds that could literally leave us with broken limbs. After he has walked around the den and the den's other rooms, he gives me a slow blink to let us know it's safe to enter.

Not showing offense to one of my males' quick search, the fox gently smiles at us. A sight that alerts that this male may be the same as Radu.

Internally shaking off the imaginary goosebumps, I and all of my males walk in marveling at how the wall's been smoothed leaving a shiny gloss without bumps. Amazed at this work, I touched the wall closest to me trying to figure out how they did it so that our den could apply the same. Speaking of, I think this may be a new technique or my mother didn't bother with wanting to apply it to her den.

A hiss at my side and a pull toward one of my mates hard chest makes me wonder what happened till a sheepish laugh came from the direction of our escort. Tearing my eyes away from the wall, my eyebrow sternly lifts at this male, wondering why he would cause my usually lay back Badrick to warn him. His warning caused my head male to stand in front of me and Keokuk who immediately held me tight in his arms. As for the rest, it was needless to say that he was already surrounded by an unusually serious Tikvah who looked ready to tear into him, Leo who silently walked behind the fox, and Radu who kept his lips thin while his eyes brightened slightly.

"My deepest apologies," he slowly lowers his hands to the floor leaving a dagger.

"Did you? For real? Were you, uh why were you holding that?" A mumble mess of questions vomits out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Is this considered my first attack at this tribe? I mean, was he going to try to stab me? Is he an idiot?


Posted on wat ttp ad on Dec 1st, 2023! IT's already DECEMBER!! O_O          Time 17:22


Hi Readers,

It's been three weeks since the last updated chapter. And honestly it's around this time that my juices are low, like dry low. So, I have a question. We finally got Suki participating in the Most Beautiful Contest. And there's been a tinsy introduction to this red fox male, would you readers prefer to:

Keep this male as an enemy! No Mercy, Buahaha!

Decide that this gentlemanly (if that's a word) male could be a potential mate.

Meh, Go straight to the competition part. 

On another note, should I keep up with the slow pace of Sanvi growing up or do a major skip in age?

And last, Thanks Everyone for keeping up with this book, voting, commenting, and adding my book(s) to your list (a list I definitely take some peeks at like a pro book wormer). 

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