Ch. 31 The Unspoken Rule

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Ch. 31 The Unspoken Rule

A few hours later...

"Let's begin the welcome celebration!" Announces the leaders, hinting to the rest of the tribe to not only enjoy the festivity but to mingle with the newcomers.

While the males set off to hunt for the meat and delicacies, a couple of females from the Clear Lake Tribe immediately searched for each other to share the gossip, er, observations of the war told by their mates and of the other females.

"I don't know to pity them or keep them in check," murmurs Natasha's mother after the females spoke of the horrors mentioned by their mates.

A wolf female sighs, "our tribe is known to follow the rules set by the Unique One, as all tribes should."

"You mean, we should give them what they need to survive?" Asks Natasha to her mother's statement.

"Our food?" comments a cub in semi shock wonder.

"No dear, a den to stay," purrs Lucy as she observes how the rescued females are bashfully eyeing the males of their tribe.

"Oh good, my favorite food is safe," happily says Sanvi as she hugs her mother.

Noticing the same as the fox female, another adds, "the food will be given by the single males, however..."

All of the females eyes zeroed in as they watch three mermaids get up from their place and confidently walk toward the stronger looking males. Their melodic laughter could be heard, as well as the males' low grumble of approval, except for two which appeared to be uncomfortable and kept glancing back at the eyes of their tribe females.

"Jules, we'll be with you," comments Lucy as she slowly licks her lips in anticipation. A bear and a wolf female move to her side to show their approval.

"Mama, where are we going?" Sanvi asks as she walks along with the other female cub.

"We are going to introduce ourselves to the other females, but little one, for this you and your friend will need to watch and learn."

"We're learning how to say hi?" Puzzicaly asks Sanvi as she looks up at her friend who shrugs her shoulders.

"That's one way to put it," laughs Natasha as she later adds with a wink to the youngest females of their tribe, "remember cubs, us females are competitive and territorial. No one likes it when another female has her eyes on the male we considered ours."

Suki, keeping her senses alert for any uncertainty, glances down at her cub's own pensive face.

Noticing her mama's attention, Sanvi looks up and murmurs a question,"would another female want Elias and Marte, knowing they're mine?"

Grinning at her own memory with Radu, Suki responded gently, "yes."

Gasping, Sanvi's eyes widened and slowly began to glow. "That's not nice," she growls as her eyes quickly search for her pet beasts.

The bear female who was walking beside Jules twitches her ears at the cub's answer and nodding she explains, "our tribe rules abide us to help these females, yet our rules also help to protect ourselves from falling into complete and utter chaos of destroying each other."

"What rule?" asks Talise, the peacock chickling walking with the now grumpy Sanvi.

"The unspoken rule of not flirting with and or trying to grab the attention of a mated male," answers the female wolf on the other side of the already pissed off fox female.

— – - – – —--

Back at the campfire made by the croc beastmen for a peculiarly softly snorkeling mermaid, a grieving cub asks her, "why shouldn't I take this chance to introduce myself to them?"

"Coco, have you ever seen two big groups of females facing each other?"

The cub bites his nails while looking upwards in thought. "Mmm not really, mother always stayed inside and whenever I did see a female, I had to turn around and hide my face."

Perplexed, the green hair mermaid couldn't help but ask why he would hide himself.

Berry looks down, while drawing on the ground with his sharpened claw, "unmated males, no matter the age, weren't allowed to look at other females, and.. There were also females who would beat any male no matter the reason."

Placing her chin on her hand, the mermaid murmurs, "interesting," then responds to the cub's previous question. "Whenever a group of two females, who by the way don't know each other, are walking like that with those glowing eyes, something delightfully entertaining would happen."

The cub frowns, "is that why most of the other females headed that way?"

The mermaid laughs, "cub, those females sense an incoming fight and since they have bonded so well, these foolish females decided to help."

With wide eyes, the once sniffling cub looks back up at her in shock. "They're going to fight? Is that allowed?"

Smirking, the female turns away from the cub as she purrs at the meat passed to her by the awaiting croc beast.

"Dear, could you explain to us about their rules?"

Smiling toothily, he responds, "I'm not from this tribe but they are known to follow the Unique Ones rules and I've heard that this has kept them from having trifling internal wars... something I wish our own tribe did."

"Oh what's this Tyro? Is there something waiting for me at your tribe?"

The croc beasts crouches, internally purrs, as he grabs onto one of her long emerald locks "you alone could deal with them as you wish."

Rolling his eyes at their constant flirting, the cub looks back and watches attentively of how a fox female with glowing eyes steps out of the group to the three awaiting mermaids.

As he stares, the others around these females do as well, including two certain leaders who are smiling proudly at their females. Slamming a hand on Vick's back, the bear leader laughs loudly. "Look at your mama's fierceness!"

"And at my female's calculative look. See, did you see that! She's already signaling to the other females where to stand," pridefully points the wolf leader.

A boisterous voice then scares the two from their laughter, "My ELENA has already placed herself at their vulnerable backs!"

The two leaders began to compete with Bronco about their own females fortitude, yet those said females were internally berating their males for giving away their strategy!!

"Psss, em why didn't you go with them?" asks a small worried voice to the constantly smirking mermaid.

"Because, sometimes one has to observe and learn before attacking." Shrugging her shoulders, she further adds, "there's attacking with fierceness, then there's attacking with understanding."

"You mean kindness?"

"No, understanding," grins the female as she watches how a certain bear female would behave to the mermaid's provocative stand.

Posted only in waa tpad on July 21,2023 at 17:38

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