Ch. 7 Complication

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"She's beautiful and so fragile," I murmured in wonder as the warmth of my cub was gently placed on my chest. As the frail little being searched and suckled for milk, I noted to memory the fluff of her black hair, the pretty eyelashes that slightly tremble after every gulp, and the tiny faint mole placed on the upper left side of her pink lips. "Tawa, the spot near her lip is identical to yours."

Smiling, I finally lifted my tired eyes to my head male who was kneeling beside us and widely smiling with slightly reddish eyes. Was he about to cry? Leo, who was clearly sniffing back his mucus, lowered himself to place a white fluffy fur on our little one. Smiling gratefully at him I then looked back at the rest of my family who one appeared to have fainted and a few others sporting gashes to their bodies. What happened? Sniffing the air, I scented them and the Healer Apprentice who wasn't here anymore? Sniffing some more, I sighed in relief that thankfully the bloody scent didn't come from the young Healer. Though looking down at my tummy then at the brown fur rolled up in a corner smelling of my blood, I became aware that most probably came from my incision. Wincing I looked back up at worried eyes.

Yawning, I was about to ask what happened when Radu with a reddish nose came back in the den with the smell of appetizing soup. Sitting at my other side he began to feed my dry throat with the warm liquid and softly told me what happened since I fainted. Oh right, I did faint back there.

—-- A few minutes/hours before —- WARNING, just a tinsy bit Explicit.

Nervous brown eyes stare at me with hope that I'll be understanding.

The young looking male stares at the eyes of the profoundly sweating female and asks permission for the absurd, "Suki your female cub's head isn't where she should be." He then shakily continues, "I'm going to have to place my hands on top of your belly and try to shift her around." Sighing at the angry terrifying growls filling the room, he bravely continues, "you may bleed some and your water will need to break but you and your cub will be better...though." In a smaller voice he adds as he looks down at his shaking hands, "it might be painful."

Keeping his head and eyes low, Charles waits for the female or for one of her many males to react to his suggestion. Gulping he hopes the female agrees and stays coherent while he does what he can. Or else, feeling a bit of the pressure toward him, he further shakes at what will come to him. But would he regret the path he chose? Never.

Suki, wincing at another burst of pain awakens from her stupor that another male not of her family will not only be touching her most vulnerable spot but also her unborn cub. Feeling her eyes beginning to glow and her claws sharpening, she looked back at that said male but stopped when she noticed his trembling form. Trying to recall a breathing exercise, she began pulling back at her instincts. Becoming aware of how her males glowing eyes looked at the young Healer as an enemy, Suki began to speak. "Do what you must and you," looking at her males she ordered, "remember that he's doing this for us so whatever happens follow his directions."

Tawa then spoke as he kept cleaning off the sweat from his female's face and neck, "we will Suki. Leo, bring the shredded cloth closer to Suki. Tikvah, go bring some of the water to the Apprentice Healer and as for the rest of you, if you can't handle what's going to happen, leave the den or let us know ahead of time."

After everyone nodded and moved around to follow his orders, Charles who finally cleaned his hands and Tikvah who cleaned as much as he could of Suki's belly, the young Healer could now begin.

With the head male and the skunk beastmen at either side of the female, she maintained her legs open and asked for both of her males to help her keep them so in case the cub decided to come out. As Charles came closer, Suki looked at her head male to take her mind off her beast's motherly instincts. Gazing at his dark brown eyes, Suki's eyes began to explore her male's physique reflecting Alpha pheromones which yet again amazed her at how proud yet sweet he had been to her.

As the couple gaze at each, Charles began explaining softly what he was about to do. Charles moved his finger, then whole hands on top of the female's belly to move the cub. Hearing a groan, Charles froze but kept on pressuring to move the cub to the rightful position. Further closing her hand at Tawa's own, Suki attempted to hold in her groans as she felt the cub kick aggressively at the abrupt pressure. Now moaning, Suki strengthened her grip so as not to move and let the nervous Healer continue to do his job. Feeling as if an hour passed by, Charles finally spoke, "the baby is now in the right position, however If she doesn't start coming out in a few I'll have to burst your water."

True to his word, the family waited and when they saw that Suki continued to have tiny bursts of pain and her cub began to become more active yet no water had burst. During all of this, Suki became nervous at watching how a tiny hand and tiny feet stretched her belly, reminding her of a certain alien movie. Her rapid thoughts came to a close when with permission, Charles placed his finger inside her ahem and slowly elongated his claw to the cub's clear liquid bag described by Healer Liam so many times before. Sighing, at finally feeling a burst of liquid coming out, Charles quickly stepped away as Leo replaced him. Leo, who was on standby, swiftly kneeled and with the shredded cloth attempted to clean off the clear liquid with pinkish hue. As he cleaned, the end of his tail swung back and forth in excitement of finally meeting their family's first cub. Meanwhile, Tikvah, who was surprised by how much liquid Suki spilled out, hurriedly went out of the room to bring back another bowl of clean water.

Sighing with relief that his job is finished, the female burst his bubble of happiness when she growled. (Author's note: Let la fantasia begin!)

Looking back up with his ears pointed up straight, Charles immediately goes up to the sweaty female and feels the top of her stomach. After asking her some quick questions, he then realizes that this weary female is actually having one of those rare births where if the cub doesn't come out, both mother and cub will die. Taking a huge breath of air, he looks at the female's head male while explaining the urgency to cut open his female's pregnant belly in order to save both. From his peripheral vision que watched as the horse beastmen's nose huffed up warm shots of air as his eyes dilated and glowed with profound fear for her safety.

While Tawa thinks of any other form to save her, Badrick goes to the door and says in a muffled tone, "Suki's heart beat is getting weaker, let's just do as she said." Then half-way out adds, "I'll be outside, but if I try to return please stop me." As he leaves, a stone face Keokuk and a pale Adan first gave Suki a kiss to her moist temple and swiftly follow behinds Badrick for they know that if Suki bled too much, the nearly four mark bat beastman may go berserk.

Radu, Leo, and Tikvah stayed in the room and looked at Suki and at the head male for what choice would be made. "It's my fault," mutters Tawa as he still appears spaced out at what the young Healer recommended. "It's my fault.. Her body couldn't adjust to her first cub being a female," he repeats as he looks at a slowly blinking Suki. Radu, feeling at loss as well, snapped out of it when he remembered back when they were cubs the promise he made. It was the promise that he'll one day take Suki to her first Most Beautiful Contest, which was to be after this winter. Getting back the strength to believe in what he'll say next, Radu searched through the head males anxious eyes and said, "Tawa, we must believe in the bear beastmen's strength, she's not as weak as you think she is. I've," trying to hold in his tears, he begs, "I've been by her side watching her grow and improving her skills for combat, she's fit, she'll make it". As a last thought, he adds, "remember how she fought for you."

Recalling the sight of the bear female's win, a tear falls as he lowers himself to their female's pale sweaty cheek. Giving her a soft kiss, he comes back up and orders, "you have my permission Healer Charles."

—- Back to the Present —-

"So you're saying I fainted after the young Healer opened my stomach and widened it to take out Sanvi?" ask's Suki as she winces a bit of the pain felt from the stitches made with her head male's horse mane.

"But what happened to Badrick?"

Scratching the back of his head, Tawa who was about to respond was interrupted by Adan who caressed the fluffy head of their cub, "Oh don't worry about him, he just couldn't take the sight of so much blood. And while trying to run away, he ended up hitting his own head."

Suki (pikachu face), while Radu's hand trembles at the wolf beastman's laughable explanation. 

Posted on W A tt P AD on November 2, 2022 at 16:14, updated on July 26, 2023

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