Ch. 33 My Name is Yo Mama

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"That strange female... who is she?" wonders outloud a female wolf as she and her comrades watch the green hair female finish with hurling objects at the also oddly behaving cub.

"She is rather..."

"Bizzare," comments one.

"Gorgeous," grudgingly admits another.

"Crazy," whispers one of the mermaids who stood up with help from one of the ape females.

The females on her side nodded their heads, grabbing total attention of the Clear Lake Tribe females.

"She hasn't shared her name," comments a soft voice from the same ape female who had finished helping the hot pink hair mermaid at standing up.

"Oh?" quizzically asks the Bear Leader's female since most females love for their names to be known. Then continues, "is she someone that we need to be wary of?"

The ape female looks down and fidgets her fingers, after a short pause, the pink hair mermaid scoffs and decidedly speaks up, "she's not an ordinary female, not a usual female mermaid either."

Tilting her head, Lucy asks innocently, "don't all female mermaids behave as if all beasts are beneath them?" While watching the croc beastman bringing said female a bowl of water to wash her hands.

The mermaids giggle, "oh we do because our beauty is unmatched." The same pink-haired mermaid then adds in scorn, "and from what we've seen, we far exceed the females from the fox clan."

Amused, the females of the two Leaders step to the side giving way to Lucy and Jules who now standing side by side giggle back at them.

The giggles turn into a seductive one as they let their ears, tails, and claws appear. Brushing their tails together, they then separate and walk teasingly to the three mermaids who have morphed their own nails into sharp points.

"What's the matter sweety?" Coos Jules, "weren't you so proud to declare that we fox females are nothing compared to the mermaids?"

The mermaid standing closest to Jules smiles widely at her while showing her row of teeth and making a sharp biting noise announces back, "soon you'll be howling in pain from the blood gushing out of your mouth."

"Oh dear," purrs Lucy at the other end as she arches her hands into the air and stretches without fear of said females attacking first. Taking a large sniff while she stretches, her blue eyes gleam at the mermaid closest to her, and gently smiles back, "what lovely blue eyes, they'll look even better as trophies don't you think Jules?"

Licking her lips at the fun in store for them, Jules nods her head and with her own glowing eyes was about to make the first hit when hard clapping noises and sheers sound oddly from where the presumably crazy mermaid sat.

The five females ready for blood, along with the rest of the females turn their heads automatically at her.

Lazily walking to them is the tender looking green hair female yawning loudly into her hand.

Getting closer she hollers in boredom, "though this was entertaining at first," signaling to the perplexed mermaids and at the curious looking foxes. "I'm tired, ready to stake a den, and really don't wanna hear the pitter patter cries from their eyes being torn."

Suki asks on behalf of her mother, "you admit they'll lose?"

Scoffing, the female places both hands on her hips, "these little ones never battled, unlike," staring at the two fox females who steadily watch her, "those two who clearly already had the upper hand."

Now standing in front of both groups she emits an aura that was thought that only males could, towards the now trembling mermaids. "Brats, go on with your search for mates but beware of those taken."

Nodding their heads respectively, they stand back to where the rest of the new females stood awkwardly.

She then coyly smiles at the other females who were now on their own defensive stance, "my name is Veronica, a name these little guppies don't know but instinctively recognize."

Murmuring in question, a cough sounded from behind them. Gasping, the peacock's mother quickly moves away along with the females near her, showing that behind them an elderly female walking forward.

"I knew you look familiar ye old hag," comments Nancy ungracefully as she gives the other a tender smile.

"I'm surprised to see you're still alive, though gray has made your face look even more lovely" happily comments Veronica as she passes without worry of the other females and heads to give Nancy a huge hug though something in her golden eyes showed a bit of envy.

Now all the beastmen look on in bafflement. They did not know how many winters their tribe elders have lived but they were aware that if this young apparently elder mermaid knew Nancy, then it meant that she must've consumed many of the Forever Youthful Core from the highly sought out Agons.

Chuckling, the elder nods her head, "living for so long gets bitter but some of the memories have been truly wonderful." She then gives the silent mermaid a tener hug and whispering into her ear she admits, "I'm happy you're out."

Suki who was near them tries not to frown as she again wonders about this female who her elder holds with so much affection.

After the hug, the mermaid smiles widely at the elder then turns back toward the rest of the females, "forgive my guppies for making a fool of themselves, while they stay here I will personally teach them of our ways as they appear to have long forgotten."

They all blink in harmony. Guppies? Did she give birth to them? Having been stared at quizzically by everyone, the pink hair mermaid couldn't keep it in and mutters grievously, "my mother no longer breathes."

Veronica lifts an eyebrow at her and then slowly begins to laugh mockingly at her. From mockingly, her laughter turns into murderous scoffs, "little guppy me and my long long fallen sisters are your ancestors! Now kneel!"

Careful of not emitting the aura to her dear friend, Veronica passes to the quickly kneeling females and lifting the pink hair's chin, she seductively instructs, "first rule of life, remember that there will always be someone higher, someone stronger, someone who's more scheming (giving a side eye glance to the foxes) and someone more beautiful than you. Now, scram!"

"Mama," whispers Sanvi to her mother who stood stiffly in front of her. Feeling her mother's hand placed gently on her head, Sanvi continues in a soft whisper, "I like her."

Posted on August 04, 2023  waa ttttpa d  15:01 

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