Ch. 37 Chosen, Yay Me

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 "Hit! Hit! Hit! Annddd with a big roar another hit was swung!" recalls Sanvi to her friend Tanllise demonstrating what both she and her mom learned this morning.

Piping up, the bright purple-haired female starts to imitate Sanvi's warrior-like pose, curious and wanting to learn as well since maybe swinging a stick so gracefully could make her look more attractive. Being a little older than Sanvi, the little peacock female was fully aware of how the mermaid's training was gaining awes from the single males. And though many winters will have to pass before she could form her own family, it would be wise to try to either become stronger than the mermaids or prune herself to be more charming than them. As a peacock female who loves beautiful things, her pride definitely wouldn't let those mermaids win.

While the two female cubs search for two long sticks, their mothers and other females gather near a large flat rock. While some of the females sun bathed, brushed each other's hair, or simply enjoyed the calmness, there were others playing or bathing in the river such as a fox female named Jules who was slapping a wave of water towards Lucy who decided to go underneath and tickle attack from below.

Thump, thump, thump. A reddish fluffy tail hits the rock repeatedly.

"Umm Natasha, if you want to play, no one is stopping you," comments Elena as she quietly yawns.

Wincing at being noticed, Natasha straightens her spine and begins to slowly look around once more, "can't, like yours, my beast won't let me rest."

Sighing, Elena nods sleepily while leaning into her hands.

"Instead of my muscles relaxing at one of my favorite places, I feel like I'm getting tenser," complains Suki besides them while maintaining her eyes on her cub.

An older voice beneath them immediately nags, "that's because you young females haven't learned how to control your beast."

Glancing down, the three females blink their eyes in amazement at seeing the tribe elder Nancy floating on her back.

Noticing their flabbergasted stare, Jules giggles slyly, "the males feel it at a higher want than we do, want to guess?"

Now interested, Elena, whose body was facing down, scratches her chin and answers timidly, "procreate?"

Natasha laughs at watching her friend quickly turning red and sneakily admits to her in a low whisper, "no, not always."

Suki, with her ears twitching forward mutters questionably, "protect?"

This time Lucy giggles at her daughter while doggy swimming around the elder, "close, but besides that..." However, her giggles ended in a yowl when the elder caught her long soaked tail that was bothering close to the elder's face.

"Should've known better than to splash that water on me, cub." Humps Nancy as she begins to paddle toward the shore. Now, reaching a place where she can begin to walk, the elder answers them, "our beasts are being territorial since we haven't accepted those new females to our tribe. It also doesn't help that one of them appears like a strong opponent." Adds the elder while giving Suki a pointed understanding look.

She then signals her wrinkly finger at the fox females pouting playfully at her back, "see those two whole females, don't be fooled by their taunts. They are also having slight trouble with controlling their own beast. You can tell that when a whole female is seen to be partially morphed. However," she continues in a lecturing voice while ignoring the two protests at being called out, "their way to control their instincts is through play, something that you young females could try as well."

"Now," clapping her hands, the elder begins to get the females attention, including the cubs who were breathing hard from their exercise.

"Five winters ago we sent Jazz to the The Most Beautiful Competition. Jazz, please rise," orders Nancy.

Natasha's mother immediately stood up with a large grin as she playfully began to pose proudly.

"Our tribe warrior of the Wolf Clan did a wonderful job at the competition bringing in 15 single males and another female whose family was added to our Tribe."

Clapping her hands, the rest of the females clapped as well, while a few others holler in joy, in particular the wolf females present.

Quieting them down, Nancy interrupts with not so happy news, "the Most Beautiful Competition will begin once more, but this time it will be done near the foxes place."

Groans began to be heard around them. Someone hollers, "but shouldn't it have been the Leopard Clan's turn to have the competition near their tribe?"

Wincing, Nancy nods. "It was, but because of the recent battle that left the Ape territory open to ferals, it was decided that the Fox Clan's place would be safer."

The groans began to be replaced with whines, especially from a particular leopard female who unfortunately won that special trip many many winters ago.

Coughing, Nancy brought back their attention, "the winner this time will be announced later by our Clan Leaders, but I will personally say it now since she will need all the knowledge from you three; Mallory, Lucy and Jules. So." Sighing out loud, the elder announces with a soft smile, "the winner chosen is Suki."

"$*^!" mutters said chosen female underneath her breath.

"What was that?" asks the elder with a skeptic glance.

"I'm honored," immediately replies Suki as she gets up to head toward the elder.

Instead of cheering, the females around Suki looked at her with pity, with the exception of Lucy and Jules and the cubs who gladly clapped their hands at her. "Don't worry darling, we'll make sure you'll survive there," hollers Lucy from being waist deep in the water ready to give her grown cub a hug after receiving the elder's blessing.

The cubs who were clapping madly shouted at Suki with positive encouragement, seemingly to be competing with who had the most flowery words such as "you're the most beautiful strongest female I know mama!" to "you're attractive and strong, though not as pretty as my mom!"

Finally standing in front of the elder, Suki's ears twitch back as she slowly kneels in front of her. As the elder recites the tribe's blessing, Nancy quietly adds, "as your beast is the strongest of our tribe and you're of blood to your mother's intellect, so shall you be the same in might and wit, daughter of the sturdy Bear Clan."

Some few feet away from them is an embarrassed looking Sheila who, unknown to the others, kept looking at the sky wondering when these females would start to become curious and want to wear bathing suits. A simple wish that unbeknown to her got granted later on by Suki's grand strategy to win. 

Posted only on Waat pad, on Oct 13, 2023 at 22:35 

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