Ch. 34 Not A Game

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(Stare) ....

The green hair mermaid continues to laugh with the female elder.

(Stare and squint eyes) ....

Same female giving a wink to the ever stalking enamored croc beastman, (the cub shivers an uncomfortable feeling).

(Stare and yawns) ...

The female mermaid walked away with the croc beastman toward a place where his tired eyes could no longer follow.

"How?" mutters the young cub trying to figure out how that odd female is considered a 'respectful' elder herself.

"Finally you speak," yawns behind him the leopard beastman who hasn't left his side for a while. In fact, his ultimate hope was that this cub would be invited by one of their females to live with them, but that was a hopeless dream, especially considering where the cub came from. Now for some illogical reason, he has decided to take this malnourished cub under his protection.

"Well, come on Berry, you are now denning with the rest of us males," says Casper as he tugs at the back of the cub's upper cloth and with his long white spotted tail guides the youngling towards the caves. "Though with you being so young, I should probably get us a den.." scowls the young male as he remembers how he and his brothers had to fight or run away from the onslaught of the single males, majority victims to their pranks. Then he scowls even further fully aware that having his own den means that he'll no longer be traveling.

As the tired cub with the swollen belly tiredly leaves with the white leopard, a pair of golden eyes watches from afar. She then partially lifts a side of her lips in a small smile when observing the older male picking up the sleeping cub into his arms.

- - - -  –

The following morning Suki and her cub Sanvi began their trotting with a panting Sheila towards the river of bathing females, but today they decided on the longer route. And like their 'exercise routine' as Sheila calls it, sometimes naming it as 'that ghastly run', one of each of their males would be jogging along with them. Today, on Sheila's side is her head male Sam, the wolf beast, along with two of her male cubs named Hayes Jr and Shawn. On Suki's side is Leo and her cub's two pet beasts. Usually those two male cubs would be out either hunting or training but this morning they were obviously competing against Sheila's own cubs... meaning they were way way ahead of them.

"Su Suki," gasps Sheila, "let's stop here and rest," she pleads looking at the lake with longing.

Turning her head towards their back, Suki gives Sheila a wide toothy smile and says yes to the ever red face and completely soaked woman. "You're getting better," grins Suki as she stops to a speed walk, then a walk, then a few slow steps leading to a pause in front of the glittering lake.

Sheila only gives them a smile and begins to stretch her burning muscles while Sanvi grabs a bowl from her papa and fills it with water, ready to pour it over Sheila's back. Yes, they got up early but since it's getting close to a heated summer the sun has been rising earlier. Thus Sheila's skin can unfortunately turn a tad bit redder than their own. With the water, Sanvi hopes that the older female would feel some relief.

As the three stretch, with the two other males running to get fresh water to drink, the three females paused in puzzlement and then in wonder when suddenly from the lake a group of mermaids fly out of the water in a way as if they were flying through the sky.

Behind this group of scaly females was the green hair mermaid named Veronica from last night. Instead of swimming along like they were, she was excitedly riding a crocodile beast who was hopefully pretending to be hunting the other females.

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