Ch. 25 Awakening and Much Learning

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A round furry ear twitches to the change in breathing coming from a certain small female.

"Everyone leave," whispers Suki as she quickly kneels to her yawning cub who ungracefully ended up coughing due to a dry throat.

"Here Sanvi, it's squeezed fruit juice with some honey," anxiously smiles Suki as she helps her cub to sit up while soothing her back.

Sleepily, Sanvi who was about to reach for the bowl, freezes at the sight of the much larger and longer arms.

"Mama?" quizzically asks Sanvi, coughing once more.

"Shhh, first drink," commands Suki pushing the bowl closer to the startled cub. Aware that her cub may not have complete control of her limbs just yet, she also kept carrying the small weight of the bowl while Sanvi perched her throat.

Observing her cub's quivers slowing down at her attempt to hold the bowl, Suki explains, "you safely passed through the First Phase my little one." Suki then slowly takes the half empty bowl away as she begins to point at her daughter's arms then pats at the top of her legs that were currently snugged underneath the blanket.

"You're now taller and would be much stronger than what you were before you slept." As she explains, her cub quickly pushes the blanket away and widens her eyes in amazement at what her mama promised she would have.

"I've grown?" she whispers, then she shouts happily while pointing at her legs, "mama, I've got long legs like you!"

Giggling at her cub's contagious happiness, Suki further encouraged her, "trying wiggling your toes, then moving your knees."

Sanvi, who watches her mama point at the end of her feet and calling it toes, immediately tries to wiggle them yet somehow ends up moving the rest of her leg. Pouting, she tries once more but oddly lifts her knees then moves the opposite part of her toes (heel).

Trying to cover her laugh, Suki instead smiles widely, "you'll be able to control your limbs in time my little one. Now, do you want to get up?"

Smiling widely, Sanvi immediately nods her head yes then tries to get up like she used to. However, her once little short body is nothing compared to the long odd limbs of her current self.

"Since your body has grown so much, you'd need to learn how to bend your knees like this," says Suki as she mimicked Sanvi's position and showed her how to get on her knees to later raise herself up.

"For the first few time's I'll help you."

As mother and cub practice getting up, Suki later taught her how to walk. After a few minutes of giggles and much sweat, Sanvi could now proudly walk around the room without her mother's help.

"Mama, I did it! I can now walk and trot! Look!" yells happily Sanvi as she shows her mama how she can halfway trot in the room while trying not to step on anything that could hurt her. "I wanna show my papas!" says a proud eight year old looking female with her long thick straight hair flying everywhere.

"Before that, let's make you beautiful so that they'll be even more amazed, yes?"

Now aware of the state of her hair Sanvi quickly walks up to her mama and gives her a huge hug.

"Also, remember this Sanvi, from now on you have to be always clothed in front of any male," strictly mutters Suki as she kneels to begin brushing her cub's long locks of hair.

"Even my papas?" quizzically asks her cub.

"Yes, even your papas, you could only take your cloth off in front of others when you and I bathe at the female's bathing river area." Aware that her cub still looks confused, Suki began comparing the word private to when she had to go pee. After a few back and forth words, her cub thankfully began to understand that her body is sacred and no beastman should look at her in any way while she is unclothed. Yet, Suki placed much concern in if for some reason a beastman that isn't her papa kept staring at her, clothed or unclothed, she would need to tell them immediately. For in this world, the only reason a male would do so is to take her away.

"What if it's Elias or Marte?" pouts Sanvi thinking about her playmates.

Trying not to sigh and laugh at the same time, Suki eventually nods her head. "They are your pet beast who will one day become your mates. However, until you get to an appropriate age, they are in no way allowed to see you without cloths. Understood?"

Nodding her head gravely at her mothers stern voice, Sanvi quietly answered yes.

"Now, for the gifts." Widely smiles Suki as she kisses her cub's forehead and brings out a two piece white cloth that was hidden in between some blankets.

Gasping, Sanvi immediately whispers, "mama, we'll match!" She then happily jumps around and places her hands up for her mama to help place the cloths on her.

Smiling at her cub's posture in how she used to be dressed, Suki began to teach her how to dress herself. Immediately afterwards Sanvi is now wearing a top white cloth that shows a bit of her belly and as for the bottom part it's a white skirt that goes to her knees. At the corner of her skirt a brown hoof was sewed in.

"And lastly, this is the other gift that your papas and I have made with much love." Says Suki as she opens a wooden box and places it in front of a curious Sanvi.

Inside the box something made out of brown and black strings can be seen. In the middle of said strings is a pink shell surrounded by two red small rocks placed on each side.

Touching the gift softly, Sanvi mutters, "this reminds me of yours mama."

Gently, Suki took the gift out and placed it around her cub's neck, "yes, mine was given by my mama and papas to remind me of my first mate, Radu, who helped take care of me when they couldn't be nearby. And so this gift has a red color that'll represent Elias, and a pink color for.."

"Marte," interrupts Sanvi with a soft smile.

Nodding her head, Suki stood back up, walked toward the door of her den, and glanced back at her bashful cub. "Now, let's go show off to your papas."

"Yes!" yells Sanvi with a hop as Suki laughs and opens the door to her papas already standing in front of the door.

"Congratulations Sanvi," loudly says her head male as he kneels in front of the little one to give her a warm hug. He then proceeds to pick her up and takes her to the living room where the rest of the males follow with congrats, cheek rubs, and some purely crying in relief and happiness (a.k.a. Leo, a tad of Adan, and soft hiccups from the two male cubs).

As they congratulate, Suki recalls her past adventures at that age. Remembering a slightly dark past, with a grimace, she promised herself that she'll have to keep a closer eye on Sanvi now that she can move more freely than before. 

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