Ch. 15 To The Village Part 2

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Grandpa Liam kindly informed us that our cub should have been brought to him a month ago to make sure that she was developing okay. So yes, it's been two months since some of our tribesmen and allies left and it was a month ago where Sanvi was at the age where she learned how to walk. On teaching mode the elder then proceeded to lecture us till we were all blushing in shame that when a female cub learns to walk she can be then introduced or re-introduced to the Tribe Healer not to only have her name and beast type placed on the tribe's female population list but to have her be observed and seen for any ailments or needs. Thankfully Sanvi appears to be healthy at her current appearance of a three year old toddler. However, calculating the time that Sanvi was born and with her physical appearance in mind, Healer Liam and his unusually stern apprentice both warned us that she's getting closer to the First Phase.

Aghast that my cub would be nearing the First Phase, Radu, who also remembered how that affected me, quickly went over to the stalls to buy the herbs that would help with decreasing the fever. Meanwhile the rest of the males and I quickly thanked him and started looking with Sanvi for any other materials she would need.

"Mama," tugs Sanvi as she looks into her mother's worried eyes.

"What's a first phase?"

Now conscious that my cub picked up on my feelings, smiling I attempted to explain what my mother has either forgotten to or better yet didn't want me to become anxious about. "First Phase is where a female cub's body would be quickly growing into a more easily swift moving body."

"So I'll be bigger?" cutely summarizes Sanvi as she widens her arms side to side.

Laughing at the cub's interpretation, Leo butts in and with permission takes Sanvi away from his female's arms. Getting on his knees, he shows her with his hands elevating from ground up to his face, he explains in his carefree way, "you'll be growing like this Sanvi, and with that you'll be able to run much faster!"

Glancing at the male cubs hiding behind a stall, Keokuk in his half form signals at them with his wings and whispers into her ear, "you'll be as fast as them Sanvi." He then proceeds to give the cubs a glowing stare which resulted with said cubs gasping in horror and fleeing toward their family. Who by the way lectured them from being way too close to the female cub, yet gave them advice on how to properly become able to talk to her.

As if we'll let any male cub get close to my cub, thinks Suki as she clenches her hand while giving her way too young and innocent cub a gentle smile. Nevertheless, if Suki's cub self was present she'd be hollering in her ear about the missed opportunities.

Awed, Sanvi shouts enviously, "I wanna grow!" She then giggled when Leo snuck to tickle her and proceeded to yell "you're it! You gotta chase me!" Pretending he wasn't that fast, with his tail he teased Sanvi to be further away from said cubs while the rest of Suki's males gave any of the adult single males a cold stare.

Since Sanvi was going too slow according to a certain eye-covered male, he surprised both the cub and Leo by picking her up and whispering to her, "let me help." Then with his menacing sharp toothy smile that made Leo's hair stand on end, he simply said, "run cat, we're coming for you."

While Sanvi giggled in delight at trying to catch one of her papas with the many silly faces he showed to them, Suki and her males proceeded to finish looking for and trading for anything else their cub would need, such as Sanvi's first eight year old cloth and a pretty shell necklace to go with the future outfit.

As they ponder what shell color to give her, two fox cubs appear in front of them along with a female and three of her males.

"I take it you decided to go to the competition then," says Lucy as she gives her daughter a gentle smile while signaling to a blue colored shell. "I believe this one would look lovely for Sanvi."

Nodding guiltily at her mother, Suki quickly agrees on the chosen color. Leaving behind their males to trade with the vendor. Suki then meekly asks, "are you mad I didn't tell you that I'd brought Sanvi to the village today?"

Pretending to gasp, Lucy laughs, "mad, no, surprised yes. I honestly didn't think you'd bring your first cub to the village until she passed her first phase. Besides that, Suki dear, you're no longer a cub". Touching her hand, she then gives her one of the many sweet fruits they traded today, "as a mother now, you yourself will decide how to bring up your own cubs. The only thing I can do for you is to advise, but never should I force you to do what I desire."

Sighing in relief and tasting the sweet tangy fruit, Suki replies, "thank you mother, but..?"

Watching her mother tilt her head at the upcoming question, Suki proceeds, "how did you keep the males away from me when I was a cub?"

Giggling at the unexpected question, the fox female beast purrs as she touches cheek with her grown cub, "part of your family males duty is exactly that, so relax darling. I can see they are doing a spectacular job." Pointing to the frantic Leo then at the still giggling cub, she says, "that bat beasts' unusual looking wings and your head male's beast pressure are a perfect deterrence to any single male."

Leading over to where other necklaces and hair accessories lay, Lucy picks up a colorful green and purple feather and gently shoves it into my hair, "beautiful."  Purring, papa Jack steps up and trades for the feather mama just bought me. Whispering into my ear she then admits, "how do you suppose Radu was able to become your first male?"

Widening my eyes at mother's possibly planned out meeting that I had with Radu, she lectures in a soft whisper as we get closer to a vendor playing an instrument, "that was the only way you could have a little bit more of protection and company in case none of your papa's were around... just like that warm season so many winters ago where we had to leave you behind."

"Now," signaling for her pups to get closer to us, she asks with a mischievous smile, "would you allow for them to play with your cub?"

—----- At Another Place Far Far Away —---

"Can we trust her?"

"No, but she might be useful," admits Dash darkly as he glances ahead at the petite green haired female riding on top of a familiar black bear beast.

As both Dash and the Crocodile appointed leader whisper to each other about the upcoming battle, the bat leader on the other hand gulps with anticipation of tasting the prey they haven't had in such a long time. Though being able to feed upon snake and mermaid flesh wasn't exactly to his taste, at least some of his brethren were happy for the change of flavor.

Back to the front, Vick internally grumbles at being chosen to become the strange female's temporary guardian. Physically, she appears to be what most males would desire and that is a gorgeous innocent like female with big golden eyes, petite nose, and full flushed lips. Personality wise, at the beginning she showed to be lonely, quiet, distressed and shivering at night in fear. However, since a month's passed, impatience, desire, and cunningness have been slowly slipping into her facial expressions. Along with either shy or up front flirtation to any strong male present, including Vick. Especially Vick. Thus the reason why he got appointed to being her guardian, given the fact that he practically doesn't feel any attraction towards her. Which also helps to deter any other allied male that might end up interested in her.. A possible enemy.

Once more, the female attempts to rub her flattering chest upon his back, pretending to be tired of the ride. Secretly, she looks for any positive reaction coming from said stoic male. And, quickly glancing back with her golden swirling eyes, maybe certain males would feel attracted and take action to her show of flesh.

Posted on watt p ad on January 1, 2023 Time: 16:51

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