Ch. 13 We Don't Do Goodbyes, We Roar

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Today, the barely rising sun reminds me of the day that Wyatt, my brother, and many others of our tribe died for our safety. It was also the day our leaders decided that we would obliterate the tribe where the enemy cougar beasts reside. Our hearts were set on complete and utter destruction of those who harmed us, however, we realized that our pronounced enemy tribe is in hand with the Ape Clan. And along with what the maned wolf beastmens confession on how they were threatened to battle, it turned out that the attack on our tribe is actually leaning towards a much bigger threat than we thought. Which led our tribe to plan that a group of us would travel to gather alliances. Even now our hearts set on revenge are still strong, yet as I watch the males of my tribe leave to battle, I can't help but feel as if my heart is throbbing painfully.

Thankfully my cub wasn't with us to witness our emotions. My little Sanvi, being too young, was left at the den with Leo, who adores playing with her, and with Tikvah who does not favor this early morning weather. On the outside of our den Keokuk volunteered to hover around for any threats while the rest of my males and I went to our village to give our tribe encouragement, not goodbyes. For goodbyes could mean that we'll never see each other again. And so I stood beside my mother as we and our family growled our uplifting battle cries while watching many that we know leave. Such as my brother Casper, who of the once three diablitos, is now a three striped snow leopard beastmen. And besides some of our other single males, such as Vick who gave me a slow nod before leaving, there are mated battle experienced veterans like papa Dash who chose the hard decision of helping with leading our warriors rather than staying close to my mother.

Speaking of my mother, her face appears fierce as she lets some of her beast show while she keeps growling with the others until none of our warriors and some of our alliances can't be seen anymore. Slowly her face morphs back into a more human appearance as she lets her long black hair sway to cover her face.

Sniff, Lucy attempts to hold her tears in yet her nose betrays her desire of wanting to hold back Dash from heading into possible death or loss of limbs but... glancing through her hair strands at her left side stands her fully grown daughter who appears to be standing strong yet, like her, her eyes show little glints of worry. Yes, their family lives here in the Clear Lake Tribe and from what they've gathered they need all the strong and experienced warriors available to lead the battle to beat the Ape Clan's well known trickery. Within the short distance Lucy lifts her hand and holding onto Suki's own, gives her an encouraging smile, "your papa Dash is getting close to achieving four marks and your brother has learned many strategies when he traveled with the vendors".

Nodding back with a smile I cuddle my mom into my arms and give each other strength through our linked hands. Mother has already lost other males before and I'm sure she fears for papa Dash survival, but at the same time I'm aware that what she said is true. Papa is experienced and would do anything to make sure that we'll live and that mama would be happy. Meaning, he's going to try his hardest to survive, unlike the single males who more than likely would take the bigger risks. Casper, I truly hope revenge is not in your heart.

As if finished with hugging, mother surprises me with a gasp and flipping her once somber emotion to excitement. "Suki dear! Congratulations on having your first cub!"

Glancing around I try to hold in my embarrassment while quietly saying thank you, yet mama continues, "by chance can I see her?"

The beastmens who stayed, their ears immediately pointed up at our direction though they did try hiding it by pretending to be doing other things such as talking about the cold morning, their favorite meat, to blatantly staring in curiosity like two of my female friends. Natasha was walking with her own mother who was closer to the village entrance and Sheila who was distractedly trying to grab onto one of her cubs who was fascinated with playing with a nearby beast's tail. As for Elena, well, she left early since she also couldn't stand the cold.

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