Ch. 4 The Cub, The Males, and Her Growl

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"Squirt, you're way too young for her," tisk Sheila as she watches Radu coquetidly distracting her friend while Leo coldly tickles the young wolf cub away from Suki's leg. Not far from them is the centaur-like male laughing loudly despite the fact that his one eyebrow is clearly twitching in annoyance. A little further behind him is a pale looking beastman joyfully appreciating all the trinkets the vendors are yelling about.

Back to Sheila's side, a cinnamon medium wavy hair female dances on her toes and wags her tail while laughing at how cute Elena's pup is continually trying to woo his future female.

Whispering to Sheila, Natasha confesses, "I'm glad that Bronco's pup is after Suki because clearly he's taken after his papa."

Responding back, the other female tilts her head in bewilderment, "was he that strong in his pursuit?"

Huffing out breaths of cold air, she nods her head seriously, "oh yes, everywhere Elena went, Bronco's loud voice would be right behind her. Hard to not know where she's at."

"Isn't that stalkerish?" responds a now bewildered Sheila while thinking back on some of the cases seen in crime t.v.

"What's that?" curiously asks the half-wolf female.

"Seriously?" sighs Sheila as she goes back to continue watching the quote on quote entertainment. "It's despite the warnings to back off, the per.. Eh.. the beastmen that follow you around will continue to do so whenever they're free. So pretty much could be during the day, at night, when you're trying to sleep."

"Ahhh, well now that you mention it. Elena never did show that she didn't like it. In fact I remember her blushing at the attention. Though her papas pretty much made him run with his tail between his legs, which I think her mama approved of."

"Oh?" Now more interested in hearing this particular story, the two females continue on their way to a vendor's cloth tent. Behind them are a couple of males already carrying some fur blankets, cloths, hair accessories and den decors or as otherwise dubbed necessity as the Unique One would sometimes refer to them.

Back at the center of the village the loud howls of the cub could be heard even louder than the vendors. Truly a competition for them.

"Suki, wait for me when I'm older, okay! Remember that you promised my mama!" yells the cherry red hair pup as he is tearfully being carried, no, dragged away, by a wide sharp teeth smiling Leo running toward the trees. Behind these two trots an equally smiling Tawa.

"So now that you met two of your friends, what else would you like to do?" asks Radu as he brings his furry tail around his female.

Before Suki could reply, a cold pale hand grabs a hold of her fur blanket, "what about this way, look, those glowing smooth rocks would look pretty in the bathtub."


"Or what about those herbs over there," shyly points Tikvah as he happily advises their female, "I've listened to the vendor explain that these herbs will help keep you warm throughout winter."

While listening to him, she begins to notice that he'll shiver every now and then. "Oh gosh Tikvah, I forgot!" Face palming and knowing that her males don't like their weakness to be pointed out, immediately adds, "Radu, those herbs would be great for our family, especially for the cub that'll be born during the cold season."

Nodding seriously, he leaves her side to quickly grab most of the herbs while Suki carefully opens up her blanket of fur and places her arm around a rather cold croc beastman.

Fiercely blushing at the attention given solely to him and aware of how cold his scales are, Tikvah was about to reject her offer when Suki breathed into his ear, "stay still."

Without thinking about the repercussions, Suki lets out a growling call of her own. Radu who was finishing doing transactions with the vendor quickly snapped his face toward them with his glowing purple eyes. Noticing that they were safe, his eyes went back to normal as he calmly yet irritatingly went back to his naughty female.

"You called?" says Radu with a gentle smile. To the trees some yards away fastly gallops a fully morphed horse beast along with a leopard beast behind him.

Blushing along with the red face Tikvah, she nods quietly.

"And," continues Radu with a wider gentler smile.

Aware of how tick off Radu was getting, Suki waited for her head male to arrive closer before whispering out loud, "I'm cold."

Before Radu could sarcastically reply back at Suki's obvious lie, Tawa has smoothly morphed into his two legged form, reached out to both Suki and the unfortunate male with her, Then slits his dark brown eyes at the bugged out Radu.

"Well transform then! Quickly!" commands the four marked male at the bushier of the males.

Radu quickly morphs into his furry skunk beast, who rapidly feels two beings placed gently on his back.

"Tikvah, you keep Suki held safely on his back. Leo, run before them to keep the wind away from Suki. Now for you Radu, run!" points the head male before he transforms back to his half beast form.

Rushing in a hurry from the village whose spectators were gapping at the sudden show of male testosterone, Radu was internally crying at the unjust treatment while sinisterly thinking of a comeback for his darling female's sudden unneeded call.

As for Suki, well, she was internally punching herself for remembering how her papas drastically behaved to her welfare and to her pregnant mother's needs. How could I forget that my cub's father would be any different?

I'm so sorry, Radu.

Just you wait Suki! Bahahaha.

Was Suki really that cold? She felt warm..

How did Suki get so cold so fast? Must be the pregnancy.

Once we get back, I'll make sure she's warm enough with all the fur we own, maybe add two males around her, get another to bring her a warm drink, get another to reach out to Healer Liam... and when she's and the cub are better, it's time to re-train our family.

Read for FREE only in W A T T P A D (originally posted on October 10,2022. Updated on July 26, 2023).

– Authors Note –

Guess who is who by the five italicized comments above ;)

Also, to note, this story is slow the first few chapters, but when the cub is born the story will become livelier. 

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