Ch. 9 A Cub's Toy: Chew, Ground, Toss... Repeat

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Num Num Num..

In the central room where the fireplace was constructed at, sits an adult female, 7 adult males, and one small tiny being placed in the middle of them.

Num Num Num..

That said being, with her tiny round hand tosses away the slobbered scowling bat toy and reaches for the round doggy wooden figure eagerly placed in front of her by an equally eager looking male with a mole placed on his left cheek.

Cooing, the male watches as the cub screams delightfully, grabs it, and then bangs it against the fur covered ground.

Laughing at the distraught male's expression, the cub does it again several times until, like the last toy, enthusiastically places it near her mouth to suck on it.

"Uh Suki, were they supposed to be chewed on?" ask's Keokuk, the one who helped Suki initially with the idea.

"And thrown?" ask's Radu as he watches how Sanvi throws the wolf figure behind her and reaches for yet another toy.

"Or ground at?" sadly asks Adan as he glances at how the slobbered wolf toy hits the other animal toy figures.

Clearing her throat, Suki had to remind herself that in the Beast World not many males got to personally see and care for a female cub.

"Well, at her age, she's still discovering her world through sight, taste, and possibly smell. Besides that, her baby-eh, cub, teeth are still coming in so she's probably delighted about having something softer to chew on.".. Besides bones like what I remember chewing on...

"Ha, so she liked the bat looking toy the best!" deeply laughs Badrick as he watches how Sanvi picks that toy again to chew on it some more.

Well more like the lines placed around its face fancies her teeth, thinks Suki as she glances at her head male's twitching lips who she guessed attempted to make the bat toy look scary enough for Sanvi to not want it.

"I've heard that at her size, Sanvi can't do much compared to male pups who could at least trot a little," says Leo as he picks up the cat toy and pretends for it to run around the blabbering cub.

"Yeah, though she can't exactly trot, she'll slowly learn how to crawl then one day walk," adds Suki while smiling at how Sanvi changed from a sitting position to a face up ready to crawl position.

"By crawling backwards?" asks an amused Leo while Sanvi tries her best to reach for the cat looking toy but then loses her interest in it as she then looks up to see Tawa's face smiling at her.

As he smiles, Sanvi's own smile widens as she scrunches her body a little. Poof, an unpleasant smell radiates from that tiny body.

Picking her up, Tawa's nose twitches yet calmly gives his cub a kiss to her stomach, "time to change your cloth little one." Behind them follows Leo and Tikvah who have readied the warm water for the cub's bath.

Thinking about how fast Sanvi has grown, a scowl appears as she worries that maybe time is going too quickly. Pondering on what they've left before helding themselves in the den for the winter, Suki's claw comes out and makes scratching noises at the ground. I need to prepare for any danger, worriedly, as a new mother her eyes begin to glow at the anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Suki finally looks up at the rest of her males. "Adan, as you're part of the wolf clan, and Keokuk, my head's male second in command, can you please tell me what's happened so far, or at least, what we can expect after leaving the den for this winter?"

Taking in their female's posture and scent, Keokuk speaks first. "While you've been sleeping, Badrick and I have taken turns in flying to make sure that no feral or enemies from the Ape Clan have dared to invade our place."

Before Suki can ask, he continues, "fortunately, the Ape Clan and their members prefer not to travel during the winter. As for the ferals, a few were spotted to be too close and none have escaped."

Licking his lips, Badrick adds happily, "for being ferals they were pretty tasteful and fulfilling."

Here, Radu darkly mutters, "well, let's just hope we'll keep on having wandering prey."

Now with clear eyes and of course clearing her throat at Radu's implication, Suki then asks, "what about when we can leave the den, how safe would it be?"

Feeling a furry tail wrap around her with colors belonging only to a certain skunk beast, Suki attempts to reign in her worry about what they'll say.

"The plan is for the males of this tribe to spread out and search through any hiding place and marks of unknown scents. Afterwards catching prey and visiting other beastmens shouldn't be hard. After a few days, Vick and a few others from this tribe and other tribes will continue to seek more alliances and finally place wrath against our enemy." Finishes Adan as he observes Suki's expression for any complaints.

Fisting her hands, Suki stares at the ground as she thinks of all the ways this could go wrong. Yes, The Clear Water Tribe calls for revenge and for other tribes to know not to mess with them, but. A clear b-u-t, what other plans can they make to increase their survival?

Lifting her eyes back at her males, she thinks about how she knows how to ride to escape, but riding a flying beast is completely different to a ground one. Also remembering how she couldn't even help Wyatt that time, she wonders about the what ifs. Clearing her head from those dark memories, Suki finally speaks.

"We need to make weapons, and you, my males, will help me to learn how to ride while using these weapons to fend off any invaders."

Before anyone could refute, Leo's howl could be heard from the bathing room, "Sanviiiii, don't pee in the water!" To Tawa's proud voice, "if she wants to pee or poop in the water, then she can, we'll just clean her again!" Ending with Tikvah's hushed voice, "I highly recommend not to do either in your own bathing water..."

--- Author's Note---

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