Ch. 27 Scoldings

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"So, where were we?"


"No one? Anyone?"

While the tribe females huddled with some of their males in one of the tents, outside Suki had her arms crossed while little Sanvi looked up at her mama with big eyes then back at her papas who besides looking guilty were also glancing around to make sure no ferals were nearby. 

"It was his idea!" yells Adan pointing to a flustered looking skunk beastman.

Gasp, Sanvi quickly covers her mouth.

"You agreed!" Radu growls back.

"Oooh," whistles one of the male cubs.

"Well, uh, he accepted the idea," points Adan with his chin at the horse beastman who still hasn't morphed back into his two legged form.

"And I recall that it was the best strategy we had," responds Tawa with his arms crossed while quickly glancing at his female guiltily.

To this, all males, including the once feral snake cub nod their heads.

Brushing back her hair from her face in frustration, Suki pinched her nose trying to think before responding to her family. "Look, I get it. We were one air beast down, and that might've been the best plan. I." pause "would like," pause, "to be TOLD about it before heading out."

She continues, "you probably all felt it, but let me reexplain. I do not want to feel the terror of having lost a family member and THAT what was going through my freaking mind!"

Nearing the end, Suki couldn't keep calm and let all of her anger out.

With glowing light brown eyes her claws came out along her fangs while she walked around each male and got onto them until all their heads lowered in complete and utter shame.

Sighing, Suki forced a smile to her still angry looking face, "now that's clear, let's go inside Sanvi with papa Leo."  Holding her little one's hand they, the two cubs, and an injured Leo follow inside the tent while the rest of the papas glanced at each other.

"Cough, well, I'll be taking to the skies with Keokuk to make sure no feral gets close. Radu, you stay outside the tent in case any feral gets close. Adan and Tawa make rounds."

With that they all nod their heads and though saddened by their female's burst of righteous anger, they were also ready to pummel all of their frustrations on any unlucky feral that would attempt to get past them.

And thus, the following morning these males felt completely refreshed.

— - - somewhere far far away - - - or not that far - - -

"Mmmm I like your fur, it's really soft for a feral," sighing sadly she continues, "too bad it's considered taboo to skin this soft fur off of you."

Beneath her, not a moan could be heard.

"Though you are dead..." Humming, the mermaid began to secretly glance around.

In front of her a bloodied Vick is smiling viciously at his injured opponent. On another side, she gives a quiet shudder as she watches bat beastmen still feasting on the ferals with renewed energy. One particular dark one seems to be given space by the others. That is one I should be wary of, thinks the mermaid as she begins to skin the male underneath her.

Beside her a nervously shaking cub coughs out loud.

"What is it Coco?" smiles the mermaid as she rolls her eyes.

"You shouldn't do that," points the cub to her bloodied claws.

"Oh, but he's my kill," cheekily responds the female while tentatively skinning the feral.

"No you didn't!" yells the cub, then aware of his surroundings quickly ducks his head hoping that his little yell didn't bring attention to them.

Laughing, she sticks her tongue out, "well my beauty lured him and thus he got killed for it. So, yes, he's my kill."

"But, uh, eh," the cub deflates, aware that he had another losing argument with her.

"Now, shhh let me pay attention to this gorgeous fur," giggles the mermaid a quarter done with her new fur cloth.

"Come on Berry, you should know not to argue with a female mermaid," a leopard beast growls at him, taking the back of the cub's top cloth into his mouth and placing the annoyed cub back with the other females.

Hmm, "interesting," hums the female as she watches a grown male taking care of a cub that's not even blood related.

As time passed, Vick finally remembered the female that he was supposed to be taking care of. He first checked at the campfire where some of the females were getting on either their males or an uninjured beastmen. Not seeing the annoying green haired female, his eyes dilated and began searching for her in earnest this time.

Thankfully he didn't have to look for too long when a frustrated cubbish growl got his attention. Glancing back at the cougar cub, Vick then followed at whatever the cub was pointing out in disgust.

In front of a drying imperfectly cut fur cloth stands proudly the female as she huffs her chest out mockingly at the cub.

"Why," mutters Vick as he walks with heavy steps toward her.

Finally reaching them, he speaks in a cold tone, "female, get on my back, we need to leave now."

"Oh, look at that Coco, my valiant ride is here," smartly replies the female as she takes the fur and begins to fold it.

"We're not taking that," stops Vick in scorn, knowing full well where that fur came from.

"Ha!" the cub points out giddily, but soon let out a surprise cry then groans when his apparent appointed guard went to pick him up.

"It's my kill, and where I come from we mermaids love beautiful things," purrs the female in contentment as she hasn't stopped folding the fur. 

"I'm not carrying that," points out Vick again.

"It's okay darling, he volunteered to do so in exchange that I give him some of my time," points the mermaid to a bashful looking croc beast.

And so, the group left with minimal loss since they had help from the other warriors, including a blood thirsty bat beastman who appeared to have leveled up.

Posted on May 12th, 15:59 only on www atpad

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