Ch. 8 Toys and Fantasy

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A/N: This chapter is just a tinsy mature.


"Shh shhh shhh good my little one, in time your tiny stomach will hopefully get used to drinking milk," says Suki as she cleans the cub's little pink glossy mouth and passes the now dirty cloth to Leo. Leo purrs and quickly takes it away to be washed for he has found a new purpose this winter. And that is to be the first one to bring clean, fresh smelling cloths to their family's female cub.

Smiling at the skipping Leo, Suki hums her cub to sleep and sighs at remembering how the other day Leo and Adan sent daggers at each other competing to be the first to bring them clean cloths. Since then Suki had to step in and give Leo the privilege of cleaning and bringing in the pieces of cloth while Adan, noticing that he didn't get chosen, gloomily went and sat at the center of the house.

Giggling, Suki realized on that day Adan had clawed, cough, re-defined those pieces of cloths (the one she was working on before giving birth), into an actual perfect figures of an animal. And so from then on, Adan was to help Suki and Tikvah in making fashionable cloths for the cub.

Radu, not wanting to be left out, quietly asked Suki what she would like for the cub. Thinking seriously about it, Suki gave in to creating objects from her past memory while hoping that Sheila wouldn't think much of it. But just in case, Suki cleverly thought of reenacting another plan today. One of which she was starting now.

Handling the napping cub to Badrick who was also taking his nap with Tikvah who was completely covered in furs, Suki stepped out of the room and searched for the correct size wood.

"Mmm no, too big and ragged.. Too frail... mmm," hums the female as she hunches over to look at the pieces of logs brought in by her males.

Keokuk, who was free, stood by the doorway, appreciating his female's bum held up in the air. "Though, I'd love to feel the soft warmth of your burning skin Suki," huskily says the bird beastman as he zeroes in with his eyes at her enticing posture, "I'm guessing you'd like some help?" While speaking, he slowly gets behind her and leans a rough hand over to the pile of chopped wood, effectively enclosing his blushing female.

Get yer head out of that direcion Suki! You have a lot of time for this.. Though you are now almost fully recuperated thanks to the healing colossal cores hunted by her males.

Sneaking a glance back at his bare toned chest and up at his full smirking lips, sharp nose, and glowing honey colored brown eyes so close to her own.. Suki had to literally shake her head from his temptation.

While she attempted to stir back toward thoughts about her project, Keokuk's fingers started to leave an indent on the wood.

"I suggest you decide now or should I take the first step?" he warns, knowing that this time he honestly wouldn't be rough with her, yet loves to see the deep shade of pink on her skin while fidgeting from his attention.

Eeeeekkkkkk! Now full on blushing with hands placed in front of her mouth. She nags at herself that by this time she should have been used to her males' various types of flirtings, yet Suki couldn't help but escape his temptation by answering, "wood toy!" Ahhhhh!!! Wood! He's lost. Suki, think! Sure enough her male appears confused at the mentioning of wood and toy.

"Uh toy wood!" Jeez like that'll make it easier. "A toy made out of wood!" There you go! Thankfully, they now know what a toy is from my previous acting.

Scrunching his eyebrows, Keokuk's eyes slowly went back to normal as he thought about the newly developed word toy and how his dearly once blushing female seems to be nodding at herself. Smiling, Keokuk went back to standing straight while asking his female what shape of wood would be needed.

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