Ch. 5 Going Coo-Coo in Da Cave

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In a calm white covered looking landscape where no sounds of chirping birds or scowerling squirrels looking for food is heard, lies a valley whooshing with the harsh sound of frosty winds bringing forth hard particles of snow. In other words, it's nasty depressingly icy out there.

As for me, usually during this harsh winter season I'm happily sleeping all of this part away but. Yes, but, a big huge B-U-T.


I never knew how frustrating it was to be stuck indoors all freaking day by day! I mean, sure I'm surrounded by those who love, care, and keep looking out for me, but I just want my space. Period! Is it so hard to just waddle to another room without feeling stares from my males? Yeah sure, this is my first pregnancy and just because I'm now feeling like a school bus that has to watch out for too narrow doors or unable to squat perfectly without feeling gravity taking over, doesn't mean my males have to feel skittish of any and all visible or invisible dangers to my and my unborn cub's safety! I also never knew Radu would end up sharing the same wavelength of worry as Adan. I mean if I so much as groan in my sleep, I'm soon surrounded by someone sniffing me to make sure that I'm not in any pain.

Sniff.. Sniff. I wanna sleep this season and this pregnancy off sooo bad! Especially today with my tummy feeling bloated more than the usual bumpatoosy.

Dang, I always thought that naturally bear females would be hibernating during their pregnancy but why did I not remember this exact lesson?


Stupid me.


"Uh Suki, you can rest if you want," tentatively says a worried Leo. Glancing at my usually most playful male whose ears were folded back, I couldn't help my body's response of having even more water added to my already tearful eyes. Crap, why is it when you're trying not to cry and are holding it in pretty good, it all bursts when someone tries to comfort you.

"Nneeh." Now clear warm tears were going down my cheek as I continued sowing a figure out of the pieces of cloth. Trying to clear my mind from my dingy anxious thoughts, I hum. So, if the base color is dark brown then if I add the figure with colors white and badge it'll stand out and look pretty.

Not looking at him anymore, another pair of feet comes near. In contrast to the first pair of cat-like feet, this one is wearing a ton of fur starting from his covered feet all the way to his white braids.

"Can I help?" ask a timid Tikvah as he nibbles on one of his claws.

Sigh, well why not. He's done pretty good on the other ones and I believe that this time we'll get it perfect.

Giving him a smile I pat a place beside me. Leo, wanting to join us, didn't because the last time he tried he ended up being roared at by my cranky self for destroying my tiny fur figures. Now sitted, I handed Tikvah two other cloths colored black and white. As I show him where I wanted it cut, Badrick passes by without his cloth pasted over his eyes whistling as he lays near the fireplace.

So get his, If Badrick is wandering in the den without his head cloth, it means that the den is definitely dark except for the places where the fire enlights light. Actually who needs light, I mean for us being beasts we can easily see in the dark.. Others more than others. However, I'd like to go outside and see the actual natural light but given the sound of the harsh wind and the ongoing battle of the snow, that would be another no for today.

"Stupid snow," I mutter as I go back to my figures. There are four thin rectangular white parts, one square color badge, and one curvy white piece plus another even thinner badge curl piece. Now for the hard part, to put them all together I think as I move my behind to a more comfortable spot.

Wetting my lips in concentration, I first placed the square in the middle and began sowing in the four rectangular parts. As I finish, I then add the curvy larger white piece to the left side of the square.

"Oh, that kind of looks like Tikvah," comments Leo, hoping that he got the animal right this time.

Instead of answering, Badrick dryly laughs, "look at it again cub, does Tikvah beast have such long legs?"

Yes, you're right my sexy vampire boy! Though, instead of nodding at his comment, I proudly keep on sowing at my near perfect figure.

Leo, attempting another try adds, "Oh I know!" He then happily yells, "You're making a colossal!" Then huffs his chest out at Badrick as said bat beast incredibly takes another look at their female's latest figurine.

Huffing out loud, I internally yell I think not!

Now finish with adding the tail to the right side of the square, I look up at the rest of my males.

However, Tawa is currently getting ready with cooking us some soup so he can't really look at my finished product, but Keokuk on the other hand is glancing at me with a soft smile as Radu hurriedly flees to help Tawa.

Seeing my now bright expecting eyes, Keokuk gets up and looks at my figure from where he stands. "Well, this animal clearly has four feet, a head, and a tail.. It's body isn't long like a crocs nor is it tall like a colossal, so..". Humming, he then scratches his chin. "I'd say a horse!"

Grinning joyfully at him getting it right I am now delighted that my figurine is perfect!!

"A horse?" whisper asks Badrick in skepticism to Leo who shrugs his shoulders.

I heard that! About to snarl at Badrick that it is indeed a horse, I then heard an oomph come from him.

Tawa steps into this warm room with the ingredients ready for our food, one of which is impeded inside of Badricks pissed off mouth. A loud snapping sound occurs when the carrot like veggie is parted in half by him. Hehe, take that.

"It's perfect Suki! Our little female would look wonderful with a horse beast figure knitted into her cloths."

"Yes, that's the idea, that all of her new cloths will be so different from all the other cubs.. She'd be forming her own fashion." I say proudly as I try to get help standing up with Radu and Adan's sudden appearance. Hold on, where was Adan anyway?

"Ah yes, fa shon, what the Unique One mentioned the other day.." nods away Tawa as he pours the ingredients into the huge bowl near the fireplace.

Yes, yes, now hurry. Oh, I gotta pee like really bad now and maybe a little more... I squint in worry as I struggle to waddle to one of the far away rooms used only for our winter emergency toxic waste. Gosh, why is it so far away? My two males are still beside me but remembering the last episode they stood with their hands to themselves.

I don't think I'm gonna make it, Ugh... Did I eat something that has gone bad? This time I'm slightly hunching over as I pat my tummy in worry. Cub, did you not like something I ate?

This time a soft kick was felt, but instead of lifting my worries, that kick gave me another maday cramp to run to the bathroom asap!

Having noticed the sweat forming in my forehead, this time both Radu and Adan took a hold of me as my legs began to give out.

"Suki!" yells Adan as he tries to figure out what's wrong.

Behind us the noise of hurried feet gets close as I stammer, "my stomach hurts. Bathroom."

Read for Free only in W A T T P A D, posted on 10/12/22 at 14:06 . Update on July 26, 2023

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