Ch. 11 Vick's Meeting with Sanvi

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Though Adan, Radu, and Leo are aware that Vick won't dare hurt their family's cub (despite his and Suki's past conflict), the same could not be said for the newer members of their female's family. Suki, who was standing beside her head male, attempted to smile to lighten up the situation since Tawa was unnaturally still, Keokuk was in camo somewhere, and the usually curious Tikvah was leaving his mouth barely open with unblinking eyes.

Vick, conscious of how his presence is unwelcome by the reluctant head male whose mood is picked up by Suki's two other newer males, cracked his neck side to side as he slowly walked over to them. While doing so, he attempted to see if he could pinpoint that bird beast's location since nothing is more uncomfortable than knowing that a beast of higher level may be hiding behind his back. Every beastmen's sore spot is their back and eyes, yet Vick appears to be trying to calm down his slightly raised hackles by concentrating on the cub's curiously sparkly dark brown eyes. Trying not to smile at how the cub's eyes reflect her mother's so many winters ago gaze toward him, he finally speaks to hide the near coughing laugh barely bursting from his lips. "Suki, head male.." nods Vick in respect toward them.

After nodding, the bear beastman wait to receive their response. Suki nods her head while giving a small smile, yet when noticing that her head male still has not nodded his own head she clears her throat. "Vick, it's good to see you're healthy."

Given his female's greetings, the other internally grumbles and greets as well. "Yes, it is (un)fortunate that you survived the winter," dryly comments the horse beastmen as he holds his precious cub closer to his chest.

An uncomfortable silence, with the exception of a few murmurs coming far away from the singles den, that lasted a few seconds was finally disturb by the recipient. "Despite the travels that we all did, we thankfully did manage to hunt enough prey to keep us going throughout the winter. Fortunately, members from other clans barely survived despite the abrupt change given by this new terrain," says Vick as he stares into the horse beastmen's now narrowed dark brown eyes. Glad that he did not speak any more to harness the head male's ire, Vick slowly moved his eyes back to the cub then to her tight lip still smiling mother. "Congratulations Suki on giving birth to a healthy female cub... I am honored to be able to meet her."

With this, Vick bowed his head with his ears laid down and a hand raised to his chest to show the sincerity of his words. While looking downwards, he asked, "may I know the name chosen for her?"

Smiling at how the big bad bear beastmen is letting go a bit of his pride to ask for her cub's name, Suki turned to her head male, stared at his eyes and communicated with him through their bond of how she felt at this very moment. And that was, harmony. Vick was behaving and looking for peace with her family. Asking for her cub's name showed not only his curiosity in her, but also in Suki's family. Of course, she's not an idiot to not realize that Vick's attention to them is still within his desire to become her male, to become part of her family. However, this little step is relieving to know that he'll slowly change for the better and besides that, he will always be a protector of their tribe. Getting him to meet with her cub increases her cub's survival as well, in case of the odd chance that none of her papas are near. Then there's also the tiny itsy flame in her heart of the many times she went after Vick... but now it's his turn. So yes, in a way it's harmony, while on the other hand it's maybe the pity pride in her bouncing off the walls of her brain and yelling with a big YES to Vick's turn to direct her attention? Only time will tell.

"Sanvi," Suki says as Tawa rubs his free hand on her cheek, ending with placing some of her strands behind her ear. He then gently hands the cub over to her. Nodding her head at her male in gratefulness, Suki then slowly walks over to the now intrigued hulking male. Tickling Sanvi's side to elicit laughter, with this Suki hopes that her cub would be less inclined to cry being so close to a scary looking Vick. Now five steps away, Suki turns Sanvi around so that she can get a clearer view of Vick.

"Sanvi dear, this is Vick."

The cub first appears to be staring at a tan broad chest then slowly her head inclines back, allll the way back, to finally looking at the male's chiseled face. Fortunately for Vick, Sanvi is used to males with wide muscular chests (ahum, her papa horse and papa bat) and she's also used to looking at somewhat scary expressions (aka her papa bat when he's grouchy...).

"Vish," whispers with curious eyes Sanvi as she again stares into the male's unfaltering eyes.

Fully aware of how scary he can appear to cubs, he attempts to smile. Smiling awkwardly that is. "Yes," he stoically confirms.

Now smiling brightly, the cub yells, "Vish!!" The cub then giggled at seeing that though the male maintained still, his round ears on the other hand stood straight up for a second then immediately fell backwards at the loud scream.

Yelling even more gleefully, the cub's hands reach out to him, surprising both her mother and her males.

Either my cub is a good judge of character or she's going to have a hard time surviving, thinks Suki as she smiles in disbelief yet also relieved at how her cub is clearly wanting to be near the battle-scar beastmen.

On the other side all of her males are thinking the same thing, Badrick. Because of Badrick's uncanny ferocious appearance when full on hungry ravenous beast mode, their dear cub is not afraid of anything.

If Badrick, who was sleeping by the way, present at this moment, he'd give a huge modern thumbs up at how their youngest is clever enough to use her cub face to lure in a predator bigger than herself and torture it to her glee. Of course, cub Sanvi isn't thinking any of that, instead what's going through her mind is the many stories her mama told her of growing up in this Tribe, including said Vish.

"Vish!" This time the cub whines and attempts to reach out to him.

About to cry because her mother had unexpectedly not moved forward to her wishes, the cub looks up at the bear beastmen and tilts her head in question, "Vish?"

Aware that her daughter was stumped as to why her desires weren't met, Suki glances at Vick in embarrassment and was about to reply to her cub about the unspoken rules when Vick stepped closer.

Lowering his head to her level, Vick gave the cub a quick smile, "Sanvi, it's my honor to meet you. My name is Vick and I have known your mom since she was a cub."

Blabbering, Sanvi attempted to place her hand near his cheek but he moved his head back. With his ears laid back Vick responded with the softest voice he could muster, "Sanvi, I'm not one of your papas so you can't freely touch me and I can't hug you either."

Unsure of what that meant, the cub responded with teary eyes, "no hug?"

Shaking his head, Vick repeated, "Not a papa, not family, so no hug."

Glancing at her trembling lips, Vick quickly added, "but in future maybe papa, then Vick can hug Sanvi."

To his response, Sanvi's eyes became bigger and she yell happily, "yesh, Vish will be papa!"

Meanwhile, Suki's face flushed all the more in embarrassment and inexplicable shyness as her traitorous innocent cub and clever bear beast made a pact of helping him to become one of her males sooner than what she had in mind.

Behind the three stood some feet away is Tawa with muscular arms crossed over his chest and a tick to his eyebrow, unconsciously emitting a bit of his beast pressure. Thus Radu and Leo lay flat out on the ground with their tails quivering at the unmerciful pressure. Tikvah and Adan, who are three stripes, are only slightly trembling at the pressure. Though, one is concerned for the other two's safety and the other is bewildered at the head male's display of jealousy. And finally then there's Keokuk who flew down to stand beside his partner, sighing into the back of his hand at how that beast was able to manipulate their precious cub to his plan. Meanwhile back at the den a supposedly snoring Badrick suddenly laughs huskily at the voices he heard coming from their cub and the quick-witted male. 

Author's Note:

I'm curious how you'd imagine their meeting to be like?

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