Chapter 3 La Finished Den

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Two nights have passed since I've stayed over at mama's place. On the third morning, my head male Tawa gave me the news that our den is now officially finished.

Riding on Tawa's beast form with giddiness, we slowly but surely walk to the top of a cliff where our den and the rest of our family were waiting with anticipation. Can't wait to see what they came up with! I mean, all of my males including myself are land beasts, some prefer darker places, two of us fly, and the other loves water.

The first sight seen is actually all of my males, except for Radu, standing in beast form in front of the den. Comically, Keokuk is standing on Leo's back with wide open wings. Beside them is a sleep deprived Badrick standing on Adan's back while trying to maintain the same pose. The difference though is that the raptor beast looks proud and mighty, while the bat beast appears as if he's trying to squirm away from the sun's bright rays yet bravely sacrificing his discomfort to hide whatever they've constructed.

Seeing me in person, Radu smiles brightly and quickly trots toward us. With a slight nod, he then gently helps me down from Tawa's back.

"It's great having you back to our den," says Radu as he nuzzles his face to my cheeks and curls his furry tail around my body.

Taking in Radu's citrus like scent, I nuzzle back into his arms.

Hearing a squawk, Tawa laughs, "come on Suki, before one of them ends up falling backwards."

Sure enough, looking back toward the rest of my males I spot Adan wagging his tail so much that Badrick is having an even harder time trying to regain his balance. As known, bats usually hang upside down, I don't believe bat beasts are any different. So yeah, this straight up pose must be utterly uncomfortable for him. Yet, how cute!

Trying not to laugh at how Keokuk is glaring at Adan's now trembling body and glancing suspiciously at Badrick's claws coming ever closer to his wing. With his advice, I've decided to walk forward with a huge beaming smile along with a bit of mischief in my eyes. "Our den must be quite bigger than it was for most of my males to form a wall around it."

Glancing at my males, I see them nod their head proudly at their work. Hmm let's play a bit shall we? "But what should I do? I really want to see our den, yet could it be that it's not ready?"

Crash, my ears twitch to something falling in our den.. Aha so that's where Tikvah's at.

Adan, not being able to wait anymore in anticipation begins to whimper yelp. On top of him, the bat beast screeches at him to stay still but it gives way to the opposite effect. Not being able to hold onto balance, Badrick sways backward with an absurd screech quickly morphs into his two legged self to end up hugging fiercely Adan's wolf beast form.

Letting out a petrified yelp, Adan breaks formation and runs away to later start rolling around the ground with a completely angered Badrick who is mercissley drinking the beast's blood. While they hug it out, Leo moves further away from the duo with spike furs and Keokuk decides to morph back into his two legged form sighing at the immature males.

Now, I know I should be worried about Adan and couldn't have foreseen for my naughty black belly Badrick to actually go for Adan's vein, but I know my Tava's got this. I mean he has to, giving him a side eye. 

"Keokuk, Radu, you know what to do... I'm going to be busy for a while."

Tawa then calmly trots toward them, then without warning stomps on the ground once while letting out a bit of his beast pressure. This hard core stomp, though most likely a soft stomp for him, had me lose my balance yet both Radu and Keokuk took hold of me to make sure I wouldn't fall.

"Hey, Suki, let's go see your den, yes?" comments Radu, as he leads me on the left towards our rather tall den.

"Oh wow!" I express my joy as I see that an additional floor or floors were made to our den. As I look over the exterior of our newly constructed den, way but wayyy behind us my ears twitch to the sound of two bodies being slammed into a body of water.. Well at least it wasn't trees, though in this weather maybe the trees would've been better...

Anyway, Leo's purrs behind me as he nuzzles his head at the side of my face. He then softly pushes me to the entrance while saying, "Suki, you're going to love your new sleeping room and the room where you can take a bath is amazing."

Excitedly we came up to the newer and wider door carefully placed at the entrance. "Would you like to claim it now?" asks Keokuk nervously as he observes my face. Instead of frowning, as he would expect since they most likely got rid of the original door, I instead smile because a new door means new beginnings. Besides, the old door, though fixed, was still cracking from Vick's last impulsive behavior.. Dang that felt long ago.

With what can be considered as a bear's purr, the nails morph into claws and with this I slashed long and secured lines on the door. This den is now officially mine.

After marking my den, the door opens to a shy blushing Tikvah, "sorry for making you wait Suki, but yeah, uh..."

Seeing him squirm shyly, I giggle at the cuteness of my most socially awkward male. Immediately hugging a now embarrassed Tikvah, he finishes his sentence with a whisper into my hair, "your rooms are ready."

Ohhh, feeling a shiver go through instead, I huskily reply back, "rooms for what my dear..".

Needless to say, Tikvah and one of my other males were the lucky ones who ended up spending the romantic night with me. It was only the next day where I got to officially walk toward the other rooms located on the first, second, and yes, third floor! According to my males the second floor would be given to our future cubs. And the third would be for Badrick and Keokuk whenever they would want to stay in their beast form and fly easily in and out of the den (hence the huge presently covered window placed up there). As for the bath, well let's just say Sheila's latest idea came as a complete joy for me and to Tikvah... an actual humongous king style bathtub.

—- Author's Note —-

It's been a while since the first book came out so I'll be listing character descriptions below. SPOILERS to those who haven't read Reborn Into The Beast World.

Suki: The MC, half-female black bear beastmen, black wavy hair and olive skin.

Her Males.....

Radu: Skunk beastmen, black hair with two prominent white stripes on his hair, pale skin, purple eyes. Two stripes. Cunning, naughty... good at strategizing.

Leo: Leopard beastmen, short sandy curly hair, grey eyes, tanned. Two stripes. He's an innocent child-like personality who tends to use sarcasm.

Adan: Wolf beastmen. Straight light dark toffee blonde hair. Left eye is blind due to an attack. Right eye is a steel blue color. Has a serious personality, yet worrywart and absolutely desires to be around Suki. Three stripes.

Wyatt: Dark Brown Bear Beastmen, jade green eyes, dark brown hair, two marks. Was head male. Deceased...

Tikvah: crocodile beastmen. He's albino, pale skin, long braided white hair, clear light blue eyes. Three marks. Socially awkward and friendly to the family (think house hubby but with unmerciful attack to enemies).

Badrick: Bat Beastmen, dark brown skin, black medium length hair, golden eyes. Three marks going close to achieving four marks. He can be naughty, manipulative, tough, yet like all the other males, adores Suki.

Keokuk: Raptor Beastmen, dark brown shaggy hair, honey colored eyes. Currently still figuring out his personality.. Four marks and Tawa's pair in the hunt from their original village.

Tawa: Red Horse beastmen with black stockings, black hair, light goatee, dark brown eyes. Four marks. So far serious personality and currently head male.

Read for FREE only in W A T T P A D. Originally published in October 2023, updated on July 26 2023.

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